Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kota Kinabalu
tiga brgy.tibay
â–ˆ10% Evil
██ 20% Angel
███ 30% Music ♫
████ 40% Funny
█████ 50% romantic
██████ 60% Loving
███████ 70% Kisser
████████ 80% Friendly
█████████ 100 % me :)
I was on my early teen when I joined the Fraternity.
Not knowing exactly what this Fraternity is
Not knowing exactly its benefits
Not knowing exactly my role was on this Fraternity.
Years passed by...I had realized that we were like children left by our fathers in the midst of darkness
Standing hanging on who our real father was
Confused on where we came from.
But then we managed to find the path of this journey
Managed to SU
Users being followed by Ayee Acosta