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Laurel Tan Bee Hiong
                                           Deputy Director
                            Content and Industry Development Department
                        Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission

                                                                    30 June 2009
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
The Content Industry Value :
Player and Revenues

                    Create                             Publish                           Package                      Distribute

                 Scriptwriters                   Production houses                       Media Prima                   Telekom
                 Actors                          -TV, Advert, Film                        Astro                         MBNS
                 Animators,                                                               RTM                           RTM
                 Games developers                                                         Maxis

                  Content Creation                                                  Content Aggregation/Dissemination

                                                                                             Revenues in 2007
                                                                                             Broadcasting- RM 3.12 billion (exclude
                                                                                             Mobile  RM 3.22 billion (Non-voice-20% of
            Total Revenues                                                                   revenues)
            - Not available
                                                                                             Total revenues (excludes ASPs and infra) of
                                                                                             SKMMs service providers in networked
                                                                                             content industry are RM 6.34 billion
   Non- SKMMs Domain                                                                                  SKMMs Domain
  Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Roles of SKMM
Roles & function of Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
Malaysia (SKMM) in Content Development as per National
Policy Objectives are:

1.To promote Malaysia as a major global centre and hub for
  communications and multimedia and for content services.

2.To grow and nurture content as cultural representation that
  facilitates the national identity and global diversity.

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Framework of Content

Malaysia as global hub
  for content services
   (Sec 3.2 CMA 98)                                                                                                                                Mobile Communication
    MyICMS 886                                                                                                                                       Broadcasting
adequate local content                                                                                                                                Internet/Online
      and sizeable
    export revenue                                                   Content

           FOCUS                                                                                                                                APPROACHES
           AREAS                                                                                                                             Strategic Collaboration
                                                                                                                                                 Industry Players
Information based content                                                                                                                    Government Agencies
        Education                                                                                                                           ASEAN/Regional Bodies
      Entertainment                                                                                                                           International Bodies
       E-Commerce                                      TARGET                                       ACTIVITIES
                                                        GROUPS                                     Policy and Regulation
                                               Malaysian Individuals                                Capacity Building
                                                 SME Companies                                     Financial Assistance

     Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Content Development Timeline

                          excitement                                                           value                                                         image
                    Framing the local content definition                            Enforcement of the demand                                    Review and introduce new
                   and enforcement                                                  creation policy                                               demand creation policy
                    Availability of quality information                            Continuous monitoring and review                              Continuous monitoring and
Industry Revenue

                   about the industry                                               projects and its mechanic                                     review projects and its mechanic
                    Introduction of demand creation policy                          Inter regional capacity building                             International capacity building
                    Establishment of NCDF                                          initiatives                                                   initiatives by exporting
                    Strategic Collaboration initiatives                             Increase NCDF allocations                                    our expertise to other countries
                   with industry players                                            Intensified Strategic                                         Review NCDF and introduce
                    Conduct hands on capacity building                             Collaboration initiatives with                                new mechanism
                   workshops                                                        industry players including                                     Host international contents
                    Well developed focused capabilities,                           international players                                         exhibition expo seminars
                   for example in:                                                   Host ASEAN or regional contents                              Showcase Malaysian contents
                                                                                    exhibition expo seminars                                      overseas
                        Information based                                           Showcase Malaysian contents                                  Establish strong support
                        Education                                                  overseas                                                      system for Malaysian to venture
                        Entertainment                                               Ensuring rapid deployment of                                overseas market
                        Commerce                                                   new contents distribution channels
                                                                                    i.e. DTTB, WiMAX, 3G & Broadband

 2007                Fertilizing and Seeding the Soil                       2008          Protecting and Nurturing                       2009                    Blossoming             2010

                       Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Current Initiatives on Content Development

                                                              Mobile  Mobile Content Challenge - RM 100,000 (Annually)
                                                              TV - Next Gen ContentPreneurs Award  RM 20,000 (Annually)
Human Capital/                                                Participate in Intellectual Property Creative Challenge (IPCC) with MDEC
Capacity Building                                             Organize Mobile Content W/shops for prospective content developers
                                                              Organize League of Creative Teens for secondary school students nationwide

                                                            Networked Content Development Grant  approved around RM 4.5 million grants
 Financial                                                   to 7 companies. Evaluated 32 submissions
 Assistance/                                                Participate in market access program to assist Malaysian companies to market
                                                             their content to the world - MIPTV with Finas and MDEC
 Incentives                                                 NCDG Campus Scheme for selected IPTA and IPTS

