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Consumer Research
23rd July 2009

    The Avocado industry is carrying out consumer research in 2009 in order to:
      Review Avocado Usage & Attitude (initially surveyed in 2005)
      Measure the impact of the morphing campaign so far. In terms of
        awareness and comprehension, as well as changes in consumption patterns
      Provide direction for future marketing and communication strategies

    Three linked stages of research are to be undertaken:
     1. On line quantitative survey among 1000 main grocery buyers across Australia
     2. Four x 2 hour focus groups among those who eat / serve Avocados at least
        monthly  to explore the key quantitative findings
     3. Five x 2 hour focus groups amongst light-medium users, evaluating future
        communication platforms

    The following charts address findings from the first two stages of research

Triggers & Barriers to Avocado purchase

                          Purchase triggers:
                 Reasons for buying Avocados last time
                                                             2005 U&A                     2009 U&A (This survey)
        The Avocados were at a really good price                                           41
The Avocados looked really good quality that day                                      35
                     I just felt like Avocados that day                             31
     I had planned to buy an Avocado for a specific                                29
                dish / meal I was making                                           28
        The Avocados were in season / really ripe                             23
                                                                                                The top trigger to purchase is
          They are just a regular grocery purchase                              27
                                                                              23                a good price. Note the GFC
                                                                             20                 induced sensitivity
      A family member requested I buy Avocados                          14
                                                                                                Many triggers clearly indicate
                                                                   2                            the importance of quality and
     Prompted to buy from seeing an Avocado ad                     1
                                                                                                presentation for avocados
                                       Other (SPECIFY)              2
                                         Cant remember            2

        2005 Survey: Q19. 2009 Survey: Q21
 4      Base: All who ever buy Avocados (2005 = 899, 2009 = 854)
                Prompted purchase barriers:
         Reasons for not buying Avocados more often
                                                           2005 U&A                    2009 U&A (This survey)

                                       Too expensive                             40
           Not everyone in the house likes them                                  38
                            Difficult to keep / store               20
                                                                                   There are now fewer barriers
                               Quality is often poor               17
                                                                   18                 to buying Avocados!
I dont have enough ideas / recipes to use them                        25
   I have had too many problems with ripeness                      17                  In 2005 respondents gave an
                                                              10                      average of 2.3 reasons for not
    I dont think they are very interesting / tasty           11
                                                                                       buying Avocados more often
I think of them as a special occasion fruit / veg                  17
                                                              10                 In 2009 that fell to just 1.8 reasons
             Avocados are not readily available               9
          We eat them nearly everyday already                    15              Lack of recipe ideas is a barrier for
                                                                12               significantly fewer respondents now
                                        Too fattening       6
                                                                                   vs 2005, while cost has become
                                                   Other     8
                                                                12                     more of an issue in 2009

        2005 Survey: Q31 / 2009 Survey: Q36
   5    Base: All MGB (2005 = 1000, 2009 = 1015)
                       In 2009, our consumers have
                       become more price conscious
      They talked confidently of the typical price they pay for Avocados, whats a good
      deal and where to get it!
      They also noted frequent fluctuations on a week-by-week, or even day-by-day
          One day they were $1.40, the next day they were $2.20. They cant have changed the
           whole batch over night?
      And appeared to have devised ways of finding a good price for Avocados!

           1. Buying up at a good price
                       I rarely buy individually, unless its an emergency. A bucket
                       has maybe 5 in it and its $3-4 a bucket. I only buy a bucket

           2. Delaying the purchase when the price is high
                       When they went down to 89c at the fruit mart I went mad!

           3. Shopping around
                       With several supermarkets / grocers often in the same mall,
                       some will visit more than one store to get the best deal


  However the broader perception, is that despite
the GFC, avocados are becoming more affordable
      Most felt the price of Avocados had probably fallen over the last decade, although
      this wasnt as obvious over the most recent couple of years

      And whilst these light  medium buyers were feeling more price conscious in general,
      they were keen to limit the impact on their Avocado purchases
          Some were cutting back on other grocery items, rather than Avocados
          Especially more expensive packaged & snack foods
          I may spend less on some things, but Avocados are a part of your diet ~
           a big vitamin tablet

      Although this varied by buyer segment  for example, the SINK / DINKs were more
      likely to report that the GFC was restricting their usage.
          I dont have to have them.so I only get them if they are at a good price

