~~犖犖巌硯犖犖迦硯 犖犖迦犖朽 犖犖迦犖犖 犖犖朽犢犖÷顕
犢犖犖迦犖犢犢犖...犢犖÷犢犖犖∇犖犖!! ~~
*~ I'lll drink as much raspberry as I can..
And I'll do again n again..
So,, Let's get wasted with Me!!~*
**I couLdn't give a DaMn whAt u sAy tO Me..
I doN't rEaLLy CaRe what u tHiNk oF mE,,
coz eitHeR wAy u r gonna tHiNk what u beLieVe.
THeRe's NotHinG u cOuLd sAy tHaT wOuLd huRt Me !!!!!!!!!!**
" i'M bullheaded, sTuBBorN ,NauGhTy, Wild n sTroNgLy SinCeRe ~*
So, iF U bear A gRuDge aGaiNst sumone like these, Forget me right now..
But if U waNNa haVe exTreMe LiFe ,,a Frnd who really care&never abandoned..
.. JoiN Me n Let's kill uRseLf with L