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               FROM   THE   PAUL   ECKE   R ANCH
                                                                                                                                                                                             (PER16806) PPAF
                                                                               SHIMMERTM SURPRISE!
                                                                               (PER5499) USPP 15,917

     Grow beautiful,                                                                                                                                                                                               FREEDOMTM PINK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (490 Pink) USPP 8,817

     energy-efficient poinsettias

FREEDOMTM EARLY WHITE   JESTERTM RED                           SHIMMERTM PINK                          ADVENTTM RED        FESTIVAL WHITE                  FESTIVAL PINK                  FREEDOMTM JINGLE BELLS            EARLY JOYTM RED            EARLY JOYTM PINK

                        JESTER WHITE
                                             JESTER JINGLE
                                                               JESTER PINK
                                                                                                       RED VELVETEEN  TM
                                                                                                                           FESTIVAL RED                    FREEDOM  TM
                                                                                                                                                                         RED              FREEDOM MARBLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PRESTIGE EARLY RED

                        FREEDOM EARLY PINK
                                             JESTER MARBLE
                                                               AUTUMN RED TM
                                                                                                                           FESTIVAL ROSE                   FREEDOM WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                          FREEDOM SALMON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GALATM RED                 GALATM WHITE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                = COLD GROW

                                                                                                                                          Use the Bract Meter to set greenhouse temperatures. Apply just the right amount of heat to meet your ship
              COLD GROW VARIETIES                                                                                                         dates, and not a bit more. Youll reduce heating waste and save 20 percent or more on energy costs.

              Choose Eckes Cold Grow Varieties: Advent  Red, Prestige Early Red, Autumn Red,                                          Use Eckes production tools to stay on track. Track your 鍖ower development rate with the Bract Meter and
                                                                                                                                          your plant height with On Target. Both tools are designed to help you stay in control of your poinsettia crop.
              Red Velveteen Freedom Early Red, White, Pink, Marble, Freedom Red, White, Pink,
              Marble, Salmon, Peppermint, Jingle Bells, Jester Red, White, Pink, Marble, Jingle                                          Start tracking up to 49 days before shipping. Put an end to last-minute panicking. With the scienti鍖cally proven
                                                                                                                                          Bract Meter, you can be fully con鍖dent that you will 鍖nish your crop at the mid-season peak or whenever you
              Early Joy Red, Pink, Shimmer Surprise!, Shimmer Pink, Festival Red, White, Pink,                                         need to meet market demands.
              Rose, Gala Red, White

                                                                                                                                                   BRACTyour energy costs

                                                                                                                                                   Take control of
HOW TO USE THE ECKE                                    AVERAGE DAILY
                                                        TEMPERATURE                                                                                       DAYS TO MARKET*
1. Set your greenhouse thermostat according                 60 F /16 C                               49                              43    37     32              26                    20                     14                      9   3
   to days to market. For example, if you are
                                                            62 F /17 C                               41                              36    32     27              22                    17                     13                      8   3
   starting with 49 days to market, you can
   settle on an average daily temperature of                64 F /18 C                               35                              31    27     23              19                    15                     11                      7   3
   60属F/16属C. However, if you have only 31
   days to market, youll need to increase that             66 F /19 C                               31                              28    24     21              17                    14                     10                      7   3
   temperature to 68属F/20属C. Either way,
                                                            68 F /20 C                               29                              26    23     19              16                    13                     9                       6   3
   you can realize signi鍖cant energy savings.

2. Monitor plant height with On Target    ,                70 F /21 C                               29                              26    22     19              16                    12                     9                       5   2
   Eckes easy-to-use online tracking tool.
   By the start of short days to 鍖rst color,
   plant height should be near the upper range           ADVENT
   of the window on your tracking curve.
   Apply a chlormequat chloride plant growth               RED
   regulator as necessary to achieve this height
   before the start of short days.

