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Open Source SW
貉るる 谿語
螻糾語 螳覦 狩 2蠍
Mario Cho (譟磯)
Who am I ?
Development Experience
 Bio-Medical Data Processing based on
HPC for Human Brain Mapping
 Bio-medical data processing based on
Neural Network (Machine Learning)
 Medical Image Reconstruction
(Computer Tomography)
 Enterprise System
 Open Source Software Developer
Open Source Software Developer
 Linux Kernel & LLVM
 OpenStack & OPNFV
 Machine Learning (TensorFlow)
Technical Book
 Unix V6 Kernel
Open Frontier Lab.
Mario Cho
Todays information
* http://www.cray.com/Assets/Images/urika/edge/analytics-infographic.html
The Future of Jobs
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which
includes developments in previously
disjointed fields such as
artificial intelligence & machine-learning,
robotics, nanotechnology, 3-D printing,
and genetics & biotechnology,
will cause widespread disruption not only
to business models but also to labor
market over the next five years, with
enormous change predicted in the skill
sets needed to thrive in the new
Open Source
ろ るゼ 覿覃
 るレ Up!!!
From : http://www.greenzblog.com/search-engine-optimization/effects-of-search-engine-optimization/
ろ  襦 谿剰鍵
1. 蟲蠍襷
2. ろ 貉るる一 襦 谿剰鍵
 The Apache Software Foundation(ASF)
 Google Code
ろ  谿剰鍵: https://www.ohloh.net
ろ  レ: https://github.com
K&R (Ken Tompson & Dennis Richie)
Lions Commentary on UNIX V6
Open Source OS From Unix V6 To Linux
Unix V6
襴 貉る
- Apple Mac OS system 1.x : 1984.x
- MS Windows 1.x : 1985.x
- Linux : 1991. 8.26
襴 貉る 螻給蠍  螻 企 蟆 覿讌 覈襯 覿覈 .
碁 target device 蟷 . (豢豌 殊覯襴 2)
- kernel boot process
- boot loader 覿 伎  豐蠍壱, 覃覈襴 豐蠍壱, 誤磯渚 れ,
- init process  企ゴ 朱 螻殊 覿.
- 伎 襷讌襷, , 貉る  譯殊 覃襦, 螻襴讀 覦一  .
- mm_init() 覿
- start_kernel()覲企 覃覈襴襯 豐蠍壱  mm_init() 給.
- 襴 貉る buddy slub 伎伎 覃覈襴襯 蟯襴.
- buddy slub 企至 豐蠍壱 螻 貉る 覃覈襴 豐蠍壱//蟇 襯 覿
- Device Driver 覿
- GPIO 覦伎るゼ 覿螻 殊覯襴 2襯 伎伎 ろ
- network 覦伎るゼ 覿伎 network stack 
- 蠏語 れ譽企 覿 焔.
I. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給蠍  覈 れ
II. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給蠍   蟆
- Note PC or Desktop or Cloud connection
- Editor : Vim, Emacs, ???
- Tools: ctags, gtags, cscope, 
- 谿瑚 
- AP Manual
- ARM Cortex A Series Programmer Guide
- ARM Cortex A15 Technical Reference Manual
- kernel 覿  AP user manual (螳 譴讌襷, , , )
- DTB (Device Tree Blob)
- Power ePAPR_APPROVED_v1.1
- Kernel豈
- UNIX V6 襦 覦一磯 貉る 襴 蟲譟 (伎豌伎  蠏朱蓋襴)
- 貊襦 覲企 ARM 襴 貉る (2.6.x 貉る 蠍一)
- 襴 貉る 伎 (2.6.x 貉る)
- 伎觚
- GNU : GNU Assembler Directive
- GNU : GNU Assembler Manual
- GNU : GNU Linker Manual
貉る 貊  蠍 覓語 ( 1500襷 殊) 襷 讌 襦 螻,
襷 螳 蟇語  螳覦 襷狩り骸 螳 覿覿 朱襦 蠑語 螻給 襭螳
1. 蟷 螻給 豺蟲襯 谿城. (螳覦 貉るる)
2. ろ  ろ磯 譟伎広  ( 譟伎)
3. ろ  ろ磯 覿 譯朱  . ( 覿伎 譯朱 も)
4. 貉る 襷 蟲蠍  覦伎  (殊覯襴  2? or 3?)
5. 蠑語 螻給    螻糾
6. ろ磯 伎 螻旧  誤磯 螻糾 (貉るる 蟆, 螻旧 覓語)
II. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給  Ground Rule
III. 企 螻給  Lets Start!!!
1. 螳 るジ 覦郁化 れ 貉るる一 朱襦
襦螳  企ゼ 襷豢蠍 伎
企襯 蟷 曙給.
2. 企  豈朱
3. 殊企 襦觜 覦朱 襦 譟郁 螳覃伎
III. 企 螻給: Linux info from the source
IV.  貊 覿
レ: 蟲 螳, 讀(?)
-  貊 殊企
-  貊襯 覲企伎 襦.
