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How to Market Anything
 through Social Media
     A presentation for
      Sterling Cooper
About Bryan

            Writes the Burbs Eye View column each Wednesday
            Professional marketing manager

4/9/2013               How to Market Anything in Social Media   2
Enough about me 
                             What is Sterling Cooper?

4/9/2013   Transforming Outreach at Stough Canyon       3
A traditional company 
           Bert Cooper                          Roger Sterling

                           Don Draper


4/9/2013            How to Market Anything in Social Media       4
with traditional problems

             How do we market our company?

           How do we market our clients?

            How do we market ourselves?

4/9/2013            How to Market Anything in Social Media   5
Don Drapers Office
           Somethings missing 

4/9/2013                How to Market Anything in Social Media   6
Don Drapers Office
           Right! A computer! Now we can start with Social Media 

4/9/2013                How to Market Anything in Social Media       7
The online storefront

4/9/2013       How to Market Anything in Social Media   8
Why bother with Social Media?

           Average increase in
           website hits after
                                                 COMPANIES WITH >50
           crossing 1,000 Likes.                  EMPLOYEES SAW THE
                                               BIGGEST TRAFFIC GAINS
                                                FROM GROWING THEIR
                                                   FACEBOOK REACH.
                                        Source: 2013 Survey of 7,000 Hubspot customers

4/9/2013            How to Market Anything in Social Media                         9
Why bother with Social Media?

           More web traffic for                           B2C COMPANIES
           companies with 51 to                      EXPERIENCE A LARGER
           100 followers over those
                                                      INCREASE IN TRAFFIC
           with 25 or fewer.
                                                     THAN B2B COMPANIES
                                                     AFTER CROSSING 1,000
                                                       TWITTER FOLLOWERS.
                                        Source: 2013 Survey of 7,000 Hubspot customers

4/9/2013            How to Market Anything in Social Media                        10
Top reasons for Retweets

                                                 Source: Infographic labs report 2012

4/9/2013          How to Market Anything in Social Media                          11
Why people follow you





                                                Source: Infographic labs report 2012

4/9/2013         How to Market Anything in Social Media                          12
How to self-market your business


4/9/2013             Journalism and the Burbank Community   13
Twitter is good for 

 Microblogging                           Trend searches
 Quick answers / feedback                Celebrity / team stalking
4/9/2013          How to Market Anything in Social Media          14
Your very own publishing house
 Offer insight
about your
 Display your
 A home for major
pieces of content
that help with SEO

 4/9/2013            How to Market Anything in Social Media   15
How to interact with consumers


4/9/2013            Journalism and the Burbank Community   16
THE Social Network
 Photo gallery
 Stay in touch with
 Share content -

 4/9/2013           How to Market Anything in Social Media   17
Visual Collaboration

                 Editing photos
                 Sharing photos

4/9/2013       How to Market Anything in Social Media   18
How to build your personal brand


4/9/2013            Journalism and the Burbank Community   19
Linked In includes 
 Your online resume
 A place to connect
and share expertise
 Curated communities
like Twitter but with a
more robust profile
feature to validate

4/9/2013           How to Market Anything in Social Media   20
The Virtual Collage

 Helps share visual content (photos, video)
 Acts as a virtual pinboard  a scrapbook of things
that interest you
4/9/2013         How to Market Anything in Social Media   21
How to win friends and influence influencers


4/9/2013             Journalism and the Burbank Community   22
Pete Campbell

 Talks about himself a lot
 Multiple-tweet rants about
politics, religion, womens place
in the home
 Talks about his big-name clients
in inappropriate mentions
 Shares competition-sensitive
information in meetings on
Facebook, Twitter where
competitors can see
 Shares photos of his lunch that
are out of focus
 Tells people to Like Facebook
page, without a link to it
 Goes weeks just retweeting;
no original content
 Invites everyone to play every
Facebook game ever

4/9/2013                      How to Market Anything in Social Media   23
Joan Harris

 Has whole conversations with
clients about service issues
 Retweets followers all the time
 Keeps Facebook calendar
 Creates contests on
Facebook, Instagram and
promotes them 3x a day
 Reads blogs from the firms top
clients and shares their content
 Recruits Don and Roger to
write posts about ad strategy;
asks clients to RT
 Takes photos that are in focus
and are NOT the backs of
peoples heads; theyre also
framed well and interesting

4/9/2013                      How to Market Anything in Social Media   24
Bringing it all together


4/9/2013               Journalism and the Burbank Community   25
The social circle
                                          Biz to Biz

                                        Business to


4/9/2013     How to Market Anything in Social Media    26
Organize your work

4/9/2013          How to Market Anything in Social Media   27
Social Etiquette
 Treat people online as if youd treat them in person.
 Message people often, and repeatedly.
 Reward people for your call to action/encourage the
  behavior you want
 Decide early what your online persona is.
 Pull in, dont push out. (Make people want to interact
  with you)
 Give more than you get (put things on peoples
  walls, retweet and promote their stuff too)
 Not every platform is appropriate for every message.
 Engage, listen and learn.
 Create Social Proof of your expertise, skills and products
  (through users testimonials and interactions)

4/9/2013           Journalism and the Burbank Community        28
Thank you.

