Barry Leming has over 25 years of experience managing projects, operations, and logistics across both military and civilian sectors. He is currently a senior sales consultant but has also held roles in facility management, contracting, program management, and education. Leming possesses strong research, communication, and leadership skills and has a track record of successfully delivering projects on time and under budget.
Philip Mayfield has over 23 years of experience in leadership, sales, human resources, marketing, project and risk management. He currently works as a recruiting consultant connecting travel nurses with hospital jobs. Previously, he served for over 20 years in the US Air Force in roles such as inspection project manager, regional recruiting supervisor and trainer, and enlisted accessions recruiter. He has a bachelor's degree from Columbia Southern University and associate's degrees in human resource management and transportation logistics from the Community College of the Air Force.
Leslie "Cliff" Myers has over 24 years of experience in the Army National Guard as a commissioned officer, distinguished by operational and financial results. He has experience as a program manager, portfolio manager, and acquisition specialist in both military and civilian roles. He completed 33 graduate hours in acquisition and procurement management from Webster University. His experience includes strategic planning, leadership, project management, logistics, procurement, budgeting, and technology integration.
Philip King is an experienced management professional with over 20 years of experience in the US Army, including leadership roles in human resources, staff management, and operations management. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification. King is passionate about quality, customer satisfaction, and empowering personnel. He has extensive experience in project management, logistics, contracting, and budgeting.
Neil Sinclair is an experienced facilities manager and Royal Navy manager seeking a new challenging position. He has over 30 years experience leading teams in the military and commercial sectors. His skills include transformational leadership, project management, process improvement, and stakeholder engagement. Recently he oversaw maintenance at a military vehicle facility, enhancing performance and quality assurance. He holds several management qualifications and security clearance, and has a record of success managing complex projects, personnel, and operations.
This document is a resume for Frankie L. Brown Jr., who is seeking a position that utilizes his experience as an executive and strategic leader. He has over 25 years of experience in management and leadership roles within the military and private sector. His skills include project management, acquisition management, budget planning, process improvement, and staff development. His work history includes roles managing logistics and maintenance operations, conducting battlefield vehicle forensic investigations, accident investigations, and serving as an Inspector General. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Logistics.
Jeff Clements has over 20 years of experience managing complex logistics operations. He has a proven track record of successfully executing large projects and overseeing operations in austere overseas environments. Clements specializes in transition management and has led the successful transition of multiple high-profile contracts. He is known for his strong leadership skills and ability to unite diverse teams to achieve results.
This CV summarizes Schalk Bruwer's professional experience and qualifications. He has over 30 years of experience in security roles, including 18 years with the South African Police and over 10 years providing private security services in Iraq and South Africa. His security experience includes managing security teams, conducting protective services, and training other security personnel. He also has 6 years of facilities management experience.
Vance E. Morris has over 20 years of experience in corporate security and protection. He has expertise in risk management, operations planning, training, and facilities management. Morris has worked as an independent security advisor and corporate security manager for ABB, where he established security programs for over 350 facilities. He also has extensive experience providing high threat protection on contracts around the world.
What futures do young people want for Penryn - A democratic analysisDean Pomeroy
The summary report while acting as a consultant for Penryn Town Council. This document outlines the summary of our work - "Penrynopoly".
Commissioned by Penryn Parish council to conduct a research project into young people's perceptions of Penryn town, its relationship with the neighbouring town of Falmouth and how to get young people to stay in the area post-education, in aid of the towns Neighbourhood Plan. Working with the University and the FXU (student's union for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter Penryn Campus), we formulated recommendations to deal with the underdevelopment and underuse of the town by local young people. These recommendations were presented to the town council through the creation of a board game, 'Penrynopoly', which amplified resident's views into gamified talking points.
This project was featured in an EU Committee of the Regions newsletter and has been submitted to the EU's ALDA LADDER initiative, which seeks to increase citizen engagement and participation with local democracy. Further research is expected to follow in another community this year, as a part of the University of Exeter's Festival of Social Science.