3. Monitor 鍖ower rate development with the
   Bract Meter Compare your crops to
   the photos on the Bract Meter. If bract
   development seems to be proceeding too                 RED
   quickly for your 鍖nish date, simply decrease
   the greenhouse temperature by a degree
   or two. If bract development is lagging,
   increase the greenhouse temperature.
                                                       EARLY RED

Ecke varieties grown
cool over traditional                                   PRESTIGE
programs achieved a                                     EARLY RED
savings of 21 percent
in an energy ef鍖cient
greenhouse! This                                       FREEDOM
number can be double
that in a less ef鍖cient
greenhouse.                                                                                          5%                               15%    25%    35%            45%                    55%                   65%                 75%      85%

                                                    * Days to 鍖ower are illustrative for each       2008 Developed by Jim Faust,
                                                                                                                                                   BRACT CANOPY COLOR
                                                      cultivar and temperature. Actual days         Clemson University for Paul Ecke Ranch
                                                      to 鍖ower may vary based on individual
                                                      greenhouse conditions.

W H E R E V E R                    Y O U           G R O W                                                                                                  Paul Ecke Ranch   P.O. Box 230488, Encinitas, CA 92023-0488   www.ecke.com             TM
Saving energy with cold grow poinsettias

Get optimum results with
Eckes exclusive
Poinsettia Bract Meter                                                                         

Technical recommendations backed by years of experience and research are an Ecke
tradition. We always provide the science behind our recommendations and the Ecke cold
grow program is no different.
Our research into effective cold grow techniques has led to the development of a new
production tool that can help any grower 鍖nd success when they turn their greenhouse
thermostats down and select Eckes energy-ef鍖cient varieties. With the Ecke Poinsettia
Bract Meter , you can eliminate guesswork and take control of pro鍖tability!

To evaluate potential energy savings at cooler temperatures, Ecke enlisted help from commercial growers
around North America. The support of these growers has helped us demonstrate the risks and bene鍖ts of
using lower temperatures for production while quantifying the energy savings that are possible.

On average, select Ecke varieties grown colder than traditional programs achieved a savings of 21 percent   ADVENTTM RED
                                                                                                            (PER2804) PPAF
in an energy-ef鍖cient greenhouse. This number can be double that in a less ef鍖cient greenhouse.

Testing conducted in Europe helped further validate the energy savings potential
by comparing poinsettias from all major breeding companies. These tests
measured the litres of oil per square meter required at different
production regimes.

The results speak for themselves! Freedom Early Red required 23
percent less energy than its nearest competitor. Compared to
more traditional temperatures, cold-growing Freedom
Early Red is nearly 35 percent more fuel-ef鍖cient.

                This poster was printed on recycled
                paper with soy-based ink and
                produced by wind power through
                a Green-e certi鍖ed program using
                Renewable Energy Credits.

