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January25, 2016
To WhomIt May Concern:
Thisletterservesasa recommendationandreference forBrandonClearwaters.
Brandonhas beena volunteerforeventsIhave directedforthe pastfouryears. These eventsinclude
the CoeurdAlene MarathonandCoeurdFondo,benefittingthe NorthIdahoCentennialTrail
Foundation andthe Fall 5k and OpenHouse benefittingthe SalvationArmy KrocCommunityCenter.
Workingon committeesforthese eventsbenefittingnon-profitorganizations,Brandonis cognizantof
the needforstrict financial managementand understandsthe value of collaborativeanddonated
assistance fromcommunitymembersandbusinesses.
He has well thoughtoutideasforengagingthe community,forsponsorshipandcollaborative
associations,andhe hasa keeneye fordetails,suggestingandimplementingchangesand
improvementstoenhance the events.
Brandonis a reliable volunteer. He currentlyservesonthe PlanningCommitteeforCoeurdAlene
Marathon, as a communitymemberatlarge. Brandonworkswell withcommitteemembers,all other
volunteersandrespectsthe leadershipof eacheventhe andIhave beeninvolvedwith.
He makesgooduse of histime,andiscareful notto overschedule,especiallyduringthe semester. His
organizational skillsandtime managementare impressive.
Brandonis a welcome andvaluedmemberoneachcommittee andeventwithwhichhe hasassisted. I
am honored tohave beenaskedtoserve as a recommendationashe pursueshisfuture endeavors.
If you needfurtherinformationorwouldlike tocontactme,please dosoat your convenience. My
CynthiaL Rozyla
1167 E Loch HavenDrive
Hayden,ID 83835

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Letter of Recommendation

  • 1. January25, 2016 To WhomIt May Concern: Thisletterservesasa recommendationandreference forBrandonClearwaters. Brandonhas beena volunteerforeventsIhave directedforthe pastfouryears. These eventsinclude the CoeurdAlene MarathonandCoeurdFondo,benefittingthe NorthIdahoCentennialTrail Foundation andthe Fall 5k and OpenHouse benefittingthe SalvationArmy KrocCommunityCenter. Workingon committeesforthese eventsbenefittingnon-profitorganizations,Brandonis cognizantof the needforstrict financial managementand understandsthe value of collaborativeanddonated assistance fromcommunitymembersandbusinesses. He has well thoughtoutideasforengagingthe community,forsponsorshipandcollaborative associations,andhe hasa keeneye fordetails,suggestingandimplementingchangesand improvementstoenhance the events. Brandonis a reliable volunteer. He currentlyservesonthe PlanningCommitteeforCoeurdAlene Marathon, as a communitymemberatlarge. Brandonworkswell withcommitteemembers,all other volunteersandrespectsthe leadershipof eacheventhe andIhave beeninvolvedwith. He makesgooduse of histime,andiscareful notto overschedule,especiallyduringthe semester. His organizational skillsandtime managementare impressive. Brandonis a welcome andvaluedmemberoneachcommittee andeventwithwhichhe hasassisted. I am honored tohave beenaskedtoserve as a recommendationashe pursueshisfuture endeavors. If you needfurtherinformationorwouldlike tocontactme,please dosoat your convenience. My informationisincludedbelow. Sincerely, CynthiaL Rozyla 1167 E Loch HavenDrive Hayden,ID 83835 208-661-9713 director@cdamarathon.com