Bryan on the Web
           Your goal should also be to obtain the first four or five things on a
           Google search.

4/9/2013                  How to Market Anything in Social Media                   30

More Related Content

Social mediapresentation

  • 1. How to Market Anything through Social Media A presentation for Sterling Cooper
  • 2. About Bryan Writes the Burbs Eye View column each Wednesday Professional marketing manager 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 2
  • 3. Enough about me What is Sterling Cooper? 4/9/2013 Transforming Outreach at Stough Canyon 3
  • 4. A traditional company Bert Cooper Roger Sterling Don Draper Employees 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 4
  • 5. with traditional problems How do we market our company? How do we market our clients? How do we market ourselves? 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 5
  • 6. Don Drapers Office Somethings missing 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 6
  • 7. Don Drapers Office Right! A computer! Now we can start with Social Media 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 7
  • 8. The online storefront 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 8
  • 9. Why bother with Social Media? 185% Average increase in website hits after COMPANIES WITH >50 crossing 1,000 Likes. EMPLOYEES SAW THE BIGGEST TRAFFIC GAINS FROM GROWING THEIR FACEBOOK REACH. Source: 2013 Survey of 7,000 Hubspot customers 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 9
  • 10. Why bother with Social Media? 106% More web traffic for B2C COMPANIES companies with 51 to EXPERIENCE A LARGER 100 followers over those INCREASE IN TRAFFIC with 25 or fewer. THAN B2B COMPANIES AFTER CROSSING 1,000 TWITTER FOLLOWERS. Source: 2013 Survey of 7,000 Hubspot customers 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 10
  • 11. Top reasons for Retweets 100 80 60 40 20 0 Source: Infographic labs report 2012 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 11
  • 12. Why people follow you 80 60 40 20 0 Source: Infographic labs report 2012 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 12
  • 13. How to self-market your business TWITTER AND YOUR BLOG 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 13
  • 14. Twitter is good for Microblogging Trend searches Quick answers / feedback Celebrity / team stalking 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 14
  • 15. Your very own publishing house Offer insight about your industry Display your expertise A home for major pieces of content that help with SEO 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 15
  • 16. How to interact with consumers FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 16
  • 17. THE Social Network Photo gallery Stay in touch with family Share content - Links Keep appointments 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 17
  • 18. Visual Collaboration Editing photos Sharing photos 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 18
  • 19. How to build your personal brand LINKEDIN & PINTEREST 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 19
  • 20. Linked In includes Your online resume A place to connect and share expertise Curated communities like Twitter but with a more robust profile feature to validate experience 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 20
  • 21. The Virtual Collage Helps share visual content (photos, video) Acts as a virtual pinboard a scrapbook of things that interest you 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 21
  • 22. How to win friends and influence influencers PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 22
  • 23. Pete Campbell Talks about himself a lot Multiple-tweet rants about politics, religion, womens place in the home Talks about his big-name clients in inappropriate mentions Shares competition-sensitive information in meetings on Facebook, Twitter where competitors can see Shares photos of his lunch that are out of focus Tells people to Like Facebook page, without a link to it Goes weeks just retweeting; no original content Invites everyone to play every Facebook game ever 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 23
  • 24. Joan Harris Has whole conversations with clients about service issues Retweets followers all the time Keeps Facebook calendar updated Creates contests on Facebook, Instagram and promotes them 3x a day Reads blogs from the firms top clients and shares their content Recruits Don and Roger to write posts about ad strategy; asks clients to RT Takes photos that are in focus and are NOT the backs of peoples heads; theyre also framed well and interesting 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 24
  • 25. Bringing it all together THE SOCIAL FLOW 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 25
  • 26. The social circle Biz to Biz Business to Consumer Personal 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 26
  • 27. Organize your work HootSuite TweetDeck Threadsy Rignite Unilyzer Spredfast MediaFunnel CoTweet Seesmic Netvibes Brizzly 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 27
  • 28. Social Etiquette Treat people online as if youd treat them in person. Message people often, and repeatedly. Reward people for your call to action/encourage the behavior you want Decide early what your online persona is. Pull in, dont push out. (Make people want to interact with you) Give more than you get (put things on peoples walls, retweet and promote their stuff too) Not every platform is appropriate for every message. Engage, listen and learn. Create Social Proof of your expertise, skills and products (through users testimonials and interactions) 4/9/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 28
  • 30. Bryan on the Web Your goal should also be to obtain the first four or five things on a Google search. 4/9/2013 How to Market Anything in Social Media 30