The document provides a matrix to assess an organization's security practices across various domains on a scale from "Poor" to "Professional". At the Poor level, there are no security policies, plans, training, or budget. At the Fragile level, some basic policies and plans exist on paper but are not fully implemented. At the Basic level, key security responsibilities and procedures are in place but not consistently applied. At the Advanced level, comprehensive security policies, plans, training and budgets exist and are regularly updated. At the Professional level, security is fully integrated into all operations and staff are actively involved in ongoing improvement.
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CSD Matrix (Text)
1. CSD Matrix
Poor Fragile Basic Advanced Professional
Security Policy We have not articulated We have some policies and Policy principles and We have a clear and Sta feels involved with
policies and principles principles on paper responsibilities are clear adequate security policy, security policies and
and agreed upon accessible to everyone contributes to updating them
Crisis Management There is no crisis plan We have a written Crisis plan is updated Crisis plan and infrastructure Meetings are regularly
in place crisis plan regularly are regularly tested organised to develop
and updated speci c scenarios
Resources We have no budget for Budget can be made Budget is available for basic Budget for security is available Budget is integrated in all
security available upon request equipment and training for all equipment and training programme budgets
Country Speci c We do not have We have some working Some working procedures We have a security plan for Every member of our sta
Security Plans security plans procedures on paper are in place for every country every country where we is familiar with clear and
where we have eld presence have eld presence, accessible security plan
updated regularly and adheres to it
Security Training We do not train our sta Some international sta All international sta are All sta is trained. Managers All sta are trained on every
in security are trained trained on personal level are trained in security level and skills are maintained
Security Brie ng Sta are not briefed Some sta are briefed at HQ All sta are briefed at HQ All sta are briefed at HQ and All sta are briefed and
before departure upon arrival in eld. debriefed before and after
every trip
Responsibility Sta take no Sta take responsibility for Sta take responsibility for Sta take responsibility for Sta take responsibility, keep
responsibility for their their own security their own security and that security of themselves and col- others liable and make
own personal security of their colleagues leagues and keep others liable suggestions for improvement
for their actions
Attitude Security is not an issue Security is an issue for some or There is a basic sense of Security is taken into conside- Security is seen as a
within our NGO after a serious incident security in our NGO amongst ration in the decision making precondition to operate
all sta process
Incident Reporting Serious incidents All incidents are reported Incidents are reported, Incident reporting is seen
Incidents are not reported are reported (including near misses) analysed and actions as crucial for organisational
might be taken learning
Security Information Sharing Information is shared amongst Information is shared between Information is shared with Initiative towards information When security networks do
those directly involved all sta in our NGO other NGOs sharing is taken not exist we initiate them