- 誤磯 螻旧 覓語
(蟲蠍 doc) 煙朱
襭 螻旧
Boot Loader -> start_kernel()
 Start_kernel() init 襦語り  蟾讌 貉る 豐蠍壱.
 貊 init/main.c  .
IV.  貊 覿  :start_kernel()
IV.  覿: tag襯 伎伎 襯 豢
襴 貉る 螳覦  螳讌 蟲螻
- ctags. gtags. cscope, 
) start_kernel()->mm_init()->mem_init()
V. 貉るる  : 螻旧 (蠍郁)
bootmem朱 蟯襴 覃覈襴襯 buddy襦 覦蠑碁 螻殊.
- while (start < end) {
- shift = idx & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1);
- if (IS_ALIGNED(start, BITS_PER_LONG) && vec == ~0UL) {
// CPU0 vm_event_states.event[PGFREE] 襯 32襦 れ
// page 企麹 pageblock migrate flag襯 覦
// struct page index 覃る migratetype ロ
// struct page _count 覃ル 螳 0 朱 豐蠍壱
// order 5 buddy襯 contig_page_data 豢螳
// (&contig_page_data)->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]: 32 襦 れ
// vmstat.c vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]  覲 32襦 れ
count += BITS_PER_LONG;
start += BITS_PER_LONG;
} else { // node_bootmem_map[0] 螳 0 蟆曙
while (vec && cur != start) {
if (vec & 1) {
// CPU0 vm_event_states.event[PGFREE] 襯 1襦 れ
// page 企麹 pageblock migrate flag襯 覦
// struct page index 覃る migratetype ロ
// struct page _count 覃ル 螳 0 朱 豐蠍壱
// order 0 buddy襯 contig_page_data 豢螳
// (&contig_page_data)->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]: 1 襦 れ
// vmstat.c vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]  覲 1襦 れ
V. 貉るる :  貊 覿 螻旧
VI. 貉るる : 蟠蠍覃 覓殊企慨.
VII. 貉るる :  蟆 れ殊.
VII. 貉るる :  蟆 れ殊.
VIII. 貉るる : 覈 蟆 覦蟆覃
VIII. 貉るる :  蟆 蟷 襴觀
IX. 貉るる : 螳 蟆郁骸 覦
Thanks you!

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  • 1. Open Source SW 螻 貉るる 谿語 螻糾語 螳覦 狩 2蠍 Mario Cho (譟磯) hephaex@gmail.com
  • 2. Who am I ? Development Experience Bio-Medical Data Processing based on HPC for Human Brain Mapping Bio-medical data processing based on Neural Network (Machine Learning) Medical Image Reconstruction (Computer Tomography) Enterprise System Open Source Software Developer Open Source Software Developer Linux Kernel & LLVM OpenStack & OPNFV (NFV&SDN) Machine Learning (TensorFlow) Technical Book Unix V6 Kernel Open Frontier Lab. Mario Cho hephaex@gmail.com
  • 4. The Future of Jobs The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes developments in previously disjointed fields such as artificial intelligence & machine-learning, robotics, nanotechnology, 3-D printing, and genetics & biotechnology, will cause widespread disruption not only to business models but also to labor market over the next five years, with enormous change predicted in the skill sets needed to thrive in the new landscape.
  • 6. ろ るゼ 覿覃 るレ Up!!! From : http://www.greenzblog.com/search-engine-optimization/effects-of-search-engine-optimization/
  • 7. ろ 襦 谿剰鍵 1. 蟲蠍襷 2. ろ 貉るる一 襦 谿剰鍵 The Apache Software Foundation(ASF) Jboss GitHub BitBucket Google Code CodeProject Sourceforge
  • 8. ろ 谿剰鍵: https://www.ohloh.net
  • 9. ろ レ: https://github.com
  • 10. K&R (Ken Tompson & Dennis Richie)
  • 12. Open Source OS From Unix V6 To Linux Linux Unix V6
  • 13. 襴 貉る 伎豌願 - Apple Mac OS system 1.x : 1984.x - MS Windows 1.x : 1985.x - Linux : 1991. 8.26