El documento discute los mejores y peores pa鱈ses para trabajar seg炭n el ndice Global de Derechos. El 鱈ndice clasifica 139 pa鱈ses en seis categor鱈as dependiendo del nivel de garant鱈a y protecci坦n de derechos laborales. Tambi辿n analiza los desaf鱈os de Am辿rica Latina para generar empleos decentes, como el alto desempleo, trabajo informal y bajos salarios promedio de alrededor de $840 d坦lares al mes.
Este documento describe un curso sobre la evaluaci坦n docente para la asignaci坦n de plazas en escuelas normales. El curso tiene 20 horas y cubre tres unidades: 1) par叩metros para evaluar, 2) perfil docente, y 3) criterios del perfil. Los estudiantes investigar叩n estos temas y completar叩n trabajos escritos y encuestas que ser叩n evaluados con r炭bricas.
Carl Walker has over 13 years of experience in the British Army as well as 4 years working in private security. He has held roles as a team leader and manager, developing strong communication and organizational skills. His experience includes maintaining communications systems in hostile environments both domestically and abroad. Currently, he works as a Service Manager for 1st ACE Security, where he manages automated gate engineers, schedules, and technical support.
The document describes a project to build a 3D printer using a linear delta mechanism. It will include mechanical, electrical, and programming components. The mechanical design uses a linear delta mechanism with ball screws and joints. The electrical system will include an H-bridge driver, microcontroller, and thermal controller. The total estimated budget is 15 million VND, with 10 million for mechanical parts and fabrication, 3 million for electrical parts, and 2 million for unknown problems.
This document provides information on temperature-humidity chamber foundations and stability benchtop environmental chambers. It describes the main functions and applications of programmable constant temperature humidity chambers, which can test for heat, cold, dryness and humidity endurance. It then lists relevant industry standards and provides specifications for several chamber models, including temperature and humidity ranges, accuracy, heating and cooling rates, and materials. Safety features are outlined, and key features like the separation of humidifier and electrical circuits are highlighted. Contact information is provided at the end.
The document discusses PHP, an open-source scripting language commonly used for web development. It lists several things PHP can do, including dynamic web page content generation, database interaction, processing user input, email handling, and file handling. It then provides an overview of basic PHP concepts and features such as variables, data types, operators, arrays, control structures, functions, file handling, time functions, forms, object-oriented programming, errors, and databases.
EsselWorld is a 64-acre theme park in Mumbai, India established in 1986. The document discusses energy efficiency programs implemented at EsselWorld which reduced annual electricity consumption from 28,647 KW to 6,138 KW in Solution A, saving 22,508 KW annually and reducing electricity bills from INR 3,43,768 to INR 57,335 annually, saving INR 2,86,433. Solution B reduced annual electricity consumption from 28,647 KW to 4,778 KW, saving 23,869 KW annually and reducing electricity bills from INR 37,24,15 to INR 79,803 annually, saving INR 29,26,12.
Este documento describe las transformaciones demogr叩ficas en Am辿rica Latina y el Caribe, incluyendo las etapas de transici坦n demogr叩fica, la esperanza de vida, la fecundidad y los cambios en la estructura por edades de la poblaci坦n. Tambi辿n analiza el impacto de estos cambios demogr叩ficos en el desarrollo a trav辿s del concepto de "bono demogr叩fico", y c坦mo podr鱈a afectar sectores como educaci坦n, salud y pensiones. Finalmente, se単ala algunos desaf鱈os como asegurar que el bon
Este documento describe los procedimientos para el mantenimiento correctivo de equipos, incluyendo la atenci坦n de solicitudes externas e internas, el diagn坦stico y reparaci坦n de equipos, y los roles de soporte t辿cnico, activos y help desk. El objetivo es resolver problemas de hardware y software de manera eficiente y con el m鱈nimo impacto en los usuarios.
