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Ateequr Rahman
Mobile: + 91- 8080810778 E-Mail: rahmanateeq6@gmail.com
Professional Profile:-
 Working as a QA in ANMSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. From March 2012 till date.
 Worked as a Site Engineer in NU TEK (I) Pvt. Ltd From May 2006  Jan 2012
Work Experience:
 Having 3+ years of experience in Software Testing.
 Having 3 years of experience in Site Engineer
 Proficient in Manual testing.
 Having Good knowledge on SDLC&STLC.
 Expertise in enumerating Test Scenarios with utmost coverage based on different
requirement documents like SRS, FRS, Check lists.
 Expertise in creating Test cases with utmost coverage based on the Test Scenarios.
 Expertise in setting up Test Environments and Test Data preparation.
 Expertise in executing various complex Test scenarios and Test cases prepared on
and by other authors
 Expertise on various major types of Testing like Functional, System Testing,
Regression testing, Ad-hoc Testing, Smoke testing and Exploratory Testing
 Proficient in Bug Life Cycle.
 Expertise in using bug tracking tool Bugzilla.
 Actively involved and proficient in Peer reviews, walk-through and Review
meetings conducted during major Test phases.
 Strong analytical, communication skills & inter-personal skills.
 Comfort in working as an Individual and Active Team Player
Technical Skill Set :-
 Operating Systems : Windows XP, Windows 7.
 MS Office : MS Word, MS Excel.
 Browsers : IE 7 ,8,9 &10 Google Chrome, Firefox .Opera,Safari
 Bug Tracking Tool : Bugzilla.
Projects Handled:-
Project #1 Bata bata.in APPLICATION
Role : Software Test Engineer
Testing Approach : Manual.
Environment : JAVA
Domain : e- commerce
This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for
various products through various different payment modes. E commerce
platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also
consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get
reflected onto the front end. Also user can install the APP on Android Or I-Phone &
can buy online.
Roles & Responsibilities:-
 Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents.
 Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents.
 Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering.
 Actively involved in reviewing the test cases.
 Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed
 Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
 Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status
 Performed testing on responsive site.
 Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application.
Project #2 Ferns & Petals fnp.com (Current Project) Including Mobile Wap &
Role : Software Test Engineer
Testing Approach : Manual.
Environment : JAVA
Domain : e- commerce
This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for
various products through various different payment modes. E commerce
platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also
consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get
reflected onto the front end. Also user can install the APP on Android Or I-Phone &
can buy online.
Roles & Responsibilities:-
 Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents.
 Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents.
 Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering.
 Actively involved in reviewing the test cases.
 Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed
 Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
 Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status
 Performed testing on responsive site.
 Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application.
Project # 3 Kotak Mahindra Bank http://www.kotak.com/
Role : Software Test Engineer
Testing Approach : Manual,
Environment : Java
Domain : Banking
Description This product is based on Banking & Finance platform where user is able to
apply new credit cart, view his Account details & redeem his Loyality & Reward points. The
user can pay his Monthly bills Like Electricty, Mobile Etc.
Roles & Responsibilities:-
 Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents.
 Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents.
 Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering.
 Actively involved in reviewing the test cases.
 Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed
 Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
 Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status
 Performed testing on responsive site.
 Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application.
Project # 4 Mom&Me momandmeshop.in
Role : Software Test Engineer
Testing Approach : Manual,
Environment : Java
Domain : e- commerce
Description This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop
online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce
platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of
backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the
front end.
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Prepared System Test Scenarios using the Requirement/ Functional Specification
 Set up the Test Environment and Test Data.
 Executed the Test Cases and filed the Test Results.
 Prepared Test Reports and Bug Reports.
 Coordinated with the Developers to get the defect fixed from testing end.
 Tracked the defects in the Bug Tracking Tool.
 Performed Defect Retesting and updated the reports.
 Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
PROJECT #5 : Major Brands majorbrands.com
Role : Software Test Engineer.
Testing Approach : Manual.
Technologies : JAVA, MySql.
Domain : e- commerce
Description This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop
online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce
platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of
backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the
front end.
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Involved in understanding the requirements.
 Involved in understanding the Test Cases and Test Environment.
 Involved in Test Execution.
 Involved in Test Case updating.
 Performed Functionality testing, and Defect Re-Testing.
 Reported the defects in the Bug Tracking Tool.
 Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
 Involved in Weekly Status meeting.