                Buying Avocados is still
     something of a minefield (consistent with 2005)

       Across all the groups we constantly hear language that reflects the lack of
       predictability they find in choosing Avocados

                                                   Its hit & miss
            You take a risk
                                     Its a gamble
                  Its pot luck                               Its luck of the draw

       This was based upon estimating ripeness
            Sometimes I think its ripe, but when I cut in to it, I was wrong!
            I think its an art you need to learn
       And judging quality
            avocados dont give away what they're like inside (like other fruits)
            and you know the time you really need one, it will be stringy or brown

                             Ripeness is perhaps
                            the greatest challenge
       Many mentioned that they often find the Avocados rock hard in the stores
            Some will still purchase them, expecting them to ripen
            Others will not, knowing that when they have purchased hard Avocados in the past, they
            have not ripened

       When they do buy hard Avocados and need to ripen them for a few days, most
       have to employ special ripening tactics
            In a paper bag (in the microwave!), next to bananas, on the window ledge
            But there is always the risk that they will forget about it, and then it will be past a usable

       In a few cases respondents were finding over-ripe, or mushy Avocados in store,
       and consequently not making a purchase

       Whilst Quality issues also remain.
           We heard complaints of brown patches / bruising, stringiness, stones under the skin,
            bland taste or lack of creaminess

ON LINE SURVEY              Eg  the number of Avocados
                             thrown away in last month
                                                               2005 U&A              2009 U&A (This survey)


        Half or less

                                       7                         41% have thrown away at least some
  Half to whole one                                            Avocado in the last month. This increases among
                                                                             Respondents aged 25-34 (52%)
                                         8                                            Families (47%)
                                                               While respondents are now using Avocados in a
                               1                                    greater variety of ways, this has not yet
                      3+                                           transferred into significantly less wastage

      2005 Survey: Q22 / 2009 Survey: Q27
 10   Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2005 = 753, 2009 = 703)

      Despite these problems, we see a surprisingly
                   level of acceptance!
        While respondents did spend considerable time complaining about ripeness and
        quality, there appeared to be relatively little frustration

        This acceptance was often explained by the nature of the Avocado
              Its a natural fruit ~ Thus it will get bruises, be inconsistent
              Its probably out of season ~ So they are probably imported?

        Indeed, if anyone gets the blame, it tends to be the supermarkets
              Most supermarkets keep then in fridges for nine months before putting them on shelf

        Ripeness / quality appears to be as much of a problem as in 2005, but many
        now have ways to deal with this (how to ripen, how to store, how to find a good
        Avocado at a good price), or they are just more selective


       Estimated frequency of buying whole Avocados
                  Once a week or more often                                      27                 High

                                 Once a fortnight                                 28               Medium

                                            Monthly                      16                          Low

                       Once every 1-3 months                       10                                Very
                      Only 2 or 3 times a year                 6

         Less often, but I have bought them                    5
Have bought in the past, but don't buy them
                   now                                                        2009 U&A (This
                                                                              survey - refield)
                              Have never bought                    9                                Never

       2005 Survey: Q11. 2009 Survey: Q13. 2009 data based on re-field
  12   Base: All MGB (2005 = 1000, 2009 = 529)
Estimated number of Avocados bought in last month
            (amongst all who buy now)

        Not in the last                       16                        2005 U&A
           month                             14
                                                                        2009 U&A (Re-field)
                                          10                                     An increase in participation
                                                                                 And notable increases in the
                       Two                                                       substantial Light - Medium
                                                                                 user groups

                                                                                   However, we did see a
                Seven or                     15                                    fall in the proportion of
                 more                      11                                      our Heaviest (7+) users.

      2005 Survey: Q13. 2009 Survey: Q15. 2009 data based on re-field
 13   Base: All who ever buy Avocados (2005 = 899, 2009 = 472)
Avocado usage


                                        Who eats Avocados?
      The table below shows the proportion of each age group across all households
      who eat Avocados
                                                               2009 U&A (This survey)

      Any children (under 17)                                  34

              Children under 5                                   37                       About a third of children
                                                                                          eat Avocados. However
                  Children 6-11                           28                            this falls between the ages
                                                                                         of 6-11 (the picky years?)
                Children 12-17                                        43