Este documento presenta diferentes m辿todos cualitativos y cuantitativos para realizar pron坦sticos de ventas. Describe m辿todos cualitativos como investigaci坦n de mercado, consenso de expertos y analog鱈a hist坦rica. Tambi辿n describe m辿todos cuantitativos como an叩lisis de series de tiempo utilizando promedios m坦viles, regresi坦n lineal y alisamiento exponencial para analizar tendencias en datos hist坦ricos y realizar pron坦sticos. El documento explica c坦mo aplicar estos diferentes m辿todos y algunos de sus beneficios y limitaciones.
Compiled by : Manish Jain Architect 油Gr. Floor , Ashoka apartment油Bhawani Singh RoadC-scheme , Jaipur -302001油Rajasthan ( INDIA)Ph. 91-0141-2743536 , 91-9829063132Email: fdarchitect @gmail.com油Web :油
Principales corrientes en la obtencion del conocimiento cientificoEduardo Ch叩vez
El documento resume las principales corrientes en la obtenci坦n del conocimiento cient鱈fico. Explica que el conocimiento emp鱈rico se basa en la experiencia a trav辿s de los sentidos, mientras que el conocimiento cient鱈fico extrae la realidad usando m辿todos precisos para generar teor鱈as y leyes. Tambi辿n discute que todo conocimiento es tanto objetivo como subjetivo, y que la ciencia busca privilegiar lo objetivo a trav辿s de explicaciones consistentes y la predicci坦n y control de fen坦menos naturales.
Mr. Freeman is an accomplished Program Manager with over 25 years of experience in areas such as identity management, strategic planning, solution architecture, and operations management. He holds an MBA and certifications in program management, acquisition, defense financial management, and enterprise architecture. His experience includes managing identity management programs at HPES and security threat assessment operations at TSA. He has also led consulting engagements focused on enterprise architecture, acquisition management, and business process improvement at agencies such as DLA, DISA, INS, and the Air Force.
Kenny L. Davis is seeking a leadership position utilizing 20 years of military experience managing organizations of 100 to 800 personnel and $19 billion in foreign military equipment sales. He has extensive experience as an operations officer, executive officer, and training instructor. His resume highlights his proven leadership, program management skills, and experience overseeing logistics, training, budgets, and strategic communication for diverse military organizations.
Dane Kaley is an organizational development practitioner and military veteran with over 20 years of experience leading teams and managing organizational development programs globally. He currently works as the Country Manager for SOC-USA Security in Nairobi, Kenya, where he increased success rates and reduced costs. Previously, Kaley spent 10 years in the U.S. Army as a senior advisor and assistant project manager, leading change initiatives and cultural training programs in 15 countries. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and is pursuing a Master's in Organizational Leadership from Mercer University.
Jerry Brown has over 20 years of experience in project management, operations, logistics, safety, and military service. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration focused on project management as well as other graduate degrees. He is currently a project manager for a consulting company providing business and academic analysis services. Previously, he worked as a project manager for a large road service company where he improved processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Brown has a strong background in applying leadership to achieve organizational goals through process improvement techniques.
Tyler J. Stewart is a program manager and veteran military officer with over 20 years of experience managing teams and operations across multiple countries. He has extensive experience in areas such as operations management, strategic planning, supply chain management, and contract management. Most recently, he served as the Director of Operations for the US Army Southwest Region from 2013-2015, where he managed 11 staff sections supporting over 350 personnel. He reduced costs by over 15% on one large logistics contract, saving $136 million. Stewart holds a Master's degree in Administration for Leadership and is pursuing Project Management Professional certification.
This document provides a summary of John J. Steiner's background and experience. It outlines his current Secret security clearance and past clearances. It then lists his 23+ years of experience in program analysis, management, force protection, security, emergency management, and leadership development for the military and private sector. Finally, it provides details of his employment history, highlighting roles in training development, program management, physical security, health and safety coordination, and communications support for the Navy.
Patrick Mulvihill is a program manager and analyst seeking new opportunities. He has over 25 years of experience managing security programs for the US Army and 9 years of program management for a federal agency. His experience includes overseeing acquisition documentation, conducting analysis, and presenting results to senior leadership. He has expertise in training and curriculum development and holds a Master's degree in Executive Leadership.
