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Marikina City
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=.= N辰m谷: M辰r誰谷 Cl辰r谷 Tr辰s辰d辰s R旦x辰s N誰ckn辰m谷: M辰r誰谷 / Cl辰r谷 G谷nd谷r: F谷m辰l谷 B誰rthd辰y: N旦v谷mb谷r 12, 1997 ddr谷ss: M辰r誰k誰n辰 C誰ty, Ph誰l誰pp誰n谷s, s誰辰, 辰rth <3 L誰k谷s: watching YTB on THT SN (all his videos that are crazy undefined videos but still amazing and unique) ---> [NGHGA]RYN HG and also the YTF CRW and NTRNT CN and other YTB STRS, listening MSC that keeps replaying in my head again and again and again, watching MVS that makes me imagine, SNGNG and DNCNG...alone..., DYDRMNG to anything, NGHTDRMNG to anyone that's why I wake up late everydaymn, and LGHNG