Intervento del Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella alla 32esima assemblea ...Gianguido PassoniIntervento integrale del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella in occasione della 32esima Assemblea Nazionale dell'ANCi svoltasi a torino dal 28 al 30 ottobre 2015
Tara Ritter - Successful Climate Policy Requires Rural EngagementruralxchangeThe document discusses efforts to address climate change in rural communities through the Rural Climate Dialogues partnership and Rural Climate Network. The Rural Climate Dialogues are 3-day events in Minnesota communities to study local climate impacts and develop responses, gathering a representative group of residents and local experts. Priorities identified are assisted with funding. The Rural Climate Network shares information between 50 rural climate groups nationwide to elevate rural perspectives in policy. They provide policy recommendations in areas like agriculture and energy shaped by principles of resilience and equity.
Presentation delegation last (Mohe)Bayer DarmelShort introductory Presentation Education Management in Afghanistan In under Education Management program in China.
Ghazni university 2018 ppt for provincial accountingBayer DarmelThis short report is about and image of GU activities presented in provincial accounting process.
G protein couple receptors siBayer DarmelG protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in many important physiological processes and are the targets of many drugs. They detect extracellular signals and activate intracellular effector proteins, usually via heterotrimeric G proteins. When a ligand binds to a GPCR, it causes a conformational change that allows the G protein's α subunit to exchange GDP for GTP. The GTP-bound α subunit then dissociates from the βγ complex and activates downstream effectors such as adenylyl cyclase. Eventually the Gα hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and reassociates with the βγ complex to terminate signaling. Rodbell and Gilman received the Nobel Prize for discovering GPCRs and their role in signal trans
Shep presentationBayer DarmelThis document summarizes the activities and achievements of Nangarhar University in Afghanistan over the past 50 years since its establishment in 1963. It discusses how the Strengthening Higher Education Program (SHEP) has partnered with the university since 2005 to support capacity development of staff, construction of new buildings and facilities, curriculum development, laboratory equipment, and student services. Some challenges mentioned include lengthy bureaucratic procedures and limited university autonomy. Overall, SHEP has helped improve the quality of education and working conditions at Nangarhar University.
S&t ppt 2Bayer DarmelThis document provides an overview of science and technology in Afghanistan. It discusses Afghanistan's basic statistics such as population size, literacy rates, and education enrollment. It then describes the historical development of S&T institutions in Afghanistan such as universities and research institutes. It notes that decades of war severely damaged S&T infrastructure and depleted human resources. Currently, the government is working to rebuild by expanding education, establishing new universities and technical institutes, and conducting research. However, Afghanistan still faces challenges like weak coordination between S&T institutions and a lack of technical staff. The document outlines future directions such as dedicating funding to S&T and establishing international partnerships to continue developing Afghanistan's S&T capabilities.
Drug label and its importanceBayer DarmelContains the information about drug label commonly veterinary aspects. Most parts written by Pashto Afghanistan national languge
Six social challenges in afghanistanBayer DarmelCASCADE is a European Union funded project to promote international cooperation. Nangarhar University is Afghanistan's second largest university with over 12,000 students and 500 academic staff. Decades of conflict devastated Afghanistan's infrastructure, agriculture, and education. Key social challenges include a weak health system, food insecurity, lack of irrigation and sustainable agriculture, overexploitation of natural resources, insecure energy access, and threats to security from conflict, drugs, and terrorism.
Interim report ppt IIBayer DarmelThis document summarizes a training that Mohammad Bayer Darmel received and outlines a proposed animal source food quality assessment lab project for the Veterinary faculty of Ningarhar University. The training covered the application of technology, safety, hygiene, and traceability in food production. It also provided practical experience. The proposed lab project aims to enhance food safety and quality in the region by providing testing facilities and training students, technicians, and researchers. The lab would assess attributes like microbiological quality, protein content, and nitrite levels in meat. If established, it would support workers in the animal health and food quality sectors through increased knowledge and skills.