What futures do young people want for Penryn - A democratic analysisDean Pomeroy
The summary report while acting as a consultant for Penryn Town Council. This document outlines the summary of our work - "Penrynopoly".
Commissioned by Penryn Parish council to conduct a research project into young people's perceptions of Penryn town, its relationship with the neighbouring town of Falmouth and how to get young people to stay in the area post-education, in aid of the towns Neighbourhood Plan. Working with the University and the FXU (student's union for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter Penryn Campus), we formulated recommendations to deal with the underdevelopment and underuse of the town by local young people. These recommendations were presented to the town council through the creation of a board game, 'Penrynopoly', which amplified resident's views into gamified talking points.
This project was featured in an EU Committee of the Regions newsletter and has been submitted to the EU's ALDA LADDER initiative, which seeks to increase citizen engagement and participation with local democracy. Further research is expected to follow in another community this year, as a part of the University of Exeter's Festival of Social Science.
El documento discute los mejores y peores pa鱈ses para trabajar seg炭n el ndice Global de Derechos. El 鱈ndice clasifica 139 pa鱈ses en seis categor鱈as dependiendo del nivel de garant鱈a y protecci坦n de derechos laborales. Tambi辿n analiza los desaf鱈os de Am辿rica Latina para generar empleos decentes, como el alto desempleo, trabajo informal y bajos salarios promedio de alrededor de $840 d坦lares al mes.
Este documento describe un curso sobre la evaluaci坦n docente para la asignaci坦n de plazas en escuelas normales. El curso tiene 20 horas y cubre tres unidades: 1) par叩metros para evaluar, 2) perfil docente, y 3) criterios del perfil. Los estudiantes investigar叩n estos temas y completar叩n trabajos escritos y encuestas que ser叩n evaluados con r炭bricas.
Carl Walker has over 13 years of experience in the British Army as well as 4 years working in private security. He has held roles as a team leader and manager, developing strong communication and organizational skills. His experience includes maintaining communications systems in hostile environments both domestically and abroad. Currently, he works as a Service Manager for 1st ACE Security, where he manages automated gate engineers, schedules, and technical support.
The document describes a project to build a 3D printer using a linear delta mechanism. It will include mechanical, electrical, and programming components. The mechanical design uses a linear delta mechanism with ball screws and joints. The electrical system will include an H-bridge driver, microcontroller, and thermal controller. The total estimated budget is 15 million VND, with 10 million for mechanical parts and fabrication, 3 million for electrical parts, and 2 million for unknown problems.
This document provides information on temperature-humidity chamber foundations and stability benchtop environmental chambers. It describes the main functions and applications of programmable constant temperature humidity chambers, which can test for heat, cold, dryness and humidity endurance. It then lists relevant industry standards and provides specifications for several chamber models, including temperature and humidity ranges, accuracy, heating and cooling rates, and materials. Safety features are outlined, and key features like the separation of humidifier and electrical circuits are highlighted. Contact information is provided at the end.
The document discusses PHP, an open-source scripting language commonly used for web development. It lists several things PHP can do, including dynamic web page content generation, database interaction, processing user input, email handling, and file handling. It then provides an overview of basic PHP concepts and features such as variables, data types, operators, arrays, control structures, functions, file handling, time functions, forms, object-oriented programming, errors, and databases.
EsselWorld is a 64-acre theme park in Mumbai, India established in 1986. The document discusses energy efficiency programs implemented at EsselWorld which reduced annual electricity consumption from 28,647 KW to 6,138 KW in Solution A, saving 22,508 KW annually and reducing electricity bills from INR 3,43,768 to INR 57,335 annually, saving INR 2,86,433. Solution B reduced annual electricity consumption from 28,647 KW to 4,778 KW, saving 23,869 KW annually and reducing electricity bills from INR 37,24,15 to INR 79,803 annually, saving INR 29,26,12.