                   Adults 19-29                                              62

                   Adults 30-39                                                   69
                                                                                         Consumption across adult
                                                                                             age brackets is
                   Adults 40-49                                                   69      remarkably consistent
                   Adults 50-59                                                   70

                      Adults 60+                                                  71

       2009 Survey: Q10
 15    Base: All MGB (Base sizes min 220 household members per age group)
                          When last Avocado was eaten?
                    Avocados are eaten throughout the week (with a slight peak on
                   Saturday). They are mainly eaten at a lunchtime or evening meal

                  Day of the week                                                    Time of day
       Monday             11                                               Early hours of morning
                                                                               (12am - 6am)
      Tuesday             10

   Wednesday                14                                              Breakfast (6am-9am)        7

      Thursday              13
                                                                           Morning (9am - 12pm)       4
         Friday             13

                                                                             Lunchtime (12-2pm)             44
      Saturday                     25

       Sunday                                                               Afternoon (2pm-5pm)       6

                                                                         Early evening (5pm-8pm)           37
  Any midweek                                            61

  Any weekend                              39                            Late evening (8pm-12am)   3

      2009 Survey: Q23 / Q24
 16   Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2009 = 703)

             Well suited to entertaining, but slowly
             becoming a more regular family food
        In past research respondents often had a lingering perception of Avocado being
        just for entertaining or for special occasions

        In these groups, many respondents increasingly considered avocados to be an
        everyday part of their meals and snacks
              It is certainly not saved for special occasions or guests

        Many were habitually purchasing Avocado as part of their grocery shop,
        knowing that it would be eaten in the general course of the week

        Only some of the lighter users were limited to planned purchases, with specific
        meals or occasions in mind

               Avocado is often the star
       of the dish, or at least a valuable co-star!

         Its the bit they look forward to!
         Its a treat ~ they particularly enjoy the creamy, smooth texture
         Its adds the wow and the yum (to salads especially)
         In some cases its the whole point of the dish!

      In Avocados absence?
        In salads other substantial / filling ingredients can be used, e.g. egg, feta, tuna
        In sandwiches butter or cream cheese were used by some for lubricant / binding
        But for many Avocado dishes, they struggled to identify an ingredient which
        could fulfill its role
        They simply go without, but enjoy the dish less/ change the nature of the dish

The ways Avocado was used in the last month

                                                        2005 U&A                  2009 U&A (This survey - refield)
                                               In a salad                                                    74
     As a spread in a sandwich (cold or toasted)                                                        66
        Sliced up in a sandwich (cold or toasted)                                                 55
 Made into a dip e.g. guacamole, layered dip                                                 41
              Eaten on its own (e.g. with a spoon)                                          39
                           On crackers / crisp bread                                   33
                                             On nachos                            28
 In / with Burritos/tacos or other Mexican dish                           17
                     On a platter with other nibbles                         22
                                       Made into Sushi                    16
                                                                         15              Still dominated by its role as the
                    With prawns / seafood cocktail                     12              star of the salad, and as a spread
                              In a risotto / pasta dish             7                   / ingredient in sandwiches & rolls
                                    On a baked potato               8
                        In a drink / smoothie / soup             3
                                                     Other       35

       2005 Survey: Q20 / 2009 Survey: Q25 . 2009 data based on re-field
19     Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2005 = 753, 2009 = 405)

      Avocados role increasingly spans all three areas

                            Adds interest
                                                                Everyday treat

                         Social                         Emotional
               Special                                            Anticipated

                                         Functional         creamy)
                               Nutty                                       Often two or more
                               flavour           Subtle /                  factors operate on
                                                 delicate                  any given occasion


Advertising awareness and evaluation

Avocado Advertising review:
                         The key measures

                                                            Total   Core target
                                                          sample     audience#

        Spontaneous awareness                                9%            7%
        Prompted awareness                                  26%           26%
        Prompted recognition                                18%           22%
        Primary prompted message take out (versatility)     98%           90%
        Secondary prompted message take out (health)        49%           51%
        Likeability of campaign
          Fans                                             34%           44%
          Ambivalents                                      64%           56%
          Critics                                           2%            1%

     # Urban   / suburban females aged 25-39

Ways Avocado used in the last month
 by whether they have seen Avocado advertising
             Those who have seen the Avocado advertising are significantly more likely
                  to have used Avocado in the following ways in the last month

 As a spread in a cold                                                                           59
      sandwich                                                                      49

         In a pasta dish                                               Those who had seen Avocado advertising
                                                                     had used Avocados in 5.5 ways on average in
                                                  11                                the last month.
               On a pizza
                                      4                              Those who had not seen the advertising had
                                                                       used Avocados in only 4.2 different ways.
          On bruschetta
                                      3                               However, we must recognise heavy users of a
                                                                     product are more likely to notice advertising for
 In a drink / smoothie                                                       that product in the first place!

