Oldham Community Radio aims to promote community cohesion and social gain for residents of Oldham borough through its programming. The station will target the diverse interests of the local communities to increase knowledge and understanding between groups. It will actively involve volunteers and organizations to produce inclusive programming. Specific programming strands will air for schools, colleges, languages, news, music, sports, and debates. The station also aims to promote community events and provide training opportunities for local groups.
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Discussion of aims
1. The Ofcom website states that the aim of Oldham Community Radio is to promote community
cohesion and deliver social gain to the residents of the area. Specific programme strands will target
the interests and serve the needs of the many diverse communities that constitute the population of
the borough. The station aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of, demonstrate
respect for and celebrate the diversity of all of our communities. Oldham Community Radio aims to
be fully inclusive and actively involve large numbers of volunteers and existing organisations in the
production of programmes.
.Provide occasional structured training courses to representatives from community groups
. Offer all local schools and colleges the opportunity to take part in community broadcasting on a
regular basis each per year
.Provide work placement opportunities
. Provide ‘in-house’ training to individual community radio volunteer staff at the station
The station will:
. Promote community events and offer support for events within the community.
. Using outside broadcasts to bring community events to a wider audience.
The programme strands are similar for Monday – Friday, from 12am – 7am is the overnight repeats
of afternoon programmes, 7am – 9am is the school’s and college strand. 9am-1pm is the Oldham
today strand. 1pm – 3pm is the multilingual strand. At 5pm – 6pm is the Oldham today strand and
from 9pm – 12pm are specialist music and interest strand with debates and discussions. These
strands rarely ever change. However, on Saturday and Sunday, there is specialist music and interest
strand from 12 am – 12pm and a sport strand from 12pm – 6pm.