This document describes different types of relationships that can exist between objects stored in containers, including linear orderings, hierarchical orderings, partial orderings, and equivalence relations. Linear orderings allow objects to be sorted, like numbers or letters. Hierarchical orderings represent part-whole relationships, like directories in a file system. Partial orderings have prerequisites but no single root, like course dependencies. Equivalence relations group objects with the same attribute, like gender. The document provides examples and operations for each relationship type.
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1. ECE 250 Algorithms and Data Structures
Douglas Wilhelm Harder, M.Math. LEL
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
? 2006-2018 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. Some rights reserved.
Containers, Relations, and
Abstract Data Types
2. 2
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
This topic will describe
¨C The storage of objects in containers
¨C We will focus on linear orderings:
? Implicitly defined linear orderings (sorted lists)
? Explicitly defined linear orderings
¨C We will summarize this information
¨C We will also look briefly at:
? Hierarchical orderings
? Partial orderings
? Equivalence relations
? Adjacency relations
3. 3
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Any form of information processing or communication requires that
data must be stored in and accessed from either main or secondary
There are two questions we should ask:
¨C What do we want to do?
¨C How can we do it?
This topic will cover Abstract Data Types:
¨C Models of the storage and access of information
The next topic will cover data structures and algorithms:
¨C The concrete methods for organizing and accessing data in the
4. 4
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
The most general Abstract Data Type (ADT) is that of a container
¨C The Container ADT
A container describes structures that store and give access to
The queries and operations of interest may be defined on:
¨C The container as an entity, or
¨C The objects stored within a container
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on a Container
The operations we may wish to perform on a container are:
¨C Create a new container
¨C Copy or destroy an existing container
¨C Empty a container
¨C Query how many objects are in a container
¨C Query what is the maximum number of objects a container can hold
¨C Given two containers:
? Find the union (merge), or
? Find the intersection
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on a Container
Many of these operations on containers are in the Standard
Template Library
Constructor Container()
Copy Constructor Container( Container const & )
Destructor ~Container()
Empty it void clear()
How many objects are in it? int size() const
Is it empty? bool empty() const
How many objects can it hold? int max_size() const
Merge with another container void insert( Container const & )
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Objects Stored in a Container
Given a container, we may wish to:
¨C Insert an object into a container
¨C Access or modify an object in a container
¨C Remove an object from the container
¨C Query if an object is in the container
? If applicable, count how many copies of an object are in a container
¨C Iterate (step through) the objects in a container
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Objects Stored in a Container
Many of these operations are also common to the Standard
Template Library
Insert an object void insert( Type const & )
Erase an object void erase( Type const & )
Find or access an object iterator find( Type const & )
Count the number of copies int count( Type const & )
Iterate through the objects in a container iterator begin() const
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Simple and Associative Containers
We may split containers into two general classifications:
Simple Containers Associative Containers
Containers that store individual objects Containers that store keys but also store
records associated with those keys
Temperature readings UW Student ID Number
10. 10
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Simple and Associative Containers
Any of the Abstract Data Types we will discuss can be implemented
as either a simple container or an associative container
We will focus on simple containers in this course
¨C Any container we discuss can be modified to store key-record pairs
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Unique or Duplicate Objects
Another design requirement may be to either:
¨C Require that all objects in the container are unique, or
¨C Allow duplicate objects
Many of the containers we will look at will assume uniqueness
unless otherwise stated
¨C Dealing with duplicate objects is often just additional, and sometimes
subtle, code
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Standard Template Library
We will begin by introducing four containers from the C++ Standard
Template Library (STL)
Duplicate Objects/Keys
set<Type> multiset<Type>
map<Key_type, Type> multimap<Key_type, Type>
13. 13
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
The STL set Container
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
int main() {
std::set<int> ints;
for ( int i = -100; i <= 100; ++i ) {
ints.insert( i*i ); // Ignores duplicates: (-3)*(-3) == 3*3
} // Inserts 101 values: 0, 1, 4, 9, ..., 10000
std::cout << "Size of 'is': " << ints.size() << std::endl; // Prints 101
ints.erase( 50 ); // Does nothing
ints.erase( 9 ); // Removes 9
std::cout << "Size of 'is': " << ints.size() << std::endl; // Prints 100
return 0;
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
In any application, the actual required operations may be only a
subset of the possible operations
¨C In the design of any solution, it is important to consider both current and
future requirements
¨C Under certain conditions, by reducing specific operations, the speed can
be increased or the memory decreased
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
However, we may want to store not only objects, but relationships
between the objects
¨C Consequently, we may have additional operations based on the
¨C Consider a genealogical database
? We don¡¯t only want to store the people, but we want to also make queries
about the relationships between the people
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
If we are not storing relationships, there is a data structure that is
always the same speed no matter how many objects are stored
¨C A hash table takes the same time to find an object whether there
are 10 or one billion objects in the container
¨C It requires approximately 30 % more memory than is occupied by the
objects being stored
¨C Example:
? Assume a department has 12 staff that are frequently changing
? Rather than having a mailbox for each person, have 24 mailboxes and place
mail into the bin corresponding to the person¡¯s last name
? This works fine as long as there is not too much duplication
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Most interesting problems, however, have questions associated with
¨C Which object has been stored the longest?
