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Barbara A Roehl, RN
713 West Ferry Street, Apt. A, Buffalo, NY 14222
BarbaraARoehl@gmail.com  H: (716) 322-0061; C: (617) 335-1402
 A dedicated, highly skilled, professional Registered Nurse
 Certified Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED/First Aid for Health Care Provider (BLS)
 Patient health education
 Psychiatric nursing
 Case management
 Private Duty Nursing for acute and chronically ill persons
 Possess excellent patient-oriented communication and interpersonal skills
 Enjoys contributing to a team effort and creating a positive work environment
 Participated in Upstate Clinical Research-Osteoarthritis clinical trial
Ready Nurse, Arlington, MA (October, 2012  December, 2014)
Registered Nurse
 Provide appropriate nursing care for handicapped children on medical transport van
Favorite Healthcare Staffing, Boston, MA (October, 2011)
Registered Nurse
 Work site health and wellness fairs
 Provide comprehensive health assessments
 Confidential counseling provided
Favorite Healthcare Staffing, Buffalo, NY (July, 2010  October, 2011)
Registered Nurse
 Work site health and wellness fairs
 Provided comprehensive health assessments
 Confidential counseling provided
BWI Health Promotions, Buffalo, NY (November, 2008  October, 2011)
Registered Nurse
 Work site and school site health and wellness fairs
 Provided comprehensive health and fitness assessments
 Provided outcome based data for employer groups to use as tool to evaluate overall company health
 Provided personal fitness profiles, health related scores
 Confidential discussions on how to make lifestyle changes and achieve desired goals
Liken Health Care, Inc., Buffalo, NY (January, 2010  March, 2010)
EMR/Paper Medical Record Auditor (For Medicare Advantage) - 3 month contract
 Reviewed medical records in hospitals and Drs offices to validate ICD-9 codes
Private Duty Nursing, Buffalo, NY (December, 1996  April, 2009)
Registered Nurse
 Provided daily on-going assessment and nursing care to patient with Alzheimers Disease
 Provided daily on-going assessment and nursing care to chronically ill, debilitated patient with alcoholic dementia and cancer
 Acted as liaison between patients, families and physicians, pharmacy, physical therapist, psychiatrist
Barbara A. Roehl, RN Page 2
 Assessed care for patients during several acute changes in condition, facilitated hospital admissions necessitating various levels of care
Wynwood of Kenmore (formerly The Commons at Kenmore), Kenmore, NY (June, 1995  December, 1996)
Registered Nurse/Case Manager/Supervisor
 Responsibilities included hiring, training and supervising nurses aides
 Assessed patients needs to prevent medically unnecessary hospital admissions or procedures
 Facilitated continual discussions with physicians in order to provide appropriate level of care
 As the sole RN at the facility, responsibilities included 24-hr. on-call status as well as full-time at the facility, delegated to other
staff members as state regulation allowed
 Handled all crises appropriately, met with families, admitted and discharged patients, contacted physicians, facilitated transfers
 Managed day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs were met
 Provided training, supervision, and monitoring of associates in the administration of direct care within the community
 Performed ongoing assessment/observation of residents' physical and psycho-social needs and coordinated with other departments to
assure quality, proactive care
 Interacted directly with associates, residents, resident family members, vendors and professional contacts within the community, dealt
with issues including scheduling, resident care, service plans and assessments
Hospice Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (June, 1992  December, 1993)
On-Call Registered Nurse
 Responded to patients changes in status, facilitated transfer
 Contacted physicians with symptom changes
 Provided telephone and in-person support and education to patient and families
 Developed sensitivity to cultural diversity regarding attitudes/rituals towards death and dying
 Walgreens Optioncare: RN, Home infusions and dressing changes
 Dr. Anne Marie Jobe: RN, Pediatric seasonal flu and H1N1 injections
 Independent Nursing Care: RN, Adult seasonal flu injections
 The Blind Association of WNY: Home Care RN
 Nardin Academy: School RN
 Language Development Program: School RN
 OShea, Reynolds, Napier, Quinn and Cummings Law firm: RN Consultant
 St. Lukes Presbyterian Nursing Center: RN Supervisor
 Deaconess Hospital: Perinatal RN
 Childrens Hospital of Buffalo: NICU RN
 Harvard University Health Service: Boston, MA: Staff RN
 Boston Hospital for Women (Brigham and Womens), Lying-in Division: Boston, MA: Evening Charge RN
 St. Marys Hospital: Paddington, London, England: RN, Med/Surg and Obs/Gyn
 Weight Loss Center: RN
 Dr. Robert H. Roehl: Obs/Gyn
BA - Bay Path College
BSN - State University of New York at Buffalo / Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing
Pre- Med - Daemen College
Fetal Intensive Care Nursing Certificate - State University of New York at Buffalo / Buffalo Childrens Hospital
 New York State Nurses Association, District 1
 State University of New York at Buffalo Womens Club
 English Speaking Union, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter
 International Nurses Association
 National Association of Professional Woman
 Whos Who
Barbara A. Roehl, RN Page 2
 Recipient of the Herbert Burwig Award for achievement in Obs/Gyn Nursing
 Recipient of the American Red Cross Student Nurse Award
 Certificate for Fetal Intensive Care Nursing from State University of New York at Buffalo
Licensed in New York and Massachusetts

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Barbara A Roehl Resume

