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F riends R esponsible I ntelligent E xciting to be around D ependable S miles a lot F riendly personality O utstanding R eally great memories E xcellent listener V ery kind E njoyable R emember our friendship PMR!!! Aku nk wat yg TERbaek for this exam.. i assure that i can do THE BEST!!! JaHaR: Do ThE BeSt.. OuKe.. tolong doakan sy.. tolong maafkan sy.. X prlu scantek Balqis ANDAI dri x s'indh Sulaiman, wat ape d hrap kseh stulus Zulaikha ANDAI dri x stampn Yusof, Jgn d cri skuat STI Hajar & STI Sarah ANDAI dri x steguh Ibrahim, M'ngape mahukn s'istimewa STI Khadijah ANDAI dri x smpurna Rasulullah.. ___________§§§$$§§$§§_ _W_______$$$$$§§§$$§