¨C Are these two classes derived from the same base class?
¨C Can I take ECE 427 if I failed ECE 250?
¨C Do both these pixels represent pavement on this image?
¨C Can I get from here to Roches¡¯s Point in under two hours?
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
We will look at six relationships:
¨C Linear orderings
¨C Hierarchical orderings
¨C Partial orderings
¨C Equivalence relations
¨C Weak orderings
¨C Adjacency relations
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Relationships are often Boolean-valued binary operations
Example: given two integers:
¨C Are they equal? x = y
¨C Is one less than the other? x < y
¨C Does the first divide the second? x | y
¨C Do they have the same remainder modulo 16?
¨C Do two integers differ by at most one prime factor?
x y
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Classification of Relationships
The relationships we look at can usually be classified by one of two
properties based on symmetry:
Another common property is transitivity:
¨C If x ~ y and y ~ z, it must be true that x ~ z :
If Ali is the same age as Bailey and Bailey is the same age as Casey,
it follows that Ali is the same age as Casey.
¨C If x < y and y < z, it must be true that x < z :
If Ali is shorter than Bailey and Bailey is shorter than Casey,
it follows that Ali is shorter than Casey.
Symmetric x ~ y if and only if y ~ x Ali is the same age as Bailey
at most one of x < y or y < x
can be true
Ali is shorter than Bailey
ECE 150 is a prereq of ECE 250
Reflexive x ~ x for all x Ali is the same age as Ali
Anti-reflexive x ¡Ú x for all x Ali is not shorter than Ali
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Definitions and examples
We will now define and consider examples of these relationships
¨C Linear orderings
¨C Hierarchical orderings
¨C Partial orderings
¨C Equivalence relations
¨C Weak orderings
¨C Adjacency relations
22. 22
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Linear Orderings
A linear ordering is any relationship where any two objects x and y
that can be compared, exactly one of:
x < y , x = y, or y < x
is true and where the relation is transitive
¨C Such a relation is therefore anti-symmetric
¨C Any collection can therefore be sorted according to this relation
Examples of sets which are linearly ordered include:
¨C Integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
¨C Real numbers 1.2, 1.2001, 1.24, 1.35, 2.78, ...
¨C The alphabet a, b, c, d, e, f, ..., x, y, z
¨C Memory 0x00000000, 0x00000001, ..., 0xFFFFFFFF
We could store linearly ordered sets using arrays or linked lists
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Lexicographical Orderings
Another linearly ordered set is the set of English words:
a, aardvark, aardwolf, ..., abacus, ¡, baa, ¡, bdellium, ..., zygote
The order is induced by the linear ordering on a through z
We will add the blank character b which has the property that b < a
The order is determined by comparing the first letters which differ:
aardvark < aardwolf since v < w
aadvark < abacus since a < b
azygous < baa since a < b
cat < catch since b < c
wilhelm < william since h < l
/ /
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Lexicographical Orderings
Such an order can also be used to linearly order vectors:
¨C Say that (x1, y1) < (x2, y2) if either:
x1 < x2 or both x1 = x2 and y1 < y2
For example,
(3, 4) < (5, 1) (3, 4) < (3, 8)
cd < ea cd < ch
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Linear Orderings
Queries that may be asked about linear orderings:
¨C What are the first and last objects (the front and the back)?
¨C What is the kth object?
¨C What are all objects on a given interval [a, b]
¨C Given a reference to one object in the container:
? What are the previous and next objects?
Operations that may be performed as a result:
¨C Insert an object into a sorted list
¨C Insert an object at either the front, the back, or into the kth position
¨C Sort a collection of objects
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Hierarchical Orderings
The next relation we will look at is a hierarchical ordering
Consider directories in a file system:
x ? y if x contains y within one of its subdirectories
¨C In Unix, there is a single root director /
Such structures allow us to organize information
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Hierarchical Orderings
Other examples:
Classes in Java and C#
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Hierarchical Orderings
If x ? y, we say that x precedes y or x is a predecessor of y
Even though all of these relationships may appear very different,
they all exhibit the same properties:
¨C For all x, x ? x (anti-reflexive)
¨C If x ? y then y ? x
¨C If x ? y and y ? z, it follows that x ? z
¨C There is a root r such that r ? x for all other x
¨C If is x ? z and y ? z, it follows that either x ? y, x = y or x ? y
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Hierarchical Orders
If the hierarchical order is explicitly defined (the usual case), given
two objects in the container, we may ask:
¨C Does one object precede the other?
