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Organization / Workplace
San Francisco Bay Area, CA United States
Product Management & Evangelist at Avaya
Technology / Software / Internet
Senior Marketing Executive helping organizations make transformative change to achieve sustainable results. Devises strategies and programs that guarantee revenue and profitability. Previously served in executive, marketing and development positions in technology and nonprofits sectors and launched over 15 major products worldwide.
At Aspect Communications, developed and launched the industry’s first realtime customer analytics system. Led Aspect's PR and communications strategy and helped re-position the company from a voice equipment to an eCRM solutions provider. As VP marketing at Vuent, launched cloud-based collaborative design application for supply chain manufacturers and develope...
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Users following Cynthia Holladay Loosley

Gian-Luca Cioletti, Helping people and companies to grow!
Founder & CEO, Business Angel, Investor, Me...