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童無漫無岬瞳 Steadfast bitch grrrl 童無漫無岬瞳
童無漫無岬瞳 NP-SLE and MS patient w/ overlapping accessories 童無漫無岬瞳
Being liberated from the bondage of self
(a process, not an event)
through acts of God reliance and altruism.
童無漫無岬瞳 F S U 童無漫無岬瞳
"Piss Off Lupus! I'm Redefining Myself!" 息 Kim Nault
Writer, essayist, poet and blogger for SLE disease related information, and SLE patient inspiration, determination and mental liberation.
Over 25 years service work in non-profit groups. Altruism ROCKS!
Writer for The Lupus Magazine
Served on the Lupus MCTD Foundation Board of Directors from
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