  • 1. Barbara A Roehl, RN 713 West Ferry Street, Apt. A, Buffalo, NY 14222 BarbaraARoehl@gmail.com H: (716) 322-0061; C: (617) 335-1402 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS A dedicated, highly skilled, professional Registered Nurse Certified Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED/First Aid for Health Care Provider (BLS) Patient health education Psychiatric nursing Triage Case management Supervisor Private Duty Nursing for acute and chronically ill persons Possess excellent patient-oriented communication and interpersonal skills Enjoys contributing to a team effort and creating a positive work environment Participated in Upstate Clinical Research-Osteoarthritis clinical trial EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Ready Nurse, Arlington, MA (October, 2012 December, 2014) Registered Nurse Provide appropriate nursing care for handicapped children on medical transport van Favorite Healthcare Staffing, Boston, MA (October, 2011) Registered Nurse Work site health and wellness fairs Provide comprehensive health assessments Confidential counseling provided Triage Favorite Healthcare Staffing, Buffalo, NY (July, 2010 October, 2011) Registered Nurse Work site health and wellness fairs Provided comprehensive health assessments Confidential counseling provided Triage BWI Health Promotions, Buffalo, NY (November, 2008 October, 2011) Registered Nurse Work site and school site health and wellness fairs Provided comprehensive health and fitness assessments Provided outcome based data for employer groups to use as tool to evaluate overall company health Provided personal fitness profiles, health related scores Confidential discussions on how to make lifestyle changes and achieve desired goals Triage Liken Health Care, Inc., Buffalo, NY (January, 2010 March, 2010) EMR/Paper Medical Record Auditor (For Medicare Advantage) - 3 month contract Reviewed medical records in hospitals and Drs offices to validate ICD-9 codes Private Duty Nursing, Buffalo, NY (December, 1996 April, 2009) Registered Nurse Provided daily on-going assessment and nursing care to patient with Alzheimers Disease Provided daily on-going assessment and nursing care to chronically ill, debilitated patient with alcoholic dementia and cancer Acted as liaison between patients, families and physicians, pharmacy, physical therapist, psychiatrist
  • 2. Barbara A. Roehl, RN Page 2 Assessed care for patients during several acute changes in condition, facilitated hospital admissions necessitating various levels of care Wynwood of Kenmore (formerly The Commons at Kenmore), Kenmore, NY (June, 1995 December, 1996) Registered Nurse/Case Manager/Supervisor Responsibilities included hiring, training and supervising nurses aides Assessed patients needs to prevent medically unnecessary hospital admissions or procedures Facilitated continual discussions with physicians in order to provide appropriate level of care As the sole RN at the facility, responsibilities included 24-hr. on-call status as well as full-time at the facility, delegated to other staff members as state regulation allowed Handled all crises appropriately, met with families, admitted and discharged patients, contacted physicians, facilitated transfers Managed day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs were met Provided training, supervision, and monitoring of associates in the administration of direct care within the community Performed ongoing assessment/observation of residents' physical and psycho-social needs and coordinated with other departments to assure quality, proactive care Interacted directly with associates, residents, resident family members, vendors and professional contacts within the community, dealt with issues including scheduling, resident care, service plans and assessments Hospice Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (June, 1992 December, 1993) On-Call Registered Nurse Responded to patients changes in status, facilitated transfer Contacted physicians with symptom changes Triage Provided telephone and in-person support and education to patient and families Developed sensitivity to cultural diversity regarding attitudes/rituals towards death and dying OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCE Walgreens Optioncare: RN, Home infusions and dressing changes Dr. Anne Marie Jobe: RN, Pediatric seasonal flu and H1N1 injections Independent Nursing Care: RN, Adult seasonal flu injections The Blind Association of WNY: Home Care RN Nardin Academy: School RN Language Development Program: School RN OShea, Reynolds, Napier, Quinn and Cummings Law firm: RN Consultant St. Lukes Presbyterian Nursing Center: RN Supervisor Deaconess Hospital: Perinatal RN Childrens Hospital of Buffalo: NICU RN Harvard University Health Service: Boston, MA: Staff RN Boston Hospital for Women (Brigham and Womens), Lying-in Division: Boston, MA: Evening Charge RN St. Marys Hospital: Paddington, London, England: RN, Med/Surg and Obs/Gyn Weight Loss Center: RN Dr. Robert H. Roehl: Obs/Gyn EDUCATION BA - Bay Path College BSN - State University of New York at Buffalo / Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing Pre- Med - Daemen College Fetal Intensive Care Nursing Certificate - State University of New York at Buffalo / Buffalo Childrens Hospital PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS New York State Nurses Association, District 1 State University of New York at Buffalo Womens Club English Speaking Union, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter International Nurses Association National Association of Professional Woman Whos Who
  • 3. Barbara A. Roehl, RN Page 2 AWARDS & CERTIFICATES Recipient of the Herbert Burwig Award for achievement in Obs/Gyn Nursing Recipient of the American Red Cross Student Nurse Award Certificate for Fetal Intensive Care Nursing from State University of New York at Buffalo Licensed in New York and Massachusetts