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Better Practices!Better Patients!Better Lives! Discover the Possibilities! Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, MAPT, DPT, Betterness速 Coach
Change or GrowthTraditional approaches to career planning assume that society is static, that individuals do not change, and that work choices are made for a lifetime.Modified From:  Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
Change or GrowthBut we need only look at the burgeoning literature on career transitions to realize that those assumptions are no longer correct.Modified From:  Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
Change or GrowthThe most frequent estimate is that the average adult will make five to seven major career changes in a lifetime.Modified From:  Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
Change is Inevitable Growth is Optional~ Walt Disney
What is Betterness? Betterness速: (bet-r-nes) n. an accumulation of small, positive changes that achieves major growth.
I Discovered Betterness速 Somewhere Between Here . . .
and Here !
The Betterness Cycle of GrowthAssimilationAdaptationActionAwarenessAccountabilityAcceptance
Uncover, Discover and  / orRecover Your Passionfor Physical Therapy
A Focus on Awarenessthrough Appreciative Inquiry
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Ap-preci-ate, v.,valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems Synonyms: VALUING, PRIZING, ESTEEMING, and HONORING.
Every Organization, Every System, Every Profession, Every Person, Every Life has something that is working.
People have more confidence and comfort to journey to the future (the unknown) when they carry forward parts of the past (the known) The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry by Sue Annis Hammond
If you are going to carry the past with you, shouldnt it be what is best about the past? Anything different would simply be . . . . The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry by Sue Annis Hammond
Graphic from the book Excess Baggage by Paul Fellhttp://www.paulfellcartoons.com/books2.html
Freedom eludes those that focus mainly upon problems
Yes, the door is locked, but what is good about the situation?
Can You Imagine a System of Problem Solving That Focuses on What is Best about the situation? The Things That are Working!
In-quire (kwir), v.,1. The act of exploration and discovery.  2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities.  3. To increase in valueSynonyms:DISCOVERY, SEARCH, and  SYSTEMATIC EXPLORATION, STUDY.
If you are going to carry the past with you, shouldnt it be what is best about the past? When I asked this question . . . .
Did it make you Stop and Think? The Act of asking questions influences the way we think. The process of growth actually begins the moment a question is asked.
"Does teaching consist in putting questions?" Indeed, the secret of your system has just this instant dawned upon me. Oeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
I seem to see the principle in which you put your questions. You lead me through the field of my own knowledge . . . Oeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
and then by pointing out analogies to what I know, persuade me that I really know some things which hitherto, as I believed, I had no knowledge of. ~ SocratesOeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
Einstein recalled how, at the age of 16, he imagined riding on a beam of light and that the thought experiment had played a memorable role in his development of special relativity.
The Genius is in the Creation of  the Question	What would the universe look like if I were riding on the end of a light beam at the speed of light? ~ Albert Einstein
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." ~ YodaGratuitous Yoda Quote
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
Your Words Make Your World
Your Words Make Your WorldHuman systems move in the direction of what they focus on, what they vision, what they think about.
Whether you think that you can, or that you cant, you are usually right.~Henry FordYour Thoughts Determine Your Reality
Your Words Make Your WorldThe formation of your reality begins as your five senses collect information about the outside world. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
Your Words Make Your WorldThe data is then processed internally, filtered by your beliefs and fed back to you through the voice of your inner monologue and the whispers of your unconscious mind. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
Your Vocabulary Creates Your RealityThis mixture of external facts and internal talk combines to form your world. It is the truth according to you and about you and it is the only truth you know. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
Your Vocabulary Creates Your RealityLike secret powers that work 24 hours a day, the specific words you think direct every aspect of your life. (Past, Present and Future) The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
A vivid imagination compels the whole body to obey it.~ Aristotle
Appreciative Inquiryuses the art and practice of continuously asking carefully worded questions that strengthen our capacity to recall and to build on past and current successes.
Appreciative Inquiry	Think 	Muscle Recruitment	For the mind.
Appreciative Inquiry	it is a system that enables you to guide inevitable change into incredible growth by helping you to align your strengths so as to make the weaknesses irrelevant.Paraphrased from a conversation btwn Peter Drucker and David Cooperrider 2003
Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
Positive VisionPositive ActionSome main areas of research:Placebo: Positive Self Expectations influence positive outcomes Pygmalion: Positive Expectation of others influences positive outcomes Heliotrope: People grow towards hope and possibility
Negative VisionNegativeAction
Appreciative Inquiry is less about ignoring the negative and more about . . .
Focusing on what is important.
Focusing on what is important. Focusing on the positive gives us energy and excitement to achieve more.
