Senior Vice President/Communication Platform Service Planning Team (Comm.플랫폼기획담당/상무) at SK Telecom
Telecom / Mobile
Innovative executive manager, business/product developer, and marketer/salesperson with
more than 15 years of experience in IT and finance industry. Result-delivering problem solver with diverse background in consulting, finance, software, and Internet/mobile industry. Have deep understanding of B2B/B2C business and people/organization with global market experience and performance. Able to build great teams by recruiting, developing, and retaining top talents. A persuasive communicator with strong network in major tech & finance companies in Korea.
(IT와 금융 업종에서 15년 이상의 경험을 가진 혁신적인 리더, 비즈니스/제품 매니저, 마케터/세일즈맨. 컨설팅, 금융, 소프트웨어, 인터넷/모바일 업종에서의 다양한 배경을 가진, 결과를 내는 문제 해결사. B2B와 B2C 비즈니스, 사람과 조직에 대한...