Este documento describe las transformaciones demogr叩ficas en Am辿rica Latina y el Caribe, incluyendo las etapas de transici坦n demogr叩fica, la esperanza de vida, la fecundidad y los cambios en la estructura por edades de la poblaci坦n. Tambi辿n analiza el impacto de estos cambios demogr叩ficos en el desarrollo a trav辿s del concepto de "bono demogr叩fico", y c坦mo podr鱈a afectar sectores como educaci坦n, salud y pensiones. Finalmente, se単ala algunos desaf鱈os como asegurar que el bon
Este documento describe los procedimientos para el mantenimiento correctivo de equipos, incluyendo la atenci坦n de solicitudes externas e internas, el diagn坦stico y reparaci坦n de equipos, y los roles de soporte t辿cnico, activos y help desk. El objetivo es resolver problemas de hardware y software de manera eficiente y con el m鱈nimo impacto en los usuarios.
Este documento presenta diferentes m辿todos cualitativos y cuantitativos para realizar pron坦sticos de ventas. Describe m辿todos cualitativos como investigaci坦n de mercado, consenso de expertos y analog鱈a hist坦rica. Tambi辿n describe m辿todos cuantitativos como an叩lisis de series de tiempo utilizando promedios m坦viles, regresi坦n lineal y alisamiento exponencial para analizar tendencias en datos hist坦ricos y realizar pron坦sticos. El documento explica c坦mo aplicar estos diferentes m辿todos y algunos de sus beneficios y limitaciones.
Compiled by : Manish Jain Architect 油Gr. Floor , Ashoka apartment油Bhawani Singh RoadC-scheme , Jaipur -302001油Rajasthan ( INDIA)Ph. 91-0141-2743536 , 91-9829063132Email: fdarchitect @gmail.com油Web :油
Principales corrientes en la obtencion del conocimiento cientificoEduardo Ch叩vez
El documento resume las principales corrientes en la obtenci坦n del conocimiento cient鱈fico. Explica que el conocimiento emp鱈rico se basa en la experiencia a trav辿s de los sentidos, mientras que el conocimiento cient鱈fico extrae la realidad usando m辿todos precisos para generar teor鱈as y leyes. Tambi辿n discute que todo conocimiento es tanto objetivo como subjetivo, y que la ciencia busca privilegiar lo objetivo a trav辿s de explicaciones consistentes y la predicci坦n y control de fen坦menos naturales.
Mr. Freeman is an accomplished Program Manager with over 25 years of experience in areas such as identity management, strategic planning, solution architecture, and operations management. He holds an MBA and certifications in program management, acquisition, defense financial management, and enterprise architecture. His experience includes managing identity management programs at HPES and security threat assessment operations at TSA. He has also led consulting engagements focused on enterprise architecture, acquisition management, and business process improvement at agencies such as DLA, DISA, INS, and the Air Force.
Kenny L. Davis is seeking a leadership position utilizing 20 years of military experience managing organizations of 100 to 800 personnel and $19 billion in foreign military equipment sales. He has extensive experience as an operations officer, executive officer, and training instructor. His resume highlights his proven leadership, program management skills, and experience overseeing logistics, training, budgets, and strategic communication for diverse military organizations.
Dane Kaley is an organizational development practitioner and military veteran with over 20 years of experience leading teams and managing organizational development programs globally. He currently works as the Country Manager for SOC-USA Security in Nairobi, Kenya, where he increased success rates and reduced costs. Previously, Kaley spent 10 years in the U.S. Army as a senior advisor and assistant project manager, leading change initiatives and cultural training programs in 15 countries. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and is pursuing a Master's in Organizational Leadership from Mercer University.
Jerry Brown has over 20 years of experience in project management, operations, logistics, safety, and military service. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration focused on project management as well as other graduate degrees. He is currently a project manager for a consulting company providing business and academic analysis services. Previously, he worked as a project manager for a large road service company where he improved processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Brown has a strong background in applying leadership to achieve organizational goals through process improvement techniques.
Tyler J. Stewart is a program manager and veteran military officer with over 20 years of experience managing teams and operations across multiple countries. He has extensive experience in areas such as operations management, strategic planning, supply chain management, and contract management. Most recently, he served as the Director of Operations for the US Army Southwest Region from 2013-2015, where he managed 11 staff sections supporting over 350 personnel. He reduced costs by over 15% on one large logistics contract, saving $136 million. Stewart holds a Master's degree in Administration for Leadership and is pursuing Project Management Professional certification.