Focusing on what is important. Research shows that the meetings of the most successful organizations have 2 positive statements for every one negative.
Focusing on what is important. Your success will be enhanced by an unbalanced -  (2:1, Positive to Negative) inner dialogue.
Appreciative Inquiry asks you to re-frame the negative to approach issues from a more productive perspective.
Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!
My aim is to help you all to get more out of physical therapy by tapping into the collective wisdom within this room and use that brain trust to guide you to a higher level of self discovery
The act of inquiry requires sincere curiosity and openness to new possibilities, new directions and new understandings.The Power of Appreciative Inquiry by Dana Whitney & Amanda Trosten-Bloom
We generally dont engage in deep inquiry about the things we know (or think we know) well . . .
It is hard to focus on learning when your mind is stuck in a state of knowingWhen you say or think the words, I Know, its like driving with the parking brake engaged.
Teaching Balance Think about this: Have you ever really taught balance?
Teaching Balance or must balance beExperienced?
Teaching Balance Life balance is NO DIFFERENT!
Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!Please write down all the concerns that you have that may stop you from fully participating today.
Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!When you get to the end of your list write: I will set these concerns aside for the day.Dont let excess baggage weigh you down
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineAs you read your practice act, think about these questions: 1 What is good about PT for me?2 What do I love about being a PT?3 What do I want PT to become for me?
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineHighlight 3 to 5 phrases within your practice act  that, if properly explored, will make physical therapy more effective, more energizing and more fun for you.
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineImagine the Possibilities!
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineThe administration, interpretation and evaluation of tests and measurements of bodily functions and structures for the purpose of treatment planning . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineto detect, assess, prevent, correct, alleviate and limit physical disability, bodily malfunction and pain from injury, disease and any other bodily condition . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Mainethe planning, administration, evaluation and modification of treatment and instruction . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineand the use of physical agents and procedures, activities and devices for preventive and therapeutic purposes . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineand the provision of consultative, educational and other advisory services . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Mainefor the purpose of reducing the incidence and severity of physical disability, bodily malfunction and pain.Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
Appreciative InterviewsFind a partner you DO NOT know well and sit next to them	Allow 10 minutes for each person to ask the interview questions	Listen intently and take good notes	You will need them
Mini Interview QuestionsTell me about a peak experience or high point in your professional lifea time when you felt most alive, most engaged, and really proud of yourself and your work.
Mini Interview Questions	Without being humble, what do you most value about: Yourself, and the way you do your work. Your interactions with patients and / or other PTs.Your profession and its larger contribution to society or the world?
Mini Interview QuestionsWhat unique skills and gifts do you bring to your patients and your profession?
Mini Interview Questions	When do you feel most alive, excited or most energized as a PT? 	Think of moments in your professional life where you seemed to have boundless enthusiasm and energy or moments that were filled with joy and laughter.
Mini Interview Questions	What made it an exciting experience?	Who were the most significant others?	Why were they significant?	What was it about you that made it a peak experience?
Mini Interview QuestionsIf you had just liberated the magic PT genie and you had three wishes that would make your practice of physical therapy moreeffective, energizing, fulfilling and fun . . . 	what would they be?
Interview Your Partner 10minand then switch Have Your Partner Interview You for the NEXT 10min
Identifying ThemesIn small groups of 6 to eight people 	Take 3 minutes each to share your partners highlights, focus on the great stories, along with inspiring best practices and ideas. 	Then, as a group, continue to discuss stories and determine factors that contributed to high point experiences.
Identifying ThemesLets take 20 Min to Share themes and stories with entire groupEach small group shares one or two great stories with the whole group  stories that represent the essence of what the small group has been learning.	As we talk, we develop themes and make a master list of theme your vision statements
Identifying ThemesWe will now take the next 15Min to choose winning themes. Please place a dot next to each theme that you feel is closest to you vision for your professional life.
Winning ThemesChoose ONE theme that you would like to explore a little further.When I read that theme raise your hand.We will then re-organize into groups based on these themes.
Fun with Winning ThemesWe will now take the next 15Min to design a way to communicate the statement  Tell us what it is like to live this vision. Focus on the positive, think as if the vision were true right now.What would a perfect day be like living this vision?
Define your Vision	I challenge you to make the most out of the time we have spent together by writing a personal vision statement which will serve as an image of your dream for the future.
Define your Vision Your vision is a positive statement in which you imagine your dream is happening in your life right now.
