×îϲ»¶ÈÈÄÖ (Love to have fun with a lot of people)
×î»á¸æ°× (Know how to confess well)
×îÖ÷¹Û (Most self-centred)
×îÊØʱ (Always be on time)
×îÓÐƷζ (High taste in life)
×î²»»áÌÖÈË»¶ÐÄ (Dont know how to comfort people)
×îÖØ×Ô×ð (Ego)
×îÓÐÁìµ¼ÄÜÁ¦ (High leading skill)
×î½²ÒåÆø (Most sense of obligation)
×î×ÔÁµ (Love myself the most)
×î°®³ö·æÍ· (Love to show off)
×îÊä²»Æð (Dont like to lose)
×î×ÔÐÅ (Most confident)
×îÓб£»¤Óû (Always wanted to protect something or someone)
×îûÓÐÃØÃÜ (Dont have secrets)
ÔÖÄÑÖÐ×î²»Àä¾² (Cant calm down easily)
×Ôê(Most bad tempered)