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Dec2018 istanbul-2
A Hackers Contemplation
Where Do We Go From Here?
Chris Roberts
Sidragon1 (LinkedIn and Twitter)
? Quick intro slide
C What IS the kilted hairy thing doing here?
? Transportation
C Planes, trains, ships and things
? State of the union
C Why¨s everything still broken?
? Humans
C Evolution or dystopia
? How DO we fix this mess?
C Taser the vendors IS one option´
? Closing thoughts´
C Wise words from Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Purple Goatee´
? In the InfoSec/Cyber industry for too many years...
? Broke Nigeria, ISS, Mars Rover, airplanes, trains, etc.
C Researched a whole lot more´
? Working in the lab, consulting with Attivo, HHS, etc.
C Why? Because I need to work out what I want to do´
? Currently researching humans, AI, ML, and consciousness computing´
C Because there¨s better ways than passwords!
C Because the future¨s not already scary enough ?
C Because we¨re heading off the cliff´and we need to wake up
? Might also have a whisky collection that borders on the obsessive´
C Occasionally travels with the whisky football (thanks Inbar!)
Planes History´
Never tweet about hacking planes WHILE in the plane
4 years of research BEFORE anyone
Planes Today´
ALL the data
ALL the time
ALL the locations
10,000 Sensors in wing
7-8TB data per day
5,000 data points a sec. (engines)
Transportation & Intermodal
Cars And Lorries
Shipping, Make It Roll Over
SATCOM C Navigation C RDP C Maintenance C Ballast Control
What to do when you get banned from several airlines´
Trains, Signals And Rail Yards´
Rail yard, run by 3rd party, manages freight
across the entire country.
TELNET access, ID=Admin PWD=Admin1
GE-EMD Locomotive
Cellular, rail-line or network
access to train
ID=Admin PWD=000000
ElectroLogIXS switch (scattered ALL over the USA.)
Allows signals to be interrupted AND changed´
Man NOT Present, bypassed. PWD=password
Can change signals from RED to GREEN Etc.
3 years of research and NOBODY
is listening yet.
Why Can We Still Break Everything?
? So focused on red teams and breaking things we
forget WHY we are truly here.
? Our charges who rely upon us to protect them are
looking at us wondering WTF.
? We keep blaming our charges AND we keep
increasing complexities.
? We spend more time building band aids than
actually FIXING things.
We have failed absolutely spectacularly.
Why Have We Not Changed?
Safety vs. Security
? Human¨s have evolved over the
last 50-60,00 years.
? Humans have always been
targeted, depending upon
various circumstances.
? We UNDERSTAND safety.
? Security is NOT part of our
Technology, Reactive vs. Proactive
Static Defense´
Static Defenses (Mk2)
Dec2018 istanbul-2
Why Do We Still Ignore The Humans?
Technology Is Sexier To Sell´
And It Makes Money!
We spent $90 Billion on Information Security
related products in 2017´
You think we¨d be able to do better?!?
Why Do We Have To Change?
By The Numbers
Because in 2017 we ^lost ̄ 2 - 3 BILLION records´
Numbers are between 1.9B and 8B´
(Yea, we can¨t even work out the right numbers´)
Past Present Future
The Abyss Is Waving Back´
The 9 Circles Of Hell´
? Circle 1: Limbo: That age old Microsoft wait state´
? Circle 2: Lust: The new tech´just like the old tech
? Circle 3: Gluttony: All those dongles, all over again, Apple!
? Circle 4: Avarice: Falling for another Nigerian prince´
? Circle 5: Sullenness: Continually staring at that screen´
? Circle 6: Heresy: Facebook IS evil and there is NO privacy
? Circle 7: Violence: Cyberbullying, no more words needed
? Circle 8: Fraud: Technology used against us daily´scams, etc.
? Circle 9: Treachery: Arguably all parties betraying the other´
Hacking Humans
Swimming nanorobots. Direction, motion
and other functions can be changed based
on the application of either heat (laser) or
electromagnetic pulses.
Nanorobots being taught how to code.
In this case, recognize the differences in
certain chemicals.
Nano And Bio Technology 2018´
Hacking Brains´
Mapping The Brain´
Left: Recording my brain interacting with my test computer.
Right: Replayed a heap of times along with phone and two other devices.
The brain interacting with the various
systems, get a baseline with some
Goodbye Passwords
So, recap´
We¨ve broken EVERYTHING
Including humans
InfoSec/Cyber is a bloody mess
What the heck DO we do?
Options; Dystopia Or 京顎壊岳´
The Revolution
? The industrial revolution went from 1712 to 1913 or
? We went from steam to mass production of
automotive transportation, aviation, and everything
? We¨ve had computing power for about 80 years and
have changed EVERYTHING from transportation,
communication, food, health, shelter, etc.
The Consequences
? Technology usage is in the hands of the many.
C HUGE gap between developing/developed nations.
? Fewer still understand how it works.
C And fewer still understand how it¨s fragmented.
? Fewer still understand how to protect it.
C And we have almost NO diversity.
? We are handing control over to machines.