Define your VisionMake your vision is a positive image that will inspire or direct positive action. Just as a golfer might imagine or visualize the perfect shot, so our vision statements might help us imagine the optimal way of organizing and conducting our professional lives.
Define your VisionIt should capture the imagination and inspire you to stretch further to make the vision for the future expressed by the proposition come true.
Deliver your VisionWhen I lost weight, I focused my goals into four primary areas. Think Better, Eat Better, Move Better and Live Better. These areas have become the basis of my weight loss system and my book.
Deliver your VisionSegmenting my vision into focus areas helped me to set more attainable Betterness goals.I encourage you to define  3 or 4 focus areas that make up your vision
Deliver your VisionTo determine your focus areas, it may help to think about these questions, What is the smallest possible change I can make in my life that would bring me closest to my vision?
Deliver your VisionIs there a word or words to describe that particular aspect of your life into which that singular change can be placed? It may help to refer back to your original themes -

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FSU COSSPP Engage Magazine 2022-2023 - page viewFSU COSSPP Engage Magazine 2022-2023 - page view
FSU COSSPP Engage Magazine 2022-2023 - page view
Rebecca Sage
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oresent simple and continuous classes en unoresent simple and continuous classes en un
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Bangor University: A Legacy of Excellence in Education and Research
Bangor University: A Legacy of Excellence in Education and ResearchBangor University: A Legacy of Excellence in Education and Research
Bangor University: A Legacy of Excellence in Education and Research
DEEPTI presentation[1].pptx on research thesis
DEEPTI presentation[1].pptx on research thesisDEEPTI presentation[1].pptx on research thesis
DEEPTI presentation[1].pptx on research thesis

Better Patients Better Practice Better Lives 11 7

  • 1. Better Practices!Better Patients!Better Lives! Discover the Possibilities! Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, MAPT, DPT, Betterness速 Coach
  • 2. Change or GrowthTraditional approaches to career planning assume that society is static, that individuals do not change, and that work choices are made for a lifetime.Modified From: Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
  • 3. Change or GrowthBut we need only look at the burgeoning literature on career transitions to realize that those assumptions are no longer correct.Modified From: Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
  • 4. Change or GrowthThe most frequent estimate is that the average adult will make five to seven major career changes in a lifetime.Modified From: Hansen, L. S. (1997). Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc., p. 10.
  • 5. Change is Inevitable Growth is Optional~ Walt Disney
  • 6. What is Betterness? Betterness速: (bet-r-nes) n. an accumulation of small, positive changes that achieves major growth.
  • 7. I Discovered Betterness速 Somewhere Between Here . . .
  • 9. The Betterness Cycle of GrowthAssimilationAdaptationActionAwarenessAccountabilityAcceptance
  • 10. Uncover, Discover and / orRecover Your Passionfor Physical Therapy
  • 11. A Focus on Awarenessthrough Appreciative Inquiry
  • 13. Ap-preci-ate, v.,valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems Synonyms: VALUING, PRIZING, ESTEEMING, and HONORING.
  • 14. Every Organization, Every System, Every Profession, Every Person, Every Life has something that is working.
  • 15. People have more confidence and comfort to journey to the future (the unknown) when they carry forward parts of the past (the known) The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry by Sue Annis Hammond
  • 16. If you are going to carry the past with you, shouldnt it be what is best about the past? Anything different would simply be . . . . The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry by Sue Annis Hammond
  • 17. Graphic from the book Excess Baggage by Paul Fellhttp://www.paulfellcartoons.com/books2.html
  • 18. Freedom eludes those that focus mainly upon problems
  • 19. Yes, the door is locked, but what is good about the situation?
  • 20. Can You Imagine a System of Problem Solving That Focuses on What is Best about the situation? The Things That are Working!
  • 21. In-quire (kwir), v.,1. The act of exploration and discovery. 2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities. 3. To increase in valueSynonyms:DISCOVERY, SEARCH, and SYSTEMATIC EXPLORATION, STUDY.
  • 22. If you are going to carry the past with you, shouldnt it be what is best about the past? When I asked this question . . . .
  • 23. Did it make you Stop and Think? The Act of asking questions influences the way we think. The process of growth actually begins the moment a question is asked.
  • 24. "Does teaching consist in putting questions?" Indeed, the secret of your system has just this instant dawned upon me. Oeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
  • 25. I seem to see the principle in which you put your questions. You lead me through the field of my own knowledge . . . Oeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
  • 26. and then by pointing out analogies to what I know, persuade me that I really know some things which hitherto, as I believed, I had no knowledge of. ~ SocratesOeconomicus (The Economist) as translated by H.G. DakynsDownloaded: 10/24/2009 2:28 PM http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_xenophon_economist19.htm
  • 27. Einstein recalled how, at the age of 16, he imagined riding on a beam of light and that the thought experiment had played a memorable role in his development of special relativity.