  • 14. 襴 貉る 螻給蠍 螻 企 蟆 覿讌 覈襯 覿覈 . 碁 target device 蟷 . (豢豌 殊覯襴 2) - kernel boot process - boot loader 覿 伎 豐蠍壱, 覃覈襴 豐蠍壱, 誤磯渚 れ, - init process 企ゴ 朱 螻殊 覿. - 伎 襷讌襷, , 貉る 譯殊 覃襦, 螻襴讀 覦一 . - mm_init() 覿 - start_kernel()覲企 覃覈襴襯 豐蠍壱 mm_init() 給. - 襴 貉る buddy slub 伎伎 覃覈襴襯 蟯襴. - buddy slub 企至 豐蠍壱 螻 貉る 覃覈襴 豐蠍壱//蟇 襯 覿 - Device Driver 覿 - GPIO 覦伎るゼ 覿螻 殊覯襴 2襯 伎伎 ろ - network 覦伎るゼ 覿伎 network stack - 蠏語 れ譽企 覿 焔. I. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給蠍 覈 れ
  • 15. II. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給蠍 蟆 - Note PC or Desktop or Cloud connection - Editor : Vim, Emacs, ??? - Tools: ctags, gtags, cscope, - 谿瑚 - AP Manual - ARM Cortex A Series Programmer Guide - ARM Cortex A15 Technical Reference Manual - kernel 覿 AP user manual (螳 譴讌襷, , , ) - DTB (Device Tree Blob) - Power ePAPR_APPROVED_v1.1 - Kernel豈 - UNIX V6 襦 覦一磯 貉る 襴 蟲譟 (伎豌伎 蠏朱蓋襴) - 貊襦 覲企 ARM 襴 貉る (2.6.x 貉る 蠍一) - 襴 貉る 伎 (2.6.x 貉る) - 伎觚 - GNU : GNU Assembler Directive - GNU : GNU Assembler Manual - GNU : GNU Linker Manual
  • 16. 貉る 貊 蠍 覓語 ( 1500襷 殊) 襷 讌 襦 螻, 襷 螳 蟇語 螳覦 襷狩り骸 螳 覿覿 朱襦 蠑語 螻給 襭螳 . 1. 蟷 螻給 豺蟲襯 谿城. (螳覦 貉るる) 2. ろ ろ磯 譟伎広 ( 譟伎) 3. ろ ろ磯 覿 譯朱 . ( 覿伎 譯朱 も) 4. 貉る 襷 蟲蠍 覦伎 (殊覯襴 2? or 3?) 5. 蠑語 螻給 螻糾 6. ろ磯 伎 螻旧 誤磯 螻糾 (貉るる 蟆, 螻旧 覓語) II. ろ(貉る)襯 螻給 Ground Rule
  • 17. III. 企 螻給 Lets Start!!! 1. 螳 るジ 覦郁化 れ 貉るる一 朱襦 襦螳 企ゼ 襷豢蠍 伎 企襯 蟷 曙給. 2. 企 豈朱 3. 殊企 襦觜 覦朱 襦 譟郁 螳覃伎 曙給.
  • 18. III. 企 螻給: Linux info from the source
  • 19. IV. 貊 覿 レ: 蟲 螳, 讀(?) 覦覯: - 貊 殊企 - 貊襯 覲企伎 襦. - 誤磯 螻旧 覓語 (蟲蠍 doc) 煙朱 襭 螻旧
  • 20. Boot Loader -> start_kernel() Start_kernel() init 襦語り 蟾讌 貉る 豐蠍壱. 貊 init/main.c . IV. 貊 覿 :start_kernel()
  • 21. IV. 覿: tag襯 伎伎 襯 豢 襴 貉る 螳覦 螳讌 蟲螻 - ctags. gtags. cscope, ) start_kernel()->mm_init()->mem_init()
  • 22. V. 貉るる : 螻旧 (蠍郁)
  • 23. start()_kernel()->mm_init()->mem_init()->free_all_bootmem()->free_all_bootmem_core(bdata)- >__freepages_bootmem(pfn_to_page(start),order) bootmem朱 蟯襴 覃覈襴襯 buddy襦 覦蠑碁 螻殊. - while (start < end) { - shift = idx & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1); - if (IS_ALIGNED(start, BITS_PER_LONG) && vec == ~0UL) { __free_pages_bootmem(pfn_to_page(start),order); // CPU0 vm_event_states.event[PGFREE] 襯 32襦 れ // page 企麹 pageblock migrate flag襯 覦 // struct page index 覃る migratetype ロ // struct page _count 覃ル 螳 0 朱 豐蠍壱 // order 5 buddy襯 contig_page_data 豢螳 // (&contig_page_data)->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]: 32 襦 れ // vmstat.c vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES] 覲 32襦 れ count += BITS_PER_LONG; start += BITS_PER_LONG; } else { // node_bootmem_map[0] 螳 0 蟆曙 while (vec && cur != start) { if (vec & 1) { __free_pages_bootmem(page,0); // CPU0 vm_event_states.event[PGFREE] 襯 1襦 れ // page 企麹 pageblock migrate flag襯 覦 // struct page index 覃る migratetype ロ // struct page _count 覃ル 螳 0 朱 豐蠍壱 // order 0 buddy襯 contig_page_data 豢螳 // (&contig_page_data)->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES]: 1 襦 れ // vmstat.c vm_stat[NR_FREE_PAGES] 覲 1襦 れ count++; } } V. 貉るる : 貊 覿 螻旧
  • 24. VI. 貉るる : 蟠蠍覃 覓殊企慨.
  • 25. VII. 貉るる : 蟆 れ殊.
  • 26. VII. 貉るる : 蟆 れ殊.
  • 27. VIII. 貉るる : 覈 蟆 覦蟆覃
  • 28. VIII. 貉るる : 蟆 蟷 襴觀
  • 29. IX. 貉るる : 螳 蟆郁骸 覦