1. Quality is not the result of a single reason, but many interrelated factors including healthy lifestyle, mindset, values, coaching and self-development.
2. Historically, quality was seen as something ensured by inspectors, but it is now understood to depend on principles adopted by all in an organization.
3. A quality system alone cannot produce results; people must adopt a "Total Quality Mind" embracing patience, truthfulness, courage and integrity.
2. (53)
How did the grass become green? from its Roots or Soil?
from the Sun? Moon? Water? or from your Will?
Behold, is it your satisfying eyes of good fortune?
Is the real cause of quality simply `one?
3. Healthy Body
Peaceful Mind
Sharp Intellect
Sustaining Values
Guidance and Coaching
Self Development etc..
. are the Roots, Soil,
Light, Food, Water
which nourishes a
plant to turn green,
the symbol of success,
fulfillment and
4. What was the concept of
product quality in 70s?
They thought that it
comes out from the
stamping of inspector on
the product..!
Dr Deming
institutionalised the
concept of quality,
stating that it is
everyones job.
TQM-1, Total Quality
Management depends on
TQM -2, Total Quality
TQM-2 is the result of
holistic application of
principles by everyone in
an organisation.
5. Endurance,Endurance,
Patience, SelfPatience, Self--
A qualityA quality
system by itselfsystem by itself
cannot producecannot produce
comes outcomes out
people withpeople with
'Total Quality'Total Quality
Mind'.Mind'. Patience, SelfPatience, Self--
courage andcourage and
uprightness areuprightness are
the human valuesthe human values
that underpinthat underpin
Quality , theQuality , the
What are theWhat are the
reasons forreasons for
Taste andTaste and
7. 1. Gluttony : No rank of priorities A situation of everything is
number one.
2. Immediate results: Aiming for best results without travelling the
process way.
3. Blame the people: Failing to see the impact of process on
4. Envy and excuses: Appreciate others with a self-excuse like You
know, it was easy for them to achieve, but we are different and
our business is more complex than them.our business is more complex than them.
5. Greed: Make million dollar decisions to acquire new equipments
and not consider investing on the renewable assets: the human
6. Sloth: All talk, no action - many quality initiatives begin with a
big bang of unveiling policy and ... the business is as usual.
7. Pride: An approach of who knows better how to run our
business than us.... we have 30 years experience and are
8. A house building Contractor who made fortunes in construction business, told his young
supervisor, I am going to make one last house and you will build it for me. I will be gone for
a year and you are in-charge. Do not worry about the cost, as I want this to be the great piece
of work. You must build the best house we have ever constructed.
Having given the instructions, the Contractor left. The supervisor thought that here is good
chance to make money as much as possible. He used the cheapest materials, compromised in
all processes avoiding additional cost and time and completed the construction. However, the
house looked beautiful from its outside appearance. The Contractor returned from his trip.
He inspected the house and asked the supervisor what he thought of the house. The
supervisor said, It is the best house I have ever built , but he knew its inside hollowness.
The Contractor, thanked the supervisor and praised him for his dedicated work and handed
over the gift deed to him and said, this house is my parting gift to you. On hearing this, the
Supervisor was breathless.
9. There can not be one reason for
quality. It is resulted from various
motives falling in to three streams :
The Achievement motiveThe Achievement motive -- a concern
for excellence and to do things
Affiliation motiveAffiliation motive -- a concern aroundAffiliation motiveAffiliation motive -- a concern around
establishing, maintaining and
restoring relationships and
Power motivePower motive - a concern for impact
or influencing others through
position, skill or strong emotion.