  • 28. The Genius is in the Creation of the Question What would the universe look like if I were riding on the end of a light beam at the speed of light? ~ Albert Einstein
  • 35. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." ~ YodaGratuitous Yoda Quote
  • 38. Your Words Make Your World
  • 39. Your Words Make Your WorldHuman systems move in the direction of what they focus on, what they vision, what they think about.
  • 40. Whether you think that you can, or that you cant, you are usually right.~Henry FordYour Thoughts Determine Your Reality
  • 41. Your Words Make Your WorldThe formation of your reality begins as your five senses collect information about the outside world. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
  • 42. Your Words Make Your WorldThe data is then processed internally, filtered by your beliefs and fed back to you through the voice of your inner monologue and the whispers of your unconscious mind. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
  • 43. Your Vocabulary Creates Your RealityThis mixture of external facts and internal talk combines to form your world. It is the truth according to you and about you and it is the only truth you know. The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
  • 44. Your Vocabulary Creates Your RealityLike secret powers that work 24 hours a day, the specific words you think direct every aspect of your life. (Past, Present and Future) The Betterness速 Weight Loss Solution by Dr. Russ LHommeDieu, DPT
  • 45. A vivid imagination compels the whole body to obey it.~ Aristotle
  • 46. Appreciative Inquiryuses the art and practice of continuously asking carefully worded questions that strengthen our capacity to recall and to build on past and current successes.
  • 47. Appreciative Inquiry Think Muscle Recruitment For the mind.
  • 48. Appreciative Inquiry it is a system that enables you to guide inevitable change into incredible growth by helping you to align your strengths so as to make the weaknesses irrelevant.Paraphrased from a conversation btwn Peter Drucker and David Cooperrider 2003
  • 50. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 51. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 52. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 53. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 54. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 55. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 56. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 57. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 58. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 59. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 60. I am NOT just pumping sunshine!
  • 61. Positive VisionPositive ActionSome main areas of research:Placebo: Positive Self Expectations influence positive outcomes Pygmalion: Positive Expectation of others influences positive outcomes Heliotrope: People grow towards hope and possibility
  • 63. Appreciative Inquiry is less about ignoring the negative and more about . . .
  • 64. Focusing on what is important.
  • 65. Focusing on what is important. Focusing on the positive gives us energy and excitement to achieve more.
  • 66. Focusing on what is important. Research shows that the meetings of the most successful organizations have 2 positive statements for every one negative.
  • 67. Focusing on what is important. Your success will be enhanced by an unbalanced - (2:1, Positive to Negative) inner dialogue.
  • 68. Appreciative Inquiry asks you to re-frame the negative to approach issues from a more productive perspective.
  • 69. Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!
  • 70. My aim is to help you all to get more out of physical therapy by tapping into the collective wisdom within this room and use that brain trust to guide you to a higher level of self discovery
  • 71. The act of inquiry requires sincere curiosity and openness to new possibilities, new directions and new understandings.The Power of Appreciative Inquiry by Dana Whitney & Amanda Trosten-Bloom
  • 72. We generally dont engage in deep inquiry about the things we know (or think we know) well . . .
  • 73. It is hard to focus on learning when your mind is stuck in a state of knowingWhen you say or think the words, I Know, its like driving with the parking brake engaged.
  • 74. Teaching Balance Think about this: Have you ever really taught balance?
  • 75. Teaching Balance or must balance beExperienced?
  • 76. Teaching Balance Life balance is NO DIFFERENT!
  • 77. Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!Please write down all the concerns that you have that may stop you from fully participating today.
  • 78. Appreciative Inquiry is a PARTICIPATION sport!When you get to the end of your list write: I will set these concerns aside for the day.Dont let excess baggage weigh you down
  • 79. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineAs you read your practice act, think about these questions: 1 What is good about PT for me?2 What do I love about being a PT?3 What do I want PT to become for me?
  • 80. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineHighlight 3 to 5 phrases within your practice act that, if properly explored, will make physical therapy more effective, more energizing and more fun for you.
  • 81. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineImagine the Possibilities!