¨C Are both objects at the same depth?
¨C What is the nearest common predecessor?
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Partial Orderings
The next relationship we will look at is
x ? y if x is a prerequisite of y
This is not a hierarchy, as there
are multiple starting points
and one class may have
multiple prerequisites
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Partial Orderings
Arrows are necessary to indicate the direction:
¨C Having completed ECE 140, you can now take ECE 124 and ECE 361
¨C If you want to take ECE 375 Electromagnetic fields and waves, you
must take ECE 206
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Partial Orderings
There are no loops¡ªotherwise, you could not take any courses in
the loop¡
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Partial Orderings
¨C C++ classes (multiple inheritance¨Ca class can inherit
from more than one class), and
¨C A number of tasks which must be completed
where particular tasks must be completed
before other tasks may be performed
? Compilation dependencies
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Partial Orderings
All partial orderings are anti-reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive
You will note that these are the first three rules of a hierarchical
¨C What is lost?
¨C We are not guaranteed that there is a unique root
¨C There may be multiple different paths between two objects
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
A finite set L that is partially ordered is called a lattice if it has a there
are unique elements ? and ¡Í such that ¡Í ? x and x ? ? for all
elements x ¡Ê L
¨C Here, A ? B if A ? B
¨C Graphically, A ? B if there is a path from A to B
? =
¡Í =
36. 36
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Partial Orderings
Partial orders are similar to hierarchical orders; consequently, some
operations are similar:
¨C Given two objects, does one precede the other?
¨C Which objects have no predecessors?
? Not unique (unlike a hierarchy)
¨C Which objects immediate precede an object?
? A hierarchical order has only one immediate predecessor
¨C Which objects immediately succeed an object?
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Equivalence Relations
Consider the relationship
x ~ y if x and y are of the same gender
Here we have another set of properties:
¨C This relationship is symmetric and transitive, but it is also reflexive:
x ~ x for all x
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Equivalence Relations
One nice property of equivalence relations is that you can create
equivalence classes of objects where each object in the class are
¨C If you consider genetics, there are four general equivalence classes
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Equivalence Relations
Mathematically, we could say that two functions f(x) and g(x) are
equivalent if
for some value of c that is
Two circuits, one from Motorola and the other from IBM, may be said
to be equivalent if they perform the same operations
? ?
? ?
f x
g x
0 c
? ? ?
40. 40
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Equivalence Relations
Given an equivalence relation:
¨C Are two objects related?
¨C Iterate through all objects related to one particular object
¨C Count the number of objects related to one particular object
¨C Given two objects x and y which are not currently related, make them
related (union)
? Not so easy: everything related to x must now be related to everything
related to y
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Weak Orderings
Finally, we will look at the relationship
x ~ y if x and y are the same age
x < y if x is younger than y
A weak ordering is a linear ordering of equivalence classes
If x is the same age or younger than y, we would say x ? y
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Weak Orderings
One nice property of equivalence relations is that you can create
groups of objects where each object in the group has the same
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Weak Orderings
The four containers,
set<T> multiset<T> map<K, S> multimap<K, S>
expect that the objects/keys may be compared using the relational
operators and that relational operator must satisfy a weak ordering
The set/map will store only one object/key per equivalence class
The multiset/multimap will store multiple objects in each equivalence
¨C The containers do not guarantee the same internal ordering for objects
that are equivalent
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Weak Orderings
The operations on weak orderings are the same as the operations
on linear orderings and equivalence classes, however:
¨C There may be multiple smallest or largest objects
¨C The next or previous object may be equivalent
45. 45
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Adjacency Relations
The last relationship we will look at is
x ? y if x and y are friends
Like a tree, we will display such a relationship by displaying a line
connecting two individuals if they are friends (a graph)
E.g., Jane and Ryan are friends, Elizabeth and Jane are friends,
but Elizabeth thinks Ryan is a little odd...
46. 46
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Adjacency Relations
Such a relationship is termed an adjacency relationship
¨C Two individuals who are related are also said to be adjacent
to each other
Here we see a hockey team and
some of their friends
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Adjacency Relations
Alternatively, the graph may
be more complex
48. 48
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Adjacency Relations
In some cases, you do not have global relationships, but rather, you
are simply aware of neighbouring, or adjacent, nodes
Such a relationship defines a graph, where:
¨C Nodes are termed vertices
¨C Edges denote adjacencies
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Adjacency Relations
Two examples:
¨C City streets
? intersections are vertices
? streets are edges
¨C Circuits
? circuit elements are vertices
? connections are edges
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Operations on Adjacency Relations
Given an adjacency relation:
¨C Are two objects adjacent?
