This presentation explains about problems with conventional way of deploying microservice architecture. It also explains how do Docker + Mesos + Marathon help overcoming those problems in addition to few out of the box advantages that come along.
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Microservices infrastructure using docker + mesos + marathon
4. Problems with conventional methods
Non OS specific artifacts
Manual tagging/versioning and retrieving/accessing of artifacts
Not straightforward to mimic an environment locally
Scaling not very seamless
Non-optimum resource utilization
Complex fault tolerance and auto healing
Log and status checking, debugging cumbersome
Separate setup for monitoring
5. Problems with conventional methods
Non OS specific artifacts
Manual tagging/versioning and retrieving/accessing of artifacts
Not straightforward to mimic an environment locally
6. Problems with conventional methods
Non-optimum resource utilization
No out of the box task level isolation
Cant reschedule tasks at runtime
All environments handled similarly
7. Problems with conventional methods
Scaling not very seamless
Complex fault tolerance and auto healing
Separate setup for monitoring
Log and status checking, debugging cumbersome
Deployment &
9. Docker Features
OS specific images
Tagged images
Eases local setup
Easy debugging of services (Kitematic)
Enables easy mimicking of an environment locally
Secure docker registry
Availability of all standard packages
Common interface for both dev and ops
10. Problems with conventional methods
Non OS specific artifacts
Manual tagging/versioning and retrieving/accessing of artifacts
Not straightforward to mimic an environment locally
11. Mesos Features
Resource isolation for tasks
Efficient scheduling
Running different maturity applications(dev, test, prod)
Support for different kinds of workloads
Web UI for monitoring
Run time scheduling
12. Problems with conventional methods
Non-optimum resource utilization
No out of box task level isolation
Cant reschedule tasks at runtime
All environments handled similarly
13. Marathon Features
Application groups and dependencies
Progressive rollouts
High availability and zero downtime
Easy scaling
Simple but powerful UI
Failure handling
Monitoring and healing
14. Problems with conventional methods
Scaling not very seamless
Complex fault tolerance and auto healing
Separate setup for monitoring
Log and status checking, debugging cumbersome
Deployment &
15. Build: Microservices System Using Docker
#3: Using an example explain how it can be designed in a monolithic architecture and then microservices architecture.
#4: Rename slide? Creating and deploying a service
#5: Animation:
List all these problems first...and then in animation show them segregated by build and deploy related problems
Segregate these problems at build, resource availability/performance and orchestration levels
Non-optimum resource utlization - complex and involved task to make it happen in conventional way (in comparison to out of the box) - read resouce-utlization and preemption points
#6: Animation:
List all these problems first...and then in animation show them segregated by build and deploy related problems
Segregate these problems at build, resource availability/performance and orchestration levels
Non-optimum resource utlization - complex and involved task to make it happen in conventional way (in comparison to out of the box) - read resouce-utlization and preemption points
#7: Animation:
List all these problems first...and then in animation show them segregated by build and deploy related problems
Segregate these problems at build, resource availability/performance and orchestration levels
Non-optimum resource utlization - complex and involved task to make it happen in conventional way (in comparison to out of the box) - read resouce-utlization and preemption points
#8: Animation:
List all these problems first...and then in animation show them segregated by build and deploy related problems
Segregate these problems at build, resource availability/performance and orchestration levels
Non-optimum resource utlization - complex and involved task to make it happen in conventional way (in comparison to out of the box) - read resouce-utlization and preemption points
#10: -----------------
Create animation for this slide and explain the following:
What is docker
Why docker? Advantages
Create private repository if security is the concern, pull and keep the images there
What does docker registry provides build history mean?
Do you want to add these?
Easy on-boarding
#11: Animation:
List all these problems first...and then in animation show them segregated by build and deploy related problems
Segregate these problems at build, resource availability/performance and orchestration levels
Non-optimum resource utlization - complex and involved task to make it happen in conventional way (in comparison to out of the box) - read resouce-utlization and preemption points