First Report on Hygiene and Quality Management for Animal Source Foods Afg t...Bayer DarmelThis interim report provides an overview of hygiene and quality management issues for animal source foods in Afghanistan. It discusses how the agricultural sector was impacted by decades of war and how demand for meat and dairy is now increasing. However, local animal products have worse hygiene and safety conditions compared to imported alternatives. Key current problems include a lack of knowledge about hygiene among producers, cross-contamination in retail, no processing facilities, high zoonotic disease risks, and a lack of production and market policies regarding hygiene and quality management. The applicant's interests related to this training program include food safety, quality assurance, hygiene of animal products, and food analysis.
Presentation delegation last (Mohe)Bayer DarmelShort introductory Presentation Education Management in Afghanistan In under Education Management program in China.
Ghazni university 2018 ppt for provincial accountingBayer DarmelThis short report is about and image of GU activities presented in provincial accounting process.
G protein couple receptors siBayer DarmelG protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in many important physiological processes and are the targets of many drugs. They detect extracellular signals and activate intracellular effector proteins, usually via heterotrimeric G proteins. When a ligand binds to a GPCR, it causes a conformational change that allows the G protein's α subunit to exchange GDP for GTP. The GTP-bound α subunit then dissociates from the βγ complex and activates downstream effectors such as adenylyl cyclase. Eventually the Gα hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and reassociates with the βγ complex to terminate signaling. Rodbell and Gilman received the Nobel Prize for discovering GPCRs and their role in signal trans
Shep presentationBayer DarmelThis document summarizes the activities and achievements of Nangarhar University in Afghanistan over the past 50 years since its establishment in 1963. It discusses how the Strengthening Higher Education Program (SHEP) has partnered with the university since 2005 to support capacity development of staff, construction of new buildings and facilities, curriculum development, laboratory equipment, and student services. Some challenges mentioned include lengthy bureaucratic procedures and limited university autonomy. Overall, SHEP has helped improve the quality of education and working conditions at Nangarhar University.
S&t ppt 2Bayer DarmelThis document provides an overview of science and technology in Afghanistan. It discusses Afghanistan's basic statistics such as population size, literacy rates, and education enrollment. It then describes the historical development of S&T institutions in Afghanistan such as universities and research institutes. It notes that decades of war severely damaged S&T infrastructure and depleted human resources. Currently, the government is working to rebuild by expanding education, establishing new universities and technical institutes, and conducting research. However, Afghanistan still faces challenges like weak coordination between S&T institutions and a lack of technical staff. The document outlines future directions such as dedicating funding to S&T and establishing international partnerships to continue developing Afghanistan's S&T capabilities.
Drug label and its importanceBayer DarmelContains the information about drug label commonly veterinary aspects. Most parts written by Pashto Afghanistan national languge
Six social challenges in afghanistanBayer DarmelCASCADE is a European Union funded project to promote international cooperation. Nangarhar University is Afghanistan's second largest university with over 12,000 students and 500 academic staff. Decades of conflict devastated Afghanistan's infrastructure, agriculture, and education. Key social challenges include a weak health system, food insecurity, lack of irrigation and sustainable agriculture, overexploitation of natural resources, insecure energy access, and threats to security from conflict, drugs, and terrorism.
Interim report ppt IIBayer DarmelThis document summarizes a training that Mohammad Bayer Darmel received and outlines a proposed animal source food quality assessment lab project for the Veterinary faculty of Ningarhar University. The training covered the application of technology, safety, hygiene, and traceability in food production. It also provided practical experience. The proposed lab project aims to enhance food safety and quality in the region by providing testing facilities and training students, technicians, and researchers. The lab would assess attributes like microbiological quality, protein content, and nitrite levels in meat. If established, it would support workers in the animal health and food quality sectors through increased knowledge and skills.
First Report on Hygiene and Quality Management for Animal Source Foods Afg t...Bayer DarmelThis interim report provides an overview of hygiene and quality management issues for animal source foods in Afghanistan. It discusses how the agricultural sector was impacted by decades of war and how demand for meat and dairy is now increasing. However, local animal products have worse hygiene and safety conditions compared to imported alternatives. Key current problems include a lack of knowledge about hygiene among producers, cross-contamination in retail, no processing facilities, high zoonotic disease risks, and a lack of production and market policies regarding hygiene and quality management. The applicant's interests related to this training program include food safety, quality assurance, hygiene of animal products, and food analysis.