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My lit id
A biology literacy includes
terminology that allows its
possessor to read articles ranging
from functions of cells to the
coding of DNA.

  I have a biology literacy because I
  took AP Biology my senior year of
  High School. I took this class because
  I wanted to take another class with
  Mrs. Muzzarelli.
A chemistry literacy includes the
ability to read a lab manual and
know the different chemical
compositions this is important
so that a chemist does not
accidentally mix two
incompatible chemicals.

                  My chemistry literacy is a result
                  of the AP Chemistry class I took
                  my junior year. I took this class
                  because my chemistry teacher
                  asked me to and we got along
                  really well so I decided I would
                  take the class for fun.
A physics literacy includes a
                           wide range of vocabulary
                           that deals with the motion
                           of objects and particles.
                           Some of the words included
                           are acceleration, jerk, and
I got my physics literacy in
my physics class junior year
I took the class because I
love science and math and
physics is a combination of
science and math.
A calculus literacy includes
           the common terms used in
           calculus like integral,
           derivative, and derived.

My calculus literacy is from the
two calculus classes I have
taken in the last two years. I
took these Calculus classes
because I love mathematics.
A Shakespearean literacy
allows its possessor to
read and understand the
plays of Shakespeare.

       I got my Shakespearean literacy from the
       AP Literature class I took last year. I took
       the class because I really wanted to have
       another class with Mrs. Opgenorth before
       I graduated. In the class we read multiple
       plays by Shakespeare.
My anatomy literacy is
from when I took an
A&P class in high
school. I took the
class because I really
liked the teacher that
was going to be
teaching it.
A forensic literacy would
include the name of
different spatter patterns
and the minutia of
My lit id
A racing literacy
includes the ability to
read a racing article. It
includes a slight
knowledge of cars and
includes phrases like
photo finish
A football literacy includes
words like touchdown, pass,
run, and tackle. It also includes
the names of all the positions
on the field.

                                    My football literacy was
                                    developed through my best
                                    friend Steven. Steven played
                                    football all four years of
                                    high school and I went and
                                    watched him play almost
                                    every game.
My texting literacy is a
result of my friendship
with Bethann. When she
moved to Arizona for a
year we would text each
other every day.
My Riding Literacy is a branch off
of my equine literacy and comes
from my love of horses. It is a
newly developed literacy that I
have gained through my friendship
with Lauren and Tyler and other
members of the Equine Club.

                                     A riding literacy includes the
                                     ability to know the names of
                                     different gates and the different
                                     techniques in riding for
                                     instance knowing what direct
                                     reigning and neck reigning are.
My lit id
   The external parts of the horse
   Basic health information for instance
    know what colic and founder are.
   Also the different coat colors of a
   Knowing what hands are and knowing
    other basic descriptors of a horse
What does a baking                 Why do I have a baking Literacy
Literacy entail?
                                   Like my cooking literacy my
A baking literacy includes the
                                   baking literacy comes from my
ability to read a recipe and it
                                   close relationship with my Aunt
includes all sorts of techniques
                                   Helen I remember when I was
used in baking. One of the
                                   younger we would spend the entire
techniques commonly used in
                                   day baking cookies if the weather
baking is folding
                                   was bad.
A fishing literacy
includes the names of
different species of fish
and the different types of
baits, and hooks.

                             My fishing literacy comes from
                             my extremely close relationship
                             with my dad. Ever since I was
                             young we have gone fishing
A hunting literacy includes the
                                     names of the different species,
                                     the names of the characteristics
                                     in an animal, and the names of
                                     all the different guns/ bows that
                                     can be used

Just like my fishing literacy my
hunting literacy comes from my
relationship with my dad. We
have gone hunting together since I
was young.
An agricultural literacy
includes the knowledge of
different types of crops and
tractors and the techniques
used while performing
agricultural tasks like crop

My agricultural literacy is
rooted in my strong
connection with my
godparents. This
connection through the
years has brought about
an agricultural literacy in
my literacy identity.
A livestock literacy includes the different
                          breeds of cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. For
                          instance Hereford, Brahman, an Angus are
                          cattle breeds and Duroc and Yorkshire are
                          swine breeds. This literacy would also
                          include basic terminology like bull, boar,
                          and ram. It would also include the
                          common diseases associated with

My livestock literacy started to
develop when I was young as
a result of the influence of my
Aunt Helen and Uncle Ed. It
has recently grown
tremendously while taking my
animal science class as well.
A cooking literacy includes the ability
  to read a recipe and to know what
  different techniques are called like

My cooking Literacy
comes from my close
bond with my Aunt
Helen. My Aunt Helen is
an amazing cook and I
have learned almost all
of my cooking literacy
through her.
 Ability to read a playbook
 Ability to read and understand
  articles about basic skills such as
  hitting, pitching, catching, and

                                        My softball literacy is from all
                                        the years I spent playing
                                        softball. I began playing
                                        softball because I had
                                        watched my sister Jessie play
                                        and it looked like fun.
A volleyball
statistics literacy
includes the ability to
read and take stats.
You must know what
words like hit, kill,
dig, and pass are and
how they are used

My volleyball statistics literacy comes from a
variety of places when I was younger I use to
watch my cousins play volleyball and I would help
my aunt Rose take stats. Also in high school I was
the manager of the volleyball team and took stats at
every game.

