InternetVasilchenko35fufУ своїй призентації, я хочу розповісти про інтернет !
1) Що саме інтернет ?
2) Що таке браузер ?
3) Які існують Інтернет протоколи, служби? та інше...
Я вважаю, що моя презентація ,буде вам дуже цікава!
Закон України Про очищення влади koshkinhouseНаказ Голови СБ України Про початок проведення в Службі безпеки України перевірки, передбаченої статтею 5 Закону України “Про очищення влади”, підписаний 3 листопада 2014 року
Exemption from criminal liabilityKyiv National Economic UniversityThe document discusses various grounds for exemption from criminal liability in Ukraine according to the Criminal Code. It is characterized by three points: 1) there is no public condemnation of the person who committed the crime, 2) the offender does not face punishment, and 3) the person is considered to have no criminal record due to the lack of conviction. The document outlines types of exemption including due to confession, reconciliation with the victim, transfer on bail, changed circumstances, lapse of time, and amnesty or pardon. It provides details on the conditions and processes for each type of exemption from criminal liability.
Exemption from criminal liabilityKyiv National Economic UniversityThe document discusses various grounds for exemption from criminal liability in Ukraine according to the Criminal Code. It is characterized by three points: 1) there is no public condemnation of the person who committed the crime, 2) the offender does not face punishment, and 3) the person is considered to have no criminal record due to the lack of conviction. The document outlines types of exemption including due to confession, reconciliation with the victim, transfer on bail, changed circumstances, lapse of time, and amnesty or pardon. It provides details on the conditions and processes for each type of exemption from criminal liability.