This document outlines 15 steps that a local committee must complete to maintain their membership status with AIESEC. It includes requirements such as submitting annual budgets and reports, ensuring all members are correctly registered in the system, having a local compendium, meeting minimum infrastructure standards, and facilitating a minimum number of exchanges per block. Completing these steps is necessary for the local committee to receive approval and maintain their membership.
2. 1. Planning and Budget(Re-planning/Re-budget)Fill in thePlanningtoolsentbythe MC Annual Budget fornextterm
3. 2. SONA and NTRFill in the SONA toolsentbythe MCFill in the NTR toolsentbythe MC
4. 3. Memberscorrectlyregistered in myaiesec.netEverymember of the LC should be in and its role should be asigned (e.g: EB membersmusthave LR stage in theplatform)Allthememberswhich are not in the LC anymoreshould be moved toAlumniordeleted
5. 4. Local CompendiumEvery LC shouldhave a LC Compendium in and the link should be communicated
6. 5. Last minutes of LastLegislation MeetingItcannot be more thanoneyearold
7. 6. Legal StatusThe EB members at themoment of thedeliveryshould be theoneregistered in the Registro de Asociaciones.TheEB members at themoment of thedeliveryshould be theoneregistered in Hacienda.
12. 11. Pay Back PlanItwill be compulsoryifthe LC havedebtswiththe MC and itshouldsend a plan withinitwillpay back thedebt.
13. 12. AIESEC Bank AccountProvethatthe LC has a Bank Account and the LCP and VP finances are correctlyregistered
14. 13. Minimum office infrastrutureEvery LC shouldhave a telephonenumber and a computerwith internet connectionThiscriteriaisconsideredapprovedunlessthe MSC askedforit(in a minimum of 10 daysbeforethedeadline)
15. 14. Number of members in a ConferenceForApril, July and Novemberconference, a minimum of 3 membersshouldattendtheconferenceForDecemberConference, onlyonemembersisrequired.
16. 15. Number of exchanges3 exchanges per Block (minimum of 1 TN and 1EP)