C We don¨t fully understand the repercussions.
C We REALLY don¨t know who¨s got control´
Fix The Basics!
Back to Basics
? The human:
C 1 hour of awareness training PER year
C ? session of ^don¨t click shit ̄
C ? session of ^don¨t send shit ̄
C No understanding of balancing work and life security
C P@ssw0rd1 used at work and on Facebook etc.
C Thinks the ^S ̄ in HTTPS is for wimps
Fix the humans
Change the conversation
Safety NOT Security
Back to Basics (2)
? Your computers:
C The ones on the FLAT network running W2k
C The ones in the warehouse running XP
C The ones the vendor said don¨t touch
C The ones on the Internet with RDP!!
C The ones on the Internet with 1433/3306/Etc.
C The ones you don¨t even know about!
Remove the easy ways in!
Back to Basics (3)
? Your perimeter:
C Accept it, you don¨t have one
C The laptops, iPhones, IoT took your control away
C Computer No1 on YOUR network is hacked
C 2018¨s NGIPS/UBA/NGFW isn¨t going to help
C Reactive, static defenses suck and don¨t work
C There is NO cake, no fairy and NO simple answer
C Start looking at preventative, proactive, predictive
Get eyes inside your world!
Back to Basics (4)
? Passwords (still)
C Stop the re-use!
C Teach pass phrases and password vaults.
C Teach separation/segmentation
C 2FA, it¨s NOT hard to integrate
C All your users DON¨T need to be admin!
C All your admins NEED to be separated
C All your developers DON¨T need to hardcode
Education and simpler integration
Back to Basics (5)
? Get a plan
C Face it, shit¨s going to hit the fan at some point.
C Be prepared, simpler to reach for the IR forms than
wonder WHAT to do´
C Have the communications plan in place ready to go´
C Have the humans prepared. (No, not cannibalism)
C Practice makes perfect, headless chicken mode is NOT
C Know the steps (OODA or NIST IR)
Get a plan!
Intelligent Systems And 雨壊´
Technology AND Humans
Augmented Intelligence
Human Intelligence
SurroundingsMy Life and I
Artificial Intelligence In Cyber´
This IS security!
Want to REALLY embrace artificial intelligence?
Give up on privacy.
Collaborate Or Die
5 million apps, 6 billion connected people, 26 Billion devices, 3 million shortfall in InfoSec´
Final Words
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at
times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I will fail
We will succeed
We Succeed´
HUGE thank you to EVERYONE here´
And to everyone at Innovera !
^So long and thanks for all the fish ̄
Douglas Adams, you are missed.

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Dec2018 istanbul-2

  • 2. A Hackers Contemplation Where Do We Go From Here? Chris Roberts Chris@hillbillyhitsquad.com Sidragon1 (LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • 3. Agenda ? Quick intro slide C What IS the kilted hairy thing doing here? ? Transportation C Planes, trains, ships and things ? State of the union C Why¨s everything still broken? ? Humans C Evolution or dystopia ? How DO we fix this mess? C Taser the vendors IS one option´ ? Closing thoughts´ C Wise words from Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 5. The Purple Goatee´ ? In the InfoSec/Cyber industry for too many years... ? Broke Nigeria, ISS, Mars Rover, airplanes, trains, etc. C Researched a whole lot more´ ? Working in the lab, consulting with Attivo, HHS, etc. C Why? Because I need to work out what I want to do´ ? Currently researching humans, AI, ML, and consciousness computing´ C Because there¨s better ways than passwords! C Because the future¨s not already scary enough ? C Because we¨re heading off the cliff´and we need to wake up ? Might also have a whisky collection that borders on the obsessive´ C Occasionally travels with the whisky football (thanks Inbar!)
  • 7. Planes History´ Never tweet about hacking planes WHILE in the plane
  • 8. 4 years of research BEFORE anyone listened.
  • 9. Planes Today´ ALL the data ALL the time ALL the locations 10,000 Sensors in wing 7-8TB data per day 5,000 data points a sec. (engines)
  • 12. Shipping, Make It Roll Over SATCOM C Navigation C RDP C Maintenance C Ballast Control
  • 13. Locomotives: What to do when you get banned from several airlines´
  • 14. Trains, Signals And Rail Yards´ Rail yard, run by 3rd party, manages freight across the entire country. TELNET access, ID=Admin PWD=Admin1 GE-EMD Locomotive Cellular, rail-line or network access to train ID=Admin PWD=000000 ElectroLogIXS switch (scattered ALL over the USA.) Allows signals to be interrupted AND changed´ Man NOT Present, bypassed. PWD=password Can change signals from RED to GREEN Etc.
  • 15. 3 years of research and NOBODY is listening yet.
  • 16. Why Can We Still Break Everything?
  • 17. Introspective´ ? So focused on red teams and breaking things we forget WHY we are truly here. ? Our charges who rely upon us to protect them are looking at us wondering WTF. ? We keep blaming our charges AND we keep increasing complexities. ? We spend more time building band aids than actually FIXING things.
  • 18. We have failed absolutely spectacularly.
  • 19. Why Have We Not Changed?