                                          5                 Seen any Avocado advertising
              In a risotto
                                  1                         Not seen any Avocado advertising

     2009 Survey: Q25
23   Base: All who have seen Avocado advertising (156) / All who hadnt seen advertising (590)
2 Ridge Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060


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Rob Mason

  • 2. Background The Avocado industry is carrying out consumer research in 2009 in order to: Review Avocado Usage & Attitude (initially surveyed in 2005) Measure the impact of the morphing campaign so far. In terms of awareness and comprehension, as well as changes in consumption patterns Provide direction for future marketing and communication strategies Three linked stages of research are to be undertaken: 1. On line quantitative survey among 1000 main grocery buyers across Australia 2. Four x 2 hour focus groups among those who eat / serve Avocados at least monthly to explore the key quantitative findings 3. Five x 2 hour focus groups amongst light-medium users, evaluating future communication platforms The following charts address findings from the first two stages of research 2
  • 3. Triggers & Barriers to Avocado purchase 3
  • 4. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY Purchase triggers: Reasons for buying Avocados last time 2005 U&A 2009 U&A (This survey) 33 The Avocados were at a really good price 41 33 The Avocados looked really good quality that day 35 33 I just felt like Avocados that day 31 I had planned to buy an Avocado for a specific 29 dish / meal I was making 28 21 The Avocados were in season / really ripe 23 The top trigger to purchase is They are just a regular grocery purchase 27 23 a good price. Note the GFC 20 induced sensitivity A family member requested I buy Avocados 14 Many triggers clearly indicate 2 the importance of quality and Prompted to buy from seeing an Avocado ad 1 0 presentation for avocados Other (SPECIFY) 2 1 Cant remember 2 2005 Survey: Q19. 2009 Survey: Q21 4 Base: All who ever buy Avocados (2005 = 899, 2009 = 854)
  • 5. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY Prompted purchase barriers: Reasons for not buying Avocados more often 2005 U&A 2009 U&A (This survey) Too expensive 40 47 Not everyone in the house likes them 38 32 Difficult to keep / store 20 19 There are now fewer barriers Quality is often poor 17 18 to buying Avocados! I dont have enough ideas / recipes to use them 25 18 I have had too many problems with ripeness 17 In 2005 respondents gave an 17 10 average of 2.3 reasons for not I dont think they are very interesting / tasty 11 buying Avocados more often I think of them as a special occasion fruit / veg 17 10 In 2009 that fell to just 1.8 reasons Avocados are not readily available 9 10 We eat them nearly everyday already 15 Lack of recipe ideas is a barrier for 7 12 significantly fewer respondents now Too fattening 6 vs 2005, while cost has become Other 8 12 more of an issue in 2009 2005 Survey: Q31 / 2009 Survey: Q36 5 Base: All MGB (2005 = 1000, 2009 = 1015)
  • 6. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS In 2009, our consumers have become more price conscious They talked confidently of the typical price they pay for Avocados, whats a good deal and where to get it! They also noted frequent fluctuations on a week-by-week, or even day-by-day basis One day they were $1.40, the next day they were $2.20. They cant have changed the whole batch over night? And appeared to have devised ways of finding a good price for Avocados! 1. Buying up at a good price I rarely buy individually, unless its an emergency. A bucket has maybe 5 in it and its $3-4 a bucket. I only buy a bucket 2. Delaying the purchase when the price is high When they went down to 89c at the fruit mart I went mad! 3. Shopping around With several supermarkets / grocers often in the same mall, some will visit more than one store to get the best deal 6
  • 7. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS However the broader perception, is that despite the GFC, avocados are becoming more affordable Most felt the price of Avocados had probably fallen over the last decade, although this wasnt as obvious over the most recent couple of years And whilst these light medium buyers were feeling more price conscious in general, they were keen to limit the impact on their Avocado purchases Some were cutting back on other grocery items, rather than Avocados Especially more expensive packaged & snack foods I may spend less on some things, but Avocados are a part of your diet ~ a big vitamin tablet Although this varied by buyer segment for example, the SINK / DINKs were more likely to report that the GFC was restricting their usage. I dont have to have them.so I only get them if they are at a good price 7
