Are you tired of opening classes that have hundreds or thousands of lines of code? Do you feel that you spend too much time trying to understand how something (that should be simple) in your application works? Are you frustrated with following spaghetti-like logic through your codes core? In this presentation, were going to examine a set of design principles that yield easy-to-read, decoupled code referred to as SOLID. To start, well explore the history of SOLID and establish the problems it solves. From there, well dive into the different principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion) by defining what each principle means, how to spot violations, and how to resolve them. Intended for developers wanting to learn more about software design, by the end of the presentation, you should be able to describe what SOLID code is. In addition, you should also be able to spot trouble areas in your codebase and have the tools to undo the damage.