I wAnT tO bE tHe OnE tO wAlK iN tHe SuN: aFtEr All I dEsErVe iT. I aM aN iNdEpEnDaNt, InTeLlIgEnT, oPtImIsTiC, tAlL, fUnLoViNg, AtHlEtIc, BlOnDe, MoMmA. I hAvE eXtRa CaRe AnD cOnCeRn FoR oThErS aNd WeAr My HeArT oN mY sLeEvE. FaMiLy CoMeS fIrSt, YoU oNlY gEt OnE. I HaVe No rEgReTs, OnLy LeArNiNg LeSsOnS tHaT hAvE hElPeD mE tO gRoW iNtO tHe WoMaN i Am ToDaY. I aM oUtGoInG aNd FrIeNdLy. CaN eNjOy ThE cOmPaNy Of OtHeRs WhEtHeR jUsT rElAxInG oR lIvInG iT uP. My BrAiN iS cOnStAnTlY tHiNkInG oF tHiNgS tO oCcUpY mY tImE. i Am CrEaTiVe aNd WiLl TaKe On AnY pRoJeCt "I'M CRAFTY" SoCiAlIzInG, sHoPpInG, dAnCiNg, EaTiNg, GoInG fOr WaLkS, sPeNdInG tImE aT tHe BeAcH oR iN tHe PaRk ArE sOmE oF mY fAvOrItE
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