This document provides a summary of John J. Steiner's background and experience. It outlines his current Secret security clearance and past clearances. It then lists his 23+ years of experience in program analysis, management, force protection, security, emergency management, and leadership development for the military and private sector. Finally, it provides details of his employment history, highlighting roles in training development, program management, physical security, health and safety coordination, and communications support for the Navy.
Patrick Mulvihill is a program manager and analyst seeking new opportunities. He has over 25 years of experience managing security programs for the US Army and 9 years of program management for a federal agency. His experience includes overseeing acquisition documentation, conducting analysis, and presenting results to senior leadership. He has expertise in training and curriculum development and holds a Master's degree in Executive Leadership.
John H. Marshall IV is an experienced business professional seeking a new opportunity. He has over 20 years of experience in operations, project management, and regulatory compliance roles for Fortune 500 companies in the oil and gas industry. Marshall has a proven track record of increasing efficiency and productivity through process improvements and digital initiatives. He is skilled in strategic planning, data analysis, and liaising with regulatory agencies like PHMSA and the Railroad Commission of Texas.
Craig Mazur is an accomplished operations and logistics manager with over 20 years of experience managing maintenance and logistics programs for the US Army. He has directly supervised teams of up to 90 personnel and been responsible for readiness rates over 90% while managing multi-million dollar budgets. Mazur has implemented process improvement initiatives using Lean Six Sigma principles that have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has a proven track record of safety and regulatory compliance.
The document provides a summary of Robert Frye's background and experience. It outlines his current role providing analytic support on spectrum management policies for the Navy. It also details his extensive experience over 15 years conducting policy analysis, program management, and operations support for the DoD on issues including counter-IED efforts, small arms acquisition, and Navy expeditionary programs. Frye holds a Top Secret SCI clearance and has earned degrees from George Mason University and Thomas Edison State College.
This document provides a summary of William H. Taylor's education, training, certifications, and professional experience in both the private and public sectors. It details his extensive experience in program management, logistics, and acquisition roles for the Department of Defense spanning from 1991 to the present. His positions have included leadership over large organizations and billion dollar programs.
This document is a resume for James Steffen, who has over 30 years of experience in security management, both in the military and as a civilian contractor. He has held security roles overseeing up to 45 personnel and protecting over $13 million in assets. His experience includes static security, maritime security, and military operations. He has consistently achieved results and received multiple awards for his performance.
Bradley Brewer is a Commander in the U.S. Navy with over 20 years of experience leading diverse teams across military and government organizations. He is currently a Strategic Planner at the U.S. Special Operations Command, where he has led high-priority strategic planning projects and initiatives. Brewer is seeking new leadership opportunities as of June 2015, bringing his expertise in program management, process improvement, and cross-functional team building to bear.
Monique Gray is seeking a position that utilizes her 20 years of experience as a Chief Financial Officer and Budget Officer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Department of Defense. She has a proven track record of managing multi-million and billion dollar budgets and overseeing financial operations and resource management for large, complex organizations. Her skills include leadership, financial expertise, personnel management, and delivering efficient results.
Darin Sampson has over 20 years of experience in aviation and sales account management in both the federal and private sectors. He has a proven track record of exceeding sales goals and turning underperforming accounts profitable. His areas of expertise include account management, business development, aviation technologies, and federal sector marketing. Currently he works as an Aviation Operations Specialist for the DC Army National Guard, where he conducts pilot briefings, processes flight plans, and supervises flight operations personnel.
Cenise Ellison is an experienced military Chief Warrant Officer with over 20 years of experience in contract negotiations, cost reductions, and overseeing the acquisition of over $1 billion in property. She has a proven track record of successful contract negotiations saving the government over $1 million and reducing support costs from $1.3 million to $230K. Ellison holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and various military certifications in project management, logistics, and contracting. She currently performs as a Senior Logistics Manager at Fort Meade advising senior leadership on logistics and property management strategies.
