This document contains reflections from a group project on various topics discussed in an EFO249 management course. It includes personal opinions on the course outcomes, reflections on speeches by Martin Luther King Jr. and James Cameron, and a discussion of multiple intelligence theory from a manager's perspective. The summary reiterates that reflecting on these subjects can be challenging but leave a lasting impact, and describes the EFO249 course in two words.
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Reflections of EF0 249
1. Introduction to Management and Research Methods
Group (ITM 11) project – Reflection Paper 8.3(Seminar Presentation)
Chinedu Otuya Adnan Murrawat Khan Mehdi Rahi Foroozan Nasershariati
(coa10001) (amt10001) (mri09003) (fni10002)
Tutor: Michael le Duc
Date: 22nd October, 2010
2. • How do we make clever brief analyses other than
describing what everybody knows???
• Personal opinions about course outcome
• Interested topics to reflect and analyse
– James Cameron
– MI Theory
• Summary
Our impressions of EF0 249
4. Reflection on Martin Luther King’s
Speech (amt10001)
• Not confined till American minorities
• Speech is general for every one
• Protest is right but how to protest
5. Reflection on James Cameron’s
speech (fni10002)
• Grew up on a steady diet of science fiction
• Always absorbed in a science fiction books
• Satisfied and insatiable sense of curiosity
• Started working on avatar again
• New technology that didn't exist before
• The lessons learned:
- curiosity
- respect
6. Reflection on James Cameron’s speech
• "Don't put limitations on yourself. Other
people will do that for you, don't do it to
yourself, don't bet against yourself. And take
• In whatever you're doing, failure is an option,
but fear is not
7. MI Theory: The Manager’s view (coa10001)
Mr. Manager
Manager The HR / Structural
Challenges facing the
deployment of human
resources in my firm
Take advantage of the uniqueness
conferred on us as a species exhibiting
several intelligences.
The structural perspective
argues for
putting people in the right
roles and relationships.
Properly designed, these
formal arrangements can
accommodate both
collective goals and
individual differences.
— Bolman & Deal, 2003
8. Summary
• Making reflections is a challenging task.
• When carried out correctly, it leaves a lasting mark in
the memory or makes us philosophers?!
• EF0249 in Two words