Bringing Solutions and Content to the 401k Advisor | Co-Founder at The 401k Study Group ® & RRG, Inc
Finance / Banking / Insurance
Chuck is the Co-Founder of The 401k Study Group ®. He hosts the groups radio show and curates the digital library. Chuck is charge of giving innovation in the qualified plan space a voice.
Chuck holds the Series 7, 63, and 65 licenses. Chuck also holds the life and health insurance license and earned his CMFC (Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor) designation from the College of Financial Planning.
Chuck works with the participants in the retirement plans and builds and monitors portfolios for RRG’s individual and corporate clients.
RRG and The 401k Study Group are not affiliated with Cambridge.
1225 Carlisle St | Suite 1 Hanover PA 1731 877-730-9705
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