                                                            Develop standard Malaysian content definition for content industry
                                                            Develop demand creation policy for Malaysian content by reviewing of CASP(I)
 Policy and                                                 license that will be expired in 2010

                                                            Awareness programs with industry -Seminar on Opportunities in Content
                                                            Industry to general public (on going)
Promotion/                                                  Create greater awareness by organizing Speaking engagements
Awareness                                                   Participate in Exhibitions
                                                            Organize Seminars which related to content industry

   Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
MSC Malaysia InnoTech Johor - NCDG

Communications & Multimedia
Act 1998 defined CONTENT as:

Any sound, text, still picture,
moving picture or other
audio-visual representation,
tactile representation or any
combination of the preceding which
is capable of being created,
manipulated, stored, retrieved and
communicated electronically.

 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Networked Content is all content that accessible over
                   publicly available electronic networks

 Definition of Content                                                                                   Definition of Network

    Content is defined in the                                                                                Network is defined as an interconnected
    Communications and Multimedia Act,                                                                       electronic channel for the distribution of
    1998 and includes the following:                                                                         content:
     Text                                                                                                   In-Scope
     Audio                                                                                                   TV (Free-to-air, Subscription, Digital,
     Audiotext                                                                                               Interactive)
     Still Pictures                                                                                          Radio (Analogue & Digital)
     Moving Pictures                                                                                         Online Networks (PC, WebTV, Wireless,
     Software                                                                                                e.g. 2.5G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, Public Kiosks)
                                                                                                              Electronic Billboards
    Including, but not limited to:                                                                            Digitally Distributed Cinemas
     Advertising Content                                                                                    Out-of-Scope
     Animation                                                                                              Print (Newspapers, Books, Magazines,
     Foreign Content                                                                                        Billboards)
     Live Events                                                                                             Traditional Cinemas
     Online Newspapers                                                                                       Electronic Offline Storage
     Online Gaming/Gambling/                                                                                 (CD, CD-OM, DVD)
      Computer Games                                                                                          Company Intranets

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
WHAT IS                                                                     ?

        Fund established by the Commission to render assistance in
        the form of grants towards achieving the national aspiration of
        creating Malaysia as the global hub for content services.

        Aims to facilitate and encourage Malaysians involvement in
        the creation, production and distribution of highly creative,
        original and marketable networked content for domestic and
        international markets.

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Networked Content Development Grant

                                                                         RM50 million
  To ensure growth
  and development
  of the networked
  content industry                                                         Applications
  and complement
      the existing
                                                                                                                                           Business and
 initiatives by other                                                    Vet/Approval                                                        Technical
    governmental                                                                                                                            Committee
                                                                                                                                 NCDG Management

        Production and distribution of original, marketable Malaysian
                             networked content
  Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
NCDG Factsheet


                    Proposal                                                                                        Focus


                                                                 Fund Size

                                                                                                             Successful applicants

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Focus Areas of NCDG
                Focus areas are Mobile content (for 2.5G and 3G) and
                TV content. Types of content:

i.        Information based content  content created based
          on information such as tourist attraction locations,
          nearest hotels with ratings and prices etc.

ii.       Entertainment  content created for entertainment
          such as multiplayer gaming, folklore music,
          and jokes, funny video clips etc.

iii. E-commerce  transactional based content such as
m-shopping, interactive advertising etc.

iv. Education  content utilised for educational purpose
    such as quick notes and formulas, interactive education
    content etc.                                        Main

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
                          i.         Malaysian individual/registered SME company;
                          ii.        Yet to be given grants from other Funds;
                          iii.       Not blacklisted or have records of failure in their
                                     past project implementation upon receiving
                                     similar grants from other Government agencies; and
                          i.         In line with objectives and focus areas of the NCDG.

                        Fund Size
                                     Up to a maximum of 70% of total project cost.
                                     The procurement of infrastructure is allowed up to
                                     20% of the approved grants.
                                     At one time, only one grant can be extended to one
                                     applicant, subsequent grants are allowable
                                     but 3 times.                                  Main

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Assessment of Application
       Concept [ 25% ]
                 Creative & appealing
                 Unique value proposition
                 Demonstrate export potential/universality

       Business potential [ 40% ]
                 Ability to be exploited through different
                 Market size
                 Marketing strategies, potential revenues

       Operational capacity [ 35% ]
                 Key manpower experiences
                 Technical & technology knowledge
                 Strategic collaborations with any third party                                                                                 Main

                 Financial commitments and investments
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Project Proposal
         Full description of the contents concept and its unique
           value proposition
         Focus area of the content ie education, information-based,
          entertainment or e-commerce

Business potential
         Business model, target market
         Potential revenue & number of subscribers
         Anticipated market size
         Cost breakdown ie manpower, hardware, software,
          IP licensing fee, training etc
         International collaborations (if any)

Operational capacity
         Track record (if any), experience & profiles of key
         Project timeliness ie trial, launch etc
         Technology & technical arrangements/agreements (if any)                                                                                                 Main
         Strategic collaborations with third party (if any)
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
         Financial commitments and investments

Successful applicants shall enter into a
contract with SKMM upon approval.