Oscar J. Daniel has over 20 years of experience in the military, including serving as a Senior Business Manager, Operations Sergeant Major, Equal Opportunity Manager, and First Sergeant. He has expertise in training, operations, leadership, and personnel management. Daniel has extensive experience developing training programs, writing doctrine, and instructing courses in the U.S. and abroad on subjects including the Systems Approach to Training, biometrics, and military operations. He currently works as a Doctrine Writer, Instructor, and Course Developer in Abu Dhabi, utilizing his strong communication, planning, and computer skills.
Robert Medve has over 24 years of experience leading diverse teams in technology development for the Department of Defense. He currently serves as the Director of Operations and Senior Program Advisor for Trenchant Analytics LLC, where he helps grow the company and provides consulting support to Navy technology programs. Medve has a proven track record of translating user needs into successful solutions as shown by his roles managing large research portfolios and major acquisition programs. He is a decorated combat veteran with extensive leadership experience across the Navy.
Roberto Saenz has over 14 years of experience in acquisition support for the US government. He currently serves as a senior acquisition specialist for the Defense Health Agency, where he administers contracts worth over $600 million, including the Warrior Care Program and Nurse Advisory Line contracts. Saenz has a bachelor's degree in business administration and acquisition certifications at DAWIA Level III. He is proficient in acquisition regulations and processes from requirements development through contract closeout.
Air Vice Marshal B. K. Murali has over 30 years of experience in the Indian Air Force, including roles as Assistant Chief of Air Staff and Command Engineering Officer. He has extensive experience managing aviation technology projects, negotiating contracts, and leading large teams. He now seeks a senior leadership position where he can positively impact organizational performance through his expertise in aerospace, engineering, project management, and human resource management.
CAREER PROFILE: Interdisciplinary program or project manager responsible for evaluation, coordination
and implementation of administrative, operations and logistics projects. Focused on the successful
resolution of organizational issues which may dilute, disrupt, degrade or detract from the potential for
profit, efficient operations, and best use of critical resources.
Knowledge: Advanced capacity to absorb new concepts, disciplines and regulatory guidance
Situational Awareness: Possess a keen sense of the room, recognizing key issues, and have the
resolve to creatively move the resolution forward
Skilled Presenter: Well developed awareness and adaptability; focused on enhancing the
relevance and effectiveness of the message branding
Team Development: Candid, tactful, honest, loyal, team builder
Senior Sales Consultant CarMax JUN 2015 PRESENT
Provide research, evaluation, finance and purchasing consultation in this new market site
First consultant to earn Presidents Club status since the opening of this store
Recognized for recommending administrative and operations process improvements which have
been implemented within the store and the region
Developed my ability to form professional working relationships, evaluate requirements, and
provide solutions by engaging over 1600 clients to date
Office Sales Representative State Farm Insurance MAY 2014 JAN 2015
Provided sales and service for multiline insurance, banking and investment customers in this
newly opened agency
Acquired (4) state licenses and passed all State Farm product certifications in 45 days
Sought and developed sales program leads, evaluated client profiles and provided insurance,
banking and investment solutions for clients
Relocation Sabbatical Nationwide MAY 2013 APR 2014
After nearly 8 years in Africa, we used this opportunity to explore multiple locations nationwide and identify
the area where business development opportunity and my skills would be most valuable
Building & Design Coordinator /
Facility Operations Manager
(International Contract) SEP 2008 APR 2013
Research, analysis and management of country wide facility operations, procurement resources, budgets and
financial development, and program/project management for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Botswana, Africa.