¨C Iterate through all objects adjacent to one object
¨C Given two objects a and b, is there a sequence of objects
a = x0, x1, x2, x3, ..., xn = b
such that xk is adjacent to xk + 1?
I.e., are the objects connected?
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Summary of Relations
We have now seen six relationships:
¨C Linear orderings
¨C Hierarchical orderings
¨C Partial orderings
¨C Equivalence relations
¨C Weak orderings
¨C Adjacency relations
All of these are relationships that exist on the objects we may wish
to store, access, and query
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Defining Relations
Any relationship may be either implicitly defined or explicitly
¨C Integers are implicitly ordered based on their relative values
¨C Age groups are defined by the properties of the individuals
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Defining Relations
Any relationship may be either implicitly defined or explicitly imposed
¨C A hierarchy in a company is explicitly defined
¨C The order of the letters on this slide are explicitly imposed by the author
¨C Pixels are defined as pavement based on explicitly imposed rules based
on colour and surrounding pixels
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Defining Relations
Relationships may be defined globally or locally
¨C Any two integers may be compared without reference to other integers
¨C Any two sets can be compared to determine if one is a subset of the
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Defining Relations
Relationships may be defined globally or locally
¨C Prerequisites are defined locally:
ECE 150 is a prerequisite of ECE 155
ECE 155 is a prerequisite of ECE 250
From these, we may deduce that ECE 150 is a prerequisite of ECE 250
¨C Relationships in a company are defined locally:
? Person X reports directly to person Y
? Person Z is the president (or root) of the hierarchy
¨C Street grids and circuits are defined locally:
? These two intersections are connected by a road
? These two circuit elements are connected by a wire
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Defining Relations
In general,
¨C Explicitly imposed relationships are usually defined locally
¨C Implicitly defined relationships can usually be determined globally
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types
In engineering, we tend to see certain patterns that occur over and
over in applications
In these circumstances, we first name these patterns and then
proceed to define certain standard solutions or implementations
In software in storing objects and relationships in containers, there
are reoccurring containers of objects and associated relationships
where the actual queries and operations are restricted
¨C We model such containers by Abstract Data Types or ADTs
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types
Any time you are intending to store objects, you must ask:
¨C What are the relationships on the objects?
¨C What queries will be made about the objects in the container?
¨C What operations will be performed on the objects in the container?
¨C What operations may be performed on the container as a whole?
¨C What queries will be made about the relationships between the objects
in the container?
¨C What operations may be made on the relationships themselves between
the objects in the container?
59. 59
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types
Throughout this course, we will describe various ADTs and then look
at various data structures that will allow us to efficiently implement
the required queries and operations defined by the ADT
We have already discussed one ADT and a corresponding
¨C The Container ADT and the hash table data structure
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types
Another ADT is the Sorted List ADT
¨C A container that stores linearly ordered objects where we may want
insert, access, or erase objects at arbitrary locations
You may immediately think that we could using either an array or a
linked list to implement the Sorted List ADT; however, we will see
that that is usually very inefficient
¨C They are so inefficient that if, by the end of the class, if the first thing
you think of is using an array or linked list to store sorted objects, I¡¯ve
done something wrong¡
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
What¡¯s next?
We have discussed containers, relationships, and ADTs
¨C What is it we want to store and access
¨C What queries and operations are we interested in
The next question is, how do we implement these efficiently on a
The next step is to look at data structures
¨C These are particular methods of storing and relating data on the
¨C One data structure may be appropriate as an implementation for
numerous ADTs
¨C It may not be possible to find a data structure that allows optimal
implementations for all queries and operations of a particular ADT
62. 62
Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
In this topic, we have covered:
¨C The Container ADT as a basic model of organizing data
? Queries and operations on containers
? Simple and associative containers
? Unique or duplicate objects
¨C Relationships between data
? Linear ordering
¨C Lexicographical ordering
? Hierarchical ordering
? Partial ordering
? Equivalence relation
? Weak ordering
? Adjacency relation
¨C In each case, we considered relationship-specific queries and
¨C Abstract Data Types as a model for organizing information
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Containers, Relations and Abstract Data Types
These slides are provided for the ECE 250 Algorithms and Data Structures course. The
material in it reflects Douglas W. Harder¡¯s best judgment in light of the information available to
him at the time of preparation. Any reliance on these course slides by any party for any other
purpose are the responsibility of such parties. Douglas W. Harder accepts no responsibility for
damages, if any, suffered by any party as a result of decisions made or actions based on these
course slides for any other purpose than that for which it was intended.