  • 82. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of MaineThe administration, interpretation and evaluation of tests and measurements of bodily functions and structures for the purpose of treatment planning . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 83. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineto detect, assess, prevent, correct, alleviate and limit physical disability, bodily malfunction and pain from injury, disease and any other bodily condition . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 84. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Mainethe planning, administration, evaluation and modification of treatment and instruction . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 85. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineand the use of physical agents and procedures, activities and devices for preventive and therapeutic purposes . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 86. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Maineand the provision of consultative, educational and other advisory services . . . Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 87. The Physical Therapy Practice Actfor the State of Mainefor the purpose of reducing the incidence and severity of physical disability, bodily malfunction and pain.Downloaded: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/32/title32sec3111-A.html
  • 88. Appreciative InterviewsFind a partner you DO NOT know well and sit next to them Allow 10 minutes for each person to ask the interview questions Listen intently and take good notes You will need them
  • 89. Mini Interview QuestionsTell me about a peak experience or high point in your professional lifea time when you felt most alive, most engaged, and really proud of yourself and your work.
  • 90. Mini Interview Questions Without being humble, what do you most value about: Yourself, and the way you do your work. Your interactions with patients and / or other PTs.Your profession and its larger contribution to society or the world?
  • 91. Mini Interview QuestionsWhat unique skills and gifts do you bring to your patients and your profession?
  • 92. Mini Interview Questions When do you feel most alive, excited or most energized as a PT? Think of moments in your professional life where you seemed to have boundless enthusiasm and energy or moments that were filled with joy and laughter.
  • 93. Mini Interview Questions What made it an exciting experience? Who were the most significant others? Why were they significant? What was it about you that made it a peak experience?
  • 94. Mini Interview QuestionsIf you had just liberated the magic PT genie and you had three wishes that would make your practice of physical therapy moreeffective, energizing, fulfilling and fun . . . what would they be?
  • 95. Interview Your Partner 10minand then switch Have Your Partner Interview You for the NEXT 10min
  • 96. Identifying ThemesIn small groups of 6 to eight people Take 3 minutes each to share your partners highlights, focus on the great stories, along with inspiring best practices and ideas. Then, as a group, continue to discuss stories and determine factors that contributed to high point experiences.
  • 97. Identifying ThemesLets take 20 Min to Share themes and stories with entire groupEach small group shares one or two great stories with the whole group stories that represent the essence of what the small group has been learning. As we talk, we develop themes and make a master list of theme your vision statements
  • 98. Identifying ThemesWe will now take the next 15Min to choose winning themes. Please place a dot next to each theme that you feel is closest to you vision for your professional life.
  • 99. Winning ThemesChoose ONE theme that you would like to explore a little further.When I read that theme raise your hand.We will then re-organize into groups based on these themes.
  • 100. Fun with Winning ThemesWe will now take the next 15Min to design a way to communicate the statement Tell us what it is like to live this vision. Focus on the positive, think as if the vision were true right now.What would a perfect day be like living this vision?
  • 101. Define your Vision I challenge you to make the most out of the time we have spent together by writing a personal vision statement which will serve as an image of your dream for the future.
  • 102. Define your Vision Your vision is a positive statement in which you imagine your dream is happening in your life right now.
  • 103. Define your VisionMake your vision is a positive image that will inspire or direct positive action. Just as a golfer might imagine or visualize the perfect shot, so our vision statements might help us imagine the optimal way of organizing and conducting our professional lives.
  • 104. Define your VisionIt should capture the imagination and inspire you to stretch further to make the vision for the future expressed by the proposition come true.
  • 105. Deliver your VisionWhen I lost weight, I focused my goals into four primary areas. Think Better, Eat Better, Move Better and Live Better. These areas have become the basis of my weight loss system and my book.
  • 106. Deliver your VisionSegmenting my vision into focus areas helped me to set more attainable Betterness goals.I encourage you to define 3 or 4 focus areas that make up your vision
  • 107. Deliver your VisionTo determine your focus areas, it may help to think about these questions, What is the smallest possible change I can make in my life that would bring me closest to my vision?
  • 108. Deliver your VisionIs there a word or words to describe that particular aspect of your life into which that singular change can be placed? It may help to refer back to your original themes -

Editor's Notes

  • #17: Work on this metaphor only have so much room
  • #34: Which one might be more fun? Which might make you happy?
  • #35: Which one might be more fun? Which might make you happy?
  • #37: Which one might be more fun? Which might make you happy?
  • #38: Which one might be more fun? Which might make you happy?
  • #51: Animation 1
  • #52: Animation 2
  • #53: Animation 3
  • #54: Animation 4
  • #55: Animation 5
  • #56: Animation 6
  • #57: Animation 7
  • #58: Animation 8
  • #59: Animation 9
  • #60: Animation 10
  • #61: Animation 11
  • #96: Timer A