 B.Com From KC College Mumbai University
 Diploma In Software Testing with HP (QTP & Selenium)

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  • 1. Ateequr Rahman Mobile: + 91- 8080810778 E-Mail: rahmanateeq6@gmail.com Professional Profile:- Working as a QA in ANMSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. From March 2012 till date. Worked as a Site Engineer in NU TEK (I) Pvt. Ltd From May 2006 Jan 2012 Work Experience: Having 3+ years of experience in Software Testing. Having 3 years of experience in Site Engineer Proficient in Manual testing. Having Good knowledge on SDLC&STLC. Expertise in enumerating Test Scenarios with utmost coverage based on different requirement documents like SRS, FRS, Check lists. Expertise in creating Test cases with utmost coverage based on the Test Scenarios. Expertise in setting up Test Environments and Test Data preparation. Expertise in executing various complex Test scenarios and Test cases prepared on own and by other authors Expertise on various major types of Testing like Functional, System Testing, Regression testing, Ad-hoc Testing, Smoke testing and Exploratory Testing Proficient in Bug Life Cycle. Expertise in using bug tracking tool Bugzilla. Actively involved and proficient in Peer reviews, walk-through and Review meetings conducted during major Test phases. Strong analytical, communication skills & inter-personal skills. Comfort in working as an Individual and Active Team Player Technical Skill Set :- Operating Systems : Windows XP, Windows 7. MS Office : MS Word, MS Excel. Browsers : IE 7 ,8,9 &10 Google Chrome, Firefox .Opera,Safari Bug Tracking Tool : Bugzilla. Projects Handled:- Project #1 Bata bata.in APPLICATION Role : Software Test Engineer Testing Approach : Manual.
  • 2. Environment : JAVA Domain : e- commerce Description:- This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the front end. Also user can install the APP on Android Or I-Phone & can buy online. Roles & Responsibilities:- Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents. Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents. Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering. Actively involved in reviewing the test cases. Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed Reported daily status to the Team Lead. Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status Performed testing on responsive site. Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application. Project #2 Ferns & Petals fnp.com (Current Project) Including Mobile Wap & APP. Role : Software Test Engineer Testing Approach : Manual. Environment : JAVA Domain : e- commerce Description:- This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the front end. Also user can install the APP on Android Or I-Phone & can buy online. Roles & Responsibilities:- Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents. Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents. Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering. Actively involved in reviewing the test cases. Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed Reported daily status to the Team Lead.
  • 3. Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status Performed testing on responsive site. Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application. Project # 3 Kotak Mahindra Bank http://www.kotak.com/ Role : Software Test Engineer Testing Approach : Manual, Environment : Java Domain : Banking Description This product is based on Banking & Finance platform where user is able to apply new credit cart, view his Account details & redeem his Loyality & Reward points. The user can pay his Monthly bills Like Electricty, Mobile Etc. Roles & Responsibilities:- Analysing and understanding the requirements through Requirement documents. Enumerated Test Scenarios and Test Cases based on the requirement documents. Performed Manual Testing in all major phases of Test Engineering. Actively involved in reviewing the test cases. Follow-up With the developer to get the defect fixed Reported daily status to the Team Lead. Actively involved in Project Status meetings and projected the Testing status Performed testing on responsive site. Performed testing on Web Based Mobile Application. Project # 4 Mom&Me momandmeshop.in Role : Software Test Engineer Testing Approach : Manual, Environment : Java Domain : e- commerce Description This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the front end. Roles & Responsibilities: Prepared System Test Scenarios using the Requirement/ Functional Specification Set up the Test Environment and Test Data. Executed the Test Cases and filed the Test Results. Prepared Test Reports and Bug Reports.
  • 4. Coordinated with the Developers to get the defect fixed from testing end. Tracked the defects in the Bug Tracking Tool. Performed Defect Retesting and updated the reports. Reported daily status to the Team Lead. PROJECT #5 : Major Brands majorbrands.com Role : Software Test Engineer. Testing Approach : Manual. Technologies : JAVA, MySql. Domain : e- commerce Description This product is based on e- commerce platform where user is able to shop online for various products through various different payment modes. E commerce platform product consists of front end where products will be visible and it also consists of backend where products can be uploaded directly which will then get reflected onto the front end. Roles & Responsibilities: Involved in understanding the requirements. Involved in understanding the Test Cases and Test Environment. Involved in Test Execution. Involved in Test Case updating. Performed Functionality testing, and Defect Re-Testing. Reported the defects in the Bug Tracking Tool. Reported daily status to the Team Lead. Involved in Weekly Status meeting. Qualification B.Com From KC College Mumbai University Diploma In Software Testing with HP (QTP & Selenium)