  • 20. Safety vs. Security ? Human¨s have evolved over the last 50-60,00 years. ? Humans have always been targeted, depending upon various circumstances. ? We UNDERSTAND safety. ? Security is NOT part of our language.
  • 25. Why Do We Still Ignore The Humans?
  • 26. Technology Is Sexier To Sell´
  • 27. And It Makes Money! We spent $90 Billion on Information Security related products in 2017´ You think we¨d be able to do better?!?
  • 28. Why Do We Have To Change?
  • 29. By The Numbers Because in 2017 we ^lost ̄ 2 - 3 BILLION records´ (ish...) Numbers are between 1.9B and 8B´ (Yea, we can¨t even work out the right numbers´)
  • 31. The Abyss Is Waving Back´
  • 32. The 9 Circles Of Hell´ ? Circle 1: Limbo: That age old Microsoft wait state´ ? Circle 2: Lust: The new tech´just like the old tech ? Circle 3: Gluttony: All those dongles, all over again, Apple! ? Circle 4: Avarice: Falling for another Nigerian prince´ ? Circle 5: Sullenness: Continually staring at that screen´ ? Circle 6: Heresy: Facebook IS evil and there is NO privacy ? Circle 7: Violence: Cyberbullying, no more words needed ? Circle 8: Fraud: Technology used against us daily´scams, etc. ? Circle 9: Treachery: Arguably all parties betraying the other´
  • 34. 2017´ Swimming nanorobots. Direction, motion and other functions can be changed based on the application of either heat (laser) or electromagnetic pulses. Nanorobots being taught how to code. In this case, recognize the differences in certain chemicals.
  • 35. Nano And Bio Technology 2018´
  • 37. Mapping The Brain´ Left: Recording my brain interacting with my test computer. Right: Replayed a heap of times along with phone and two other devices. The brain interacting with the various systems, get a baseline with some deviation
  • 39. So, recap´ We¨ve broken EVERYTHING Including humans InfoSec/Cyber is a bloody mess What the heck DO we do?
  • 41. Then!
  • 42. Options; Dystopia Or 京顎壊岳´
  • 43. The Revolution ? The industrial revolution went from 1712 to 1913 or so´ ? We went from steam to mass production of automotive transportation, aviation, and everything in-between. ? We¨ve had computing power for about 80 years and have changed EVERYTHING from transportation, communication, food, health, shelter, etc.
  • 44. The Consequences ? Technology usage is in the hands of the many. C HUGE gap between developing/developed nations. ? Fewer still understand how it works. C And fewer still understand how it¨s fragmented. ? Fewer still understand how to protect it. C And we have almost NO diversity. ? We are handing control over to machines. C We don¨t fully understand the repercussions. C We REALLY don¨t know who¨s got control´
  • 46. Back to Basics ? The human: C 1 hour of awareness training PER year C ? session of ^don¨t click shit ̄ C ? session of ^don¨t send shit ̄ C No understanding of balancing work and life security C P@ssw0rd1 used at work and on Facebook etc. C Thinks the ^S ̄ in HTTPS is for wimps
  • 49. Back to Basics (2) ? Your computers: C The ones on the FLAT network running W2k C The ones in the warehouse running XP C The ones the vendor said don¨t touch C The ones on the Internet with RDP!! C The ones on the Internet with 1433/3306/Etc. C The ones you don¨t even know about!
  • 50. Remove the easy ways in!
  • 51. Back to Basics (3) ? Your perimeter: C Accept it, you don¨t have one C The laptops, iPhones, IoT took your control away C Computer No1 on YOUR network is hacked C 2018¨s NGIPS/UBA/NGFW isn¨t going to help C Reactive, static defenses suck and don¨t work C There is NO cake, no fairy and NO simple answer C Start looking at preventative, proactive, predictive
  • 52. Get eyes inside your world!
  • 53. Back to Basics (4) ? Passwords (still) C Stop the re-use! C Teach pass phrases and password vaults. C Teach separation/segmentation C 2FA, it¨s NOT hard to integrate C All your users DON¨T need to be admin! C All your admins NEED to be separated C All your developers DON¨T need to hardcode
  • 54. Education and simpler integration
  • 55. Back to Basics (5) ? Get a plan C Face it, shit¨s going to hit the fan at some point. C Be prepared, simpler to reach for the IR forms than wonder WHAT to do´ C Have the communications plan in place ready to go´ C Have the humans prepared. (No, not cannibalism) C Practice makes perfect, headless chicken mode is NOT needed´ C Know the steps (OODA or NIST IR)
  • 61. Artificial Intelligence In Cyber´ This IS security!
  • 62. Want to REALLY embrace artificial intelligence? Give up on privacy.
  • 64. 5 million apps, 6 billion connected people, 26 Billion devices, 3 million shortfall in InfoSec´
  • 66. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr. 66
  • 67. I will fail We will succeed
  • 68. We Succeed´ HUGE thank you to EVERYONE here´ And to everyone at Innovera !
  • 69. ^So long and thanks for all the fish ̄ Douglas Adams, you are missed.