Authored the first CDC Botswana International Facility Operations Plan which defined space
utilization and resource management requirements for 16 locations including clinics, offices and
Federal acquisition project manager responsible for developing and coordinating procurement
standards, purchasing guidelines, and congressional funding justifications
2. Formed a design and development technical team, representing two governments and nine
agencies, to successfully deliver 36 laboratory renovations and new construction projects
Contracting Officers Technical Representative responsible for resourcing logistic and
administrative support vendors, contract administration to include quality control, financial
coordination and defining the statement of work and contract terms
Provided thorough research, evaluation and cost projections, prepared statements of work,
RFP/RFI specifications, and supported the evaluation and award of $47 million in service,
construction, and technical equipment procurements
Liaison to the U.S. Embassy Country Team for cross funded or operated development projects
Evaluated non-tenant occupancies to determine cost allocation charge rate for facility service, IT
support, and related operational recoupment
Direct responsibility for the development and coordination of standard operational procedures,
administrative and logistics guidance, and international contract management training
Foreign Military Sales Program
Operations Manager
OCT 2005 SEP 2008
Contracting Officers Technical Representative, administrative, operations, and logistics managemet for the
Foreign Military Sales program, and the Humanitarian Assistance Contracts and Grants Development Program.
Negotiated key international, intergovernmental and interagency contract partnerships
Provided quality control and technical management for project contracts in excess of $ 3 Million
Delivered (9) Construction projects in (3) years - 56% of the 15 year total
Balanced and closed (5) years of un-reconciled budgets left by past administrators
Reduced operations expenses by 30% while increasing development output by 300%.
Developed the Botswana Defense Force Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development plan
and advised a Four Star headquarters on its implementation
Advised congressional delegation of the African Command Advanced Logistics Survey Team
Assistance Professor of Military
Science, Cadet Administration
US Army ROTC, UC of
California, Santa Barbara
JUL 2002 SEP 2005
Developed university level course curriculum and instructed Junior Officer Management and Professional
Military Leadership courses. Managed daily administration of Cadet Contracts, medical screening, security
clearances, and career placement. Performed cadet counseling, conflict resolution, safety, security and
Achieved highest Brigade Administrative Operations Inspection standing in 20 years
Prepared and led multiple training sessions including train the trainer events
Selected as a member of the Regional ROTC Accessions Review Board 2 out of 3 years
Increased Military Fitness Course enrollments by 600% in one year
Responsible for 75% of annual Non Recruiter cadet program enrollments
Unit exceeded their commissioning goals for two years best record in 15 years
Non-Commission Officer (NCO) in
Charge, Admin Support Branch (ASB)
Office of the Director, Joint
Staff, The Pentagon
JUL 1999 JUN 2002
Provide Action control and administrative support for the offices of the Director, Assistant, Vice & Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS).
Managed 24/7 action control in response to the 9/11 attack with no incidents
Managed more than 2500 actions without investigative incident; zero serious security violations
Revised and published post 9/11 ASB Operating Procedures
Received commendable rating on all branch inspection
3. Administrative NCOIC Fort Leavenworth Resident Agency
JUN 1997 JUL 1999
Staff Administrative
Defense Attach辿 Office, Caracas
NOV 1993 JUN 1997
Top Secret Registry NCOIC LANDCENT (NATO), Heidelberg,
NOV 1990 NOV 1993
Upper Iowa University Bachelor of Science Business Mgmt May 2000
Federal Acquisitions Law
Contracting Officers Representative (COTR)
International Project Officer Course
Administrative Management Courses:
Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), Foreign Military Sales Course
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Attach辿 Staff Operations Course
U.S. Army Accessions Command, Administrative Operations Course
Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Staff Operation, Budget and Finance Conference
US Army Primary, Basic and Advanced Non Commissioned Officer Courses
State of Colorado Property/Casualty, Life/Health (Expired 2/2016)
Strongest Attributes:
Research and absorb new concepts, regulations, and guidance rapidly
Adjust to new operational environments and systems seamlessly
Excellent organizer and time manager
Communicate well at all levels of leadership
Confident public speaker
Passionate and motivational trainer irrespective of the subject matter
Highest military award: Defense Meritorious Service Medal (2)
CTS Global Commitment to Excellence Crystal Globe Award 2010
USEUCOM, Security Cooperation Administrator of the Year 2007
U.S. Army ROTC Command Administrative Technician of the Year 2005
Joint Staff (Pentagon) Non Commissioned Officer of the year - 2000