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Peru Peru
Ing. Geólogo & Analista GIS en Southern Legacy Perú S.A.C.
I’m a Geological Engineer and GIS analyst from the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad of Cusco, with over 11 years’ experience in mining exploration. Has a diploma in geostatistics and actually is studying a master in mining management at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. In 2014 he worked at Geoandina Exploraciones S.A.C. In 2011 he joined Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. In 2006 Carlos joined Minera Aurifera Retamas S.A., and in 2003 he joined Instituto Geológico Minero Metalúrgico of Perú.
He explored in mining district of Yanacocha, mining district of Hualgayoc and Batolito of Cordillera Blanca. Participating in different phases of mining projects, since the concept compila
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