  • 8. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Buying Avocados is still something of a minefield (consistent with 2005) Across all the groups we constantly hear language that reflects the lack of predictability they find in choosing Avocados Its hit & miss You take a risk Its a gamble Its pot luck Its luck of the draw This was based upon estimating ripeness Sometimes I think its ripe, but when I cut in to it, I was wrong! I think its an art you need to learn And judging quality avocados dont give away what they're like inside (like other fruits) and you know the time you really need one, it will be stringy or brown 8
  • 9. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Ripeness is perhaps the greatest challenge Many mentioned that they often find the Avocados rock hard in the stores Some will still purchase them, expecting them to ripen Others will not, knowing that when they have purchased hard Avocados in the past, they have not ripened When they do buy hard Avocados and need to ripen them for a few days, most have to employ special ripening tactics In a paper bag (in the microwave!), next to bananas, on the window ledge But there is always the risk that they will forget about it, and then it will be past a usable state! In a few cases respondents were finding over-ripe, or mushy Avocados in store, and consequently not making a purchase Whilst Quality issues also remain. We heard complaints of brown patches / bruising, stringiness, stones under the skin, bland taste or lack of creaminess 9
  • 10. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY Eg the number of Avocados thrown away in last month 2005 U&A 2009 U&A (This survey) 63 None 59 20 Half or less 23 7 41% have thrown away at least some Half to whole one Avocado in the last month. This increases among 9 Respondents aged 25-34 (52%) 8 Families (47%) 1-2 8 While respondents are now using Avocados in a 1 greater variety of ways, this has not yet 3+ transferred into significantly less wastage 1 2005 Survey: Q22 / 2009 Survey: Q27 10 Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2005 = 753, 2009 = 703)
  • 11. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Despite these problems, we see a surprisingly level of acceptance! While respondents did spend considerable time complaining about ripeness and quality, there appeared to be relatively little frustration This acceptance was often explained by the nature of the Avocado Its a natural fruit ~ Thus it will get bruises, be inconsistent Its probably out of season ~ So they are probably imported? Indeed, if anyone gets the blame, it tends to be the supermarkets Most supermarkets keep then in fridges for nine months before putting them on shelf Ripeness / quality appears to be as much of a problem as in 2005, but many now have ways to deal with this (how to ripen, how to store, how to find a good Avocado at a good price), or they are just more selective 11
  • 12. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY Estimated frequency of buying whole Avocados Once a week or more often 27 High Once a fortnight 28 Medium Monthly 16 Low Once every 1-3 months 10 Very occasional Only 2 or 3 times a year 6 Less often, but I have bought them 5 Lapsed Have bought in the past, but don't buy them 2 now 2009 U&A (This survey - refield) Have never bought 9 Never 2005 Survey: Q11. 2009 Survey: Q13. 2009 data based on re-field 12 Base: All MGB (2005 = 1000, 2009 = 529)
  • 13. Estimated number of Avocados bought in last month (amongst all who buy now) Not in the last 16 2005 U&A month 14 2009 U&A (Re-field) 10 One 10 An increase in participation And notable increases in the 16 Two substantial Light - Medium 20 user groups 27 Three-four 31 15 Five-six 15 However, we did see a Seven or 15 fall in the proportion of more 11 our Heaviest (7+) users. 2005 Survey: Q13. 2009 Survey: Q15. 2009 data based on re-field 13 Base: All who ever buy Avocados (2005 = 899, 2009 = 472)
  • 15. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY Who eats Avocados? The table below shows the proportion of each age group across all households who eat Avocados 2009 U&A (This survey) Any children (under 17) 34 Children under 5 37 About a third of children eat Avocados. However Children 6-11 28 this falls between the ages of 6-11 (the picky years?) Children 12-17 43 Adults 19-29 62 Adults 30-39 69 Consumption across adult age brackets is Adults 40-49 69 remarkably consistent Adults 50-59 70 Adults 60+ 71 2009 Survey: Q10 15 Base: All MGB (Base sizes min 220 household members per age group)