SKMM shall seek full reimbursement
of funds disbursed in the event of the
incompletion of the project or termination
due to contravention of terms or failure
to meet milestones satisfactorily.

   i.        The full amount is to be repaid based
             on zero interest rate.
   ii.       Repayment period is to be determined
             and agreed by both parties.

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
-Mustang Mama Diehard Sports Fan Season 2 (MMDSF 2)
      Project Overview:
      MMDSF is an outrageous animation series starring
      Mama, the ambiguously old yet zesty sports-crazed
      grandma. She does whatever it takes to prove age is
      no barrier to achieving dreams that may seem a little
      out of this world.

            International sales  Japan, Singapore, Russia,
             Middle East, Canada, Italy;
            Local front - NTV7 and ASTRO Ceria;
            The characters of Mustang Mama were licensed to
             Yahoo! SE Asia to celebrate the Olympics 2008;
            MMDSF was nominated for Best of TV Series for
             All Ages at the Cartoon On The Bay 2008, held in

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
- Mobile Jawi

             Project Overview:

             Enable mobile phone users to compose text in Jawi and
             send that across as an SMS or email message.

                   The first Mobile Dhivehi News Reader was launched
                    with Wataniya, a subsidiary of Qatar Telecom in
                    Maldives in May 2008;
                   Signed agreements with local telcos namely Maxis,
                    Celcom and DiGi to offer Mobile Jawi to mobile

    Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Firdaus Maju Sdn Bhd
- Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain

      Project Overview:

      a 6-episode TV documentary, seeks to dismiss
      the notion that Alexander the Great is Iskandar

            Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain was telecast on
             Astro Oasis January 2009;
            Strategic Collaboration with Celcom to offer
             video content via IVVR 3G and Streaming
            Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain was featured in
             Mingguan Metro in Nov 2008.

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Just Mobile Sdn Bhd
- U Play U Win

      Project Overview:

      U Play U Win is an interactive
         TV Game Show that allows
         the viewers to play mobile
         games and upload their
         scores to the TV screen.

      Four Java games completed:
       Turtle Power
       Buah Runtuh

                                                                                                                 Screen captures of 2 java games
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Bill Adam
Animated Mobile Greeting Cards (AMGC)

    Project Overview:

    AMGC offers animated greeting cards
    with audio and sound for download to
    mobile phones.

          100 AMGC cards completed
          Work with local Telcos  Maxis, DiGi & UMobile

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
Trinity Wizards
 - MyMoPetz

Project Overview:

MyMopetz is a J2ME mobile game
application which is connected via
gaming community.

 Five MoPetz characters completed
 Strategic collaboration with Thailand and
Indonesia content providers.

 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000
MSC Malaysia InnoTech Johor - NCDG

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000

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MSC Malaysia InnoTech Johor - NCDG