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My lit id

  • 3. A biology literacy includes terminology that allows its possessor to read articles ranging from functions of cells to the coding of DNA. I have a biology literacy because I took AP Biology my senior year of High School. I took this class because I wanted to take another class with Mrs. Muzzarelli.
  • 4. A chemistry literacy includes the ability to read a lab manual and know the different chemical compositions this is important so that a chemist does not accidentally mix two incompatible chemicals. My chemistry literacy is a result of the AP Chemistry class I took my junior year. I took this class because my chemistry teacher asked me to and we got along really well so I decided I would take the class for fun.
  • 5. A physics literacy includes a wide range of vocabulary that deals with the motion of objects and particles. Some of the words included are acceleration, jerk, and velocity. I got my physics literacy in my physics class junior year I took the class because I love science and math and physics is a combination of science and math.
  • 6. A calculus literacy includes the common terms used in calculus like integral, derivative, and derived. My calculus literacy is from the two calculus classes I have taken in the last two years. I took these Calculus classes because I love mathematics.
  • 7. A Shakespearean literacy allows its possessor to read and understand the plays of Shakespeare. I got my Shakespearean literacy from the AP Literature class I took last year. I took the class because I really wanted to have another class with Mrs. Opgenorth before I graduated. In the class we read multiple plays by Shakespeare.
  • 8. My anatomy literacy is from when I took an A&P class in high school. I took the class because I really liked the teacher that was going to be teaching it.
  • 9. A forensic literacy would include the name of different spatter patterns and the minutia of fingerprints.
  • 11. A racing literacy includes the ability to read a racing article. It includes a slight knowledge of cars and includes phrases like photo finish
  • 12. A football literacy includes words like touchdown, pass, run, and tackle. It also includes the names of all the positions on the field. My football literacy was developed through my best friend Steven. Steven played football all four years of high school and I went and watched him play almost every game.
  • 13. My texting literacy is a result of my friendship with Bethann. When she moved to Arizona for a year we would text each other every day.
  • 14. My Riding Literacy is a branch off of my equine literacy and comes from my love of horses. It is a newly developed literacy that I have gained through my friendship with Lauren and Tyler and other members of the Equine Club. A riding literacy includes the ability to know the names of different gates and the different techniques in riding for instance knowing what direct reigning and neck reigning are.
  • 16. The external parts of the horse Basic health information for instance know what colic and founder are. Also the different coat colors of a horse Knowing what hands are and knowing other basic descriptors of a horse
  • 17. What does a baking Why do I have a baking Literacy Literacy entail? Like my cooking literacy my A baking literacy includes the baking literacy comes from my ability to read a recipe and it close relationship with my Aunt includes all sorts of techniques Helen I remember when I was used in baking. One of the younger we would spend the entire techniques commonly used in day baking cookies if the weather baking is folding was bad.
  • 18. A fishing literacy includes the names of different species of fish and the different types of baits, and hooks. My fishing literacy comes from my extremely close relationship with my dad. Ever since I was young we have gone fishing together.
  • 19. A hunting literacy includes the names of the different species, the names of the characteristics in an animal, and the names of all the different guns/ bows that can be used Just like my fishing literacy my hunting literacy comes from my relationship with my dad. We have gone hunting together since I was young.
  • 20. An agricultural literacy includes the knowledge of different types of crops and tractors and the techniques used while performing agricultural tasks like crop rotation. My agricultural literacy is rooted in my strong connection with my godparents. This connection through the years has brought about an agricultural literacy in my literacy identity.
  • 21. A livestock literacy includes the different breeds of cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. For instance Hereford, Brahman, an Angus are cattle breeds and Duroc and Yorkshire are swine breeds. This literacy would also include basic terminology like bull, boar, and ram. It would also include the common diseases associated with livestock. My livestock literacy started to develop when I was young as a result of the influence of my Aunt Helen and Uncle Ed. It has recently grown tremendously while taking my animal science class as well.
  • 22. A cooking literacy includes the ability to read a recipe and to know what different techniques are called like saut辿. My cooking Literacy comes from my close bond with my Aunt Helen. My Aunt Helen is an amazing cook and I have learned almost all of my cooking literacy through her.
  • 23. Ability to read a playbook Ability to read and understand articles about basic skills such as hitting, pitching, catching, and throwing My softball literacy is from all the years I spent playing softball. I began playing softball because I had watched my sister Jessie play and it looked like fun.
  • 24. A volleyball statistics literacy includes the ability to read and take stats. You must know what words like hit, kill, dig, and pass are and how they are used My volleyball statistics literacy comes from a variety of places when I was younger I use to watch my cousins play volleyball and I would help my aunt Rose take stats. Also in high school I was the manager of the volleyball team and took stats at every game.