  • 16. QUANT ON LINE SURVEY When last Avocado was eaten? Avocados are eaten throughout the week (with a slight peak on Saturday). They are mainly eaten at a lunchtime or evening meal Day of the week Time of day Monday 11 Early hours of morning 0 (12am - 6am) Tuesday 10 Wednesday 14 Breakfast (6am-9am) 7 Thursday 13 Morning (9am - 12pm) 4 Friday 13 Lunchtime (12-2pm) 44 Saturday 25 Sunday Afternoon (2pm-5pm) 6 14 Early evening (5pm-8pm) 37 Any midweek 61 Any weekend 39 Late evening (8pm-12am) 3 2009 Survey: Q23 / Q24 16 Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2009 = 703)
  • 17. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Well suited to entertaining, but slowly becoming a more regular family food In past research respondents often had a lingering perception of Avocado being just for entertaining or for special occasions In these groups, many respondents increasingly considered avocados to be an everyday part of their meals and snacks It is certainly not saved for special occasions or guests Many were habitually purchasing Avocado as part of their grocery shop, knowing that it would be eaten in the general course of the week Only some of the lighter users were limited to planned purchases, with specific meals or occasions in mind 17
  • 18. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Avocado is often the star of the dish, or at least a valuable co-star! Its the bit they look forward to! Its a treat ~ they particularly enjoy the creamy, smooth texture Its adds the wow and the yum (to salads especially) In some cases its the whole point of the dish! In Avocados absence? In salads other substantial / filling ingredients can be used, e.g. egg, feta, tuna In sandwiches butter or cream cheese were used by some for lubricant / binding But for many Avocado dishes, they struggled to identify an ingredient which could fulfill its role They simply go without, but enjoy the dish less/ change the nature of the dish 18
  • 19. The ways Avocado was used in the last month 2005 U&A 2009 U&A (This survey - refield) In a salad 74 75 As a spread in a sandwich (cold or toasted) 66 65 Sliced up in a sandwich (cold or toasted) 55 57 Made into a dip e.g. guacamole, layered dip 41 38 Eaten on its own (e.g. with a spoon) 39 38 On crackers / crisp bread 33 28 On nachos 28 25 In / with Burritos/tacos or other Mexican dish 17 18 On a platter with other nibbles 22 24 Made into Sushi 16 15 Still dominated by its role as the With prawns / seafood cocktail 12 star of the salad, and as a spread 11 In a risotto / pasta dish 7 / ingredient in sandwiches & rolls 9 On a baked potato 8 7 In a drink / smoothie / soup 3 4 Other 35 2005 Survey: Q20 / 2009 Survey: Q25 . 2009 data based on re-field 19 Base: All who have bought Avocado in the last month (2005 = 753, 2009 = 405)
  • 20. QUAL FOCUS GROUPS Avocados role increasingly spans all three areas Luxurious Adds interest Savoured Gourmet Everyday treat Social Emotional Special Anticipated Healthy Binds Balance (smooth, Functional creamy) Nutty Often two or more flavour Subtle / factors operate on delicate any given occasion Thickens 20
  • 21. Advertising awareness and evaluation 21
  • 22. Avocado Advertising review: The key measures Total Core target sample audience# Spontaneous awareness 9% 7% Prompted awareness 26% 26% Prompted recognition 18% 22% Primary prompted message take out (versatility) 98% 90% Secondary prompted message take out (health) 49% 51% Likeability of campaign Fans 34% 44% Ambivalents 64% 56% Critics 2% 1% # Urban / suburban females aged 25-39 22
  • 23. Ways Avocado used in the last month by whether they have seen Avocado advertising Those who have seen the Avocado advertising are significantly more likely to have used Avocado in the following ways in the last month As a spread in a cold 59 sandwich 49 14 In a pasta dish Those who had seen Avocado advertising 7 had used Avocados in 5.5 ways on average in 11 the last month. On a pizza 4 Those who had not seen the advertising had used Avocados in only 4.2 different ways. 10 On bruschetta 3 However, we must recognise heavy users of a product are more likely to notice advertising for 7 In a drink / smoothie that product in the first place! 1 5 Seen any Avocado advertising In a risotto 1 Not seen any Avocado advertising 2009 Survey: Q25 23 Base: All who have seen Avocado advertising (156) / All who hadnt seen advertising (590)
  • 24. 2 Ridge Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 24