  • 1. Laurel Tan Bee Hiong Deputy Director Content and Industry Development Department Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission 30 June 2009 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 2. The Content Industry Value : Player and Revenues Create Publish Package Distribute Scriptwriters Production houses Media Prima Telekom Actors -TV, Advert, Film Astro MBNS Animators, RTM RTM Games developers Maxis Digi Celcom Content Creation Content Aggregation/Dissemination Revenues in 2007 Broadcasting- RM 3.12 billion (exclude RTM) Mobile RM 3.22 billion (Non-voice-20% of Total Revenues revenues) - Not available Total revenues (excludes ASPs and infra) of SKMMs service providers in networked content industry are RM 6.34 billion (2007) Non- SKMMs Domain SKMMs Domain Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 3. Roles of SKMM Roles & function of Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) in Content Development as per National Policy Objectives are: 1.To promote Malaysia as a major global centre and hub for communications and multimedia and for content services. 2.To grow and nurture content as cultural representation that facilitates the national identity and global diversity. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 4. Framework of Content Development OBJECTIVES Malaysia as global hub for content services SCOPES (Sec 3.2 CMA 98) Mobile Communication MyICMS 886 Broadcasting adequate local content Internet/Online and sizeable Networked export revenue Content Industry FOCUS APPROACHES AREAS Strategic Collaboration Industry Players Information based content Government Agencies Education ASEAN/Regional Bodies Entertainment International Bodies E-Commerce TARGET ACTIVITIES GROUPS Policy and Regulation Malaysian Individuals Capacity Building SME Companies Financial Assistance Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 5. Content Development Timeline excitement value image Framing the local content definition Enforcement of the demand Review and introduce new and enforcement creation policy demand creation policy Availability of quality information Continuous monitoring and review Continuous monitoring and Industry Revenue about the industry projects and its mechanic review projects and its mechanic Introduction of demand creation policy Inter regional capacity building International capacity building Establishment of NCDF initiatives initiatives by exporting Strategic Collaboration initiatives Increase NCDF allocations our expertise to other countries with industry players Intensified Strategic Review NCDF and introduce Conduct hands on capacity building Collaboration initiatives with new mechanism workshops industry players including Host international contents Well developed focused capabilities, international players exhibition expo seminars for example in: Host ASEAN or regional contents Showcase Malaysian contents exhibition expo seminars overseas Information based Showcase Malaysian contents Establish strong support Education overseas system for Malaysian to venture Entertainment Ensuring rapid deployment of overseas market Commerce new contents distribution channels i.e. DTTB, WiMAX, 3G & Broadband 2007 Fertilizing and Seeding the Soil 2008 Protecting and Nurturing 2009 Blossoming 2010 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 6. Current Initiatives on Content Development Mobile Mobile Content Challenge - RM 100,000 (Annually) TV - Next Gen ContentPreneurs Award RM 20,000 (Annually) Human Capital/ Participate in Intellectual Property Creative Challenge (IPCC) with MDEC Capacity Building Organize Mobile Content W/shops for prospective content developers Organize League of Creative Teens for secondary school students nationwide Networked Content Development Grant approved around RM 4.5 million grants Financial to 7 companies. Evaluated 32 submissions Assistance/ Participate in market access program to assist Malaysian companies to market their content to the world - MIPTV with Finas and MDEC Incentives NCDG Campus Scheme for selected IPTA and IPTS Develop standard Malaysian content definition for content industry Develop demand creation policy for Malaysian content by reviewing of CASP(I) Policy and license that will be expired in 2010 Regulatory Awareness programs with industry -Seminar on Opportunities in Content Industry to general public (on going) Promotion/ Create greater awareness by organizing Speaking engagements Awareness Participate in Exhibitions Organize Seminars which related to content industry Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 8. WHAT IS CONTENT?? Communications & Multimedia Act 1998 defined CONTENT as: Any sound, text, still picture, moving picture or other audio-visual representation, tactile representation or any combination of the preceding which is capable of being created, manipulated, stored, retrieved and communicated electronically. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 9. Networked Content is all content that accessible over publicly available electronic networks Definition of Content Definition of Network Content is defined in the Network is defined as an interconnected Communications and Multimedia Act, electronic channel for the distribution of 1998 and includes the following: content: Text In-Scope Audio TV (Free-to-air, Subscription, Digital, Audiotext Interactive) Still Pictures Radio (Analogue & Digital) Moving Pictures Online Networks (PC, WebTV, Wireless, Software e.g. 2.5G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, Public Kiosks) Electronic Billboards Including, but not limited to: Digitally Distributed Cinemas Advertising Content Out-of-Scope Animation Print (Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Foreign Content Billboards) Live Events Traditional Cinemas Online Newspapers Electronic Offline Storage Online Gaming/Gambling/ (CD, CD-OM, DVD) Computer Games Company Intranets Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 10. WHAT IS ? Fund established by the Commission to render assistance in the form of grants towards achieving the national aspiration of creating Malaysia as the global hub for content services. Aims to facilitate and encourage Malaysians involvement in the creation, production and distribution of highly creative, original and marketable networked content for domestic and international markets. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 11. Networked Content Development Grant RM50 million Allocation To ensure growth and development of the networked content industry Applications and complement NCDG the existing Business and initiatives by other Vet/Approval Technical governmental Committee agencies NCDG Management Grant Committee Production and distribution of original, marketable Malaysian networked content Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 12. NCDG Factsheet Others Project Proposal Focus Areas NCDG Assessment Eligibility Fund Size Successful applicants Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 13. Focus Areas of NCDG Focus areas are Mobile content (for 2.5G and 3G) and TV content. Types of content: i. Information based content content created based on information such as tourist attraction locations, nearest hotels with ratings and prices etc. ii. Entertainment content created for entertainment such as multiplayer gaming, folklore music, and jokes, funny video clips etc. iii. E-commerce transactional based content such as m-shopping, interactive advertising etc. iv. Education content utilised for educational purpose such as quick notes and formulas, interactive education content etc. Main Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 14. Eligibility i. Malaysian individual/registered SME company; ii. Yet to be given grants from other Funds; iii. Not blacklisted or have records of failure in their past project implementation upon receiving similar grants from other Government agencies; and i. In line with objectives and focus areas of the NCDG. Fund Size Up to a maximum of 70% of total project cost. The procurement of infrastructure is allowed up to 20% of the approved grants. At one time, only one grant can be extended to one applicant, subsequent grants are allowable but 3 times. Main Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 15. Assessment of Application Concept [ 25% ] Creative & appealing Unique value proposition Demonstrate export potential/universality Business potential [ 40% ] Ability to be exploited through different platforms/channels Market size Marketing strategies, potential revenues Subscribers Operational capacity [ 35% ] Key manpower experiences Technical & technology knowledge Strategic collaborations with any third party Main Financial commitments and investments Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 16. Project Proposal Concept Full description of the contents concept and its unique value proposition Focus area of the content ie education, information-based, entertainment or e-commerce Business potential Business model, target market Potential revenue & number of subscribers Anticipated market size Cost breakdown ie manpower, hardware, software, IP licensing fee, training etc International collaborations (if any) Operational capacity Track record (if any), experience & profiles of key manpower Project timeliness ie trial, launch etc Technology & technical arrangements/agreements (if any) Main Strategic collaborations with third party (if any) Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 Financial commitments and investments www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 17. Others Successful applicants shall enter into a contract with SKMM upon approval. SKMM shall seek full reimbursement of funds disbursed in the event of the incompletion of the project or termination due to contravention of terms or failure to meet milestones satisfactorily. i. The full amount is to be repaid based on zero interest rate. ii. Repayment period is to be determined and agreed by both parties. Main Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 18. INSPIDEA Sdn Bhd -Mustang Mama Diehard Sports Fan Season 2 (MMDSF 2) Project Overview: MMDSF is an outrageous animation series starring Mama, the ambiguously old yet zesty sports-crazed grandma. She does whatever it takes to prove age is no barrier to achieving dreams that may seem a little out of this world. Achievements: International sales Japan, Singapore, Russia, Middle East, Canada, Italy; Local front - NTV7 and ASTRO Ceria; The characters of Mustang Mama were licensed to Yahoo! SE Asia to celebrate the Olympics 2008; MMDSF was nominated for Best of TV Series for All Ages at the Cartoon On The Bay 2008, held in Italy. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 19. MURASU SYSTEMS SDN BHD - Mobile Jawi Project Overview: Enable mobile phone users to compose text in Jawi and send that across as an SMS or email message. Achievements: The first Mobile Dhivehi News Reader was launched with Wataniya, a subsidiary of Qatar Telecom in Maldives in May 2008; Signed agreements with local telcos namely Maxis, Celcom and DiGi to offer Mobile Jawi to mobile subscribers. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 20. Firdaus Maju Sdn Bhd - Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain Project Overview: a 6-episode TV documentary, seeks to dismiss the notion that Alexander the Great is Iskandar Zulkarnain Achievements: Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain was telecast on Astro Oasis January 2009; Strategic Collaboration with Celcom to offer video content via IVVR 3G and Streaming Server; Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain was featured in Mingguan Metro in Nov 2008. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 21. Just Mobile Sdn Bhd - U Play U Win Project Overview: U Play U Win is an interactive TV Game Show that allows the viewers to play mobile games and upload their scores to the TV screen. Achievements: Four Java games completed: Turtle Power Gemex Buah Runtuh Max-Cube Screen captures of 2 java games Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 22. Bill Adam Animated Mobile Greeting Cards (AMGC) Project Overview: AMGC offers animated greeting cards with audio and sound for download to mobile phones. Achievements: 100 AMGC cards completed Work with local Telcos Maxis, DiGi & UMobile Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 23. Trinity Wizards - MyMoPetz Project Overview: MyMopetz is a J2ME mobile game application which is connected via GPRS/EDGE/3G to the MOPETZ gaming community. Achievements: Five MoPetz characters completed Strategic collaboration with Thailand and Indonesia content providers. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my
  • 25. THANK YOU ncdg@cmc.gov.my Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. Off Persiaran Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603 - 8688 8000 Fax : +603 - 8688 1000 www.mcmc.gov.my