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Bract Meter Poster

  • 2. FREEDOMTM PEPPERMINT (PER16806) PPAF SHIMMERTM SURPRISE! (PER5499) USPP 15,917 Grow beautiful, FREEDOMTM PINK (490 Pink) USPP 8,817 energy-efficient poinsettias FREEDOMTM EARLY WHITE JESTERTM RED SHIMMERTM PINK ADVENTTM RED FESTIVAL WHITE FESTIVAL PINK FREEDOMTM JINGLE BELLS EARLY JOYTM RED EARLY JOYTM PINK FREEDOM EARLY RED TM JESTER WHITE TM JESTER JINGLE TM JESTER PINK TM RED VELVETEEN TM FESTIVAL RED FREEDOM TM RED FREEDOM MARBLE TM PRESTIGE EARLY RED TM FREEDOM EARLY MARBLE TM FREEDOM EARLY PINK TM JESTER MARBLE TM AUTUMN RED TM FESTIVAL ROSE FREEDOM WHITE TM FREEDOM SALMON TM GALATM RED GALATM WHITE = COLD GROW Use the Bract Meter to set greenhouse temperatures. Apply just the right amount of heat to meet your ship COLD GROW VARIETIES dates, and not a bit more. Youll reduce heating waste and save 20 percent or more on energy costs. Choose Eckes Cold Grow Varieties: Advent Red, Prestige Early Red, Autumn Red, Use Eckes production tools to stay on track. Track your 鍖ower development rate with the Bract Meter and your plant height with On Target. Both tools are designed to help you stay in control of your poinsettia crop. Red Velveteen Freedom Early Red, White, Pink, Marble, Freedom Red, White, Pink, , Marble, Salmon, Peppermint, Jingle Bells, Jester Red, White, Pink, Marble, Jingle Start tracking up to 49 days before shipping. Put an end to last-minute panicking. With the scienti鍖cally proven Bract Meter, you can be fully con鍖dent that you will 鍖nish your crop at the mid-season peak or whenever you Early Joy Red, Pink, Shimmer Surprise!, Shimmer Pink, Festival Red, White, Pink, need to meet market demands. Rose, Gala Red, White
  • 3. ECKE BRACTyour energy costs METER Take control of HOW TO USE THE ECKE AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE DAYS TO MARKET* POINSETTIA BRACT METER 1. Set your greenhouse thermostat according 60 F /16 C 49 43 37 32 26 20 14 9 3 to days to market. For example, if you are 62 F /17 C 41 36 32 27 22 17 13 8 3 starting with 49 days to market, you can settle on an average daily temperature of 64 F /18 C 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 60属F/16属C. However, if you have only 31 days to market, youll need to increase that 66 F /19 C 31 28 24 21 17 14 10 7 3 temperature to 68属F/20属C. Either way, 68 F /20 C 29 26 23 19 16 13 9 6 3 you can realize signi鍖cant energy savings. 2. Monitor plant height with On Target , 70 F /21 C 29 26 22 19 16 12 9 5 2 Eckes easy-to-use online tracking tool. By the start of short days to 鍖rst color, plant height should be near the upper range ADVENT of the window on your tracking curve. Apply a chlormequat chloride plant growth RED regulator as necessary to achieve this height before the start of short days. 3. Monitor 鍖ower rate development with the Bract Meter Compare your crops to . AUTUMN the photos on the Bract Meter. If bract development seems to be proceeding too RED quickly for your 鍖nish date, simply decrease the greenhouse temperature by a degree or two. If bract development is lagging, increase the greenhouse temperature. FREEDOM EARLY RED Ecke varieties grown cool over traditional PRESTIGE programs achieved a EARLY RED savings of 21 percent in an energy ef鍖cient greenhouse! This FREEDOM RED number can be double that in a less ef鍖cient greenhouse. 5% 15% 25% 35% 45% 55% 65% 75% 85% * Days to 鍖ower are illustrative for each 2008 Developed by Jim Faust, BRACT CANOPY COLOR 息 cultivar and temperature. Actual days Clemson University for Paul Ecke Ranch to 鍖ower may vary based on individual greenhouse conditions. W H E R E V E R Y O U G R O W Paul Ecke Ranch P.O. Box 230488, Encinitas, CA 92023-0488 www.ecke.com TM
  • 4. Saving energy with cold grow poinsettias Get optimum results with Eckes exclusive Poinsettia Bract Meter Technical recommendations backed by years of experience and research are an Ecke tradition. We always provide the science behind our recommendations and the Ecke cold grow program is no different. Our research into effective cold grow techniques has led to the development of a new production tool that can help any grower 鍖nd success when they turn their greenhouse thermostats down and select Eckes energy-ef鍖cient varieties. With the Ecke Poinsettia Bract Meter , you can eliminate guesswork and take control of pro鍖tability! SAVE 20 PERCENT OR MORE ON ENERGY COSTS To evaluate potential energy savings at cooler temperatures, Ecke enlisted help from commercial growers around North America. The support of these growers has helped us demonstrate the risks and bene鍖ts of using lower temperatures for production while quantifying the energy savings that are possible. On average, select Ecke varieties grown colder than traditional programs achieved a savings of 21 percent ADVENTTM RED (PER2804) PPAF in an energy-ef鍖cient greenhouse. This number can be double that in a less ef鍖cient greenhouse. Testing conducted in Europe helped further validate the energy savings potential by comparing poinsettias from all major breeding companies. These tests measured the litres of oil per square meter required at different production regimes. The results speak for themselves! Freedom Early Red required 23 percent less energy than its nearest competitor. Compared to more traditional temperatures, cold-growing Freedom Early Red is nearly 35 percent more fuel-ef鍖cient. This poster was printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink and produced by wind power through a Green-e certi鍖ed program using Renewable Energy Credits.