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Public Hearing
Consideration of
Budget Amendment #3
July 25, 2013
Budget Amendment Process
? Publish Notice of Public Hearing
? Hold Public Hearing
? Consider Ordinance Amending Budget
FY13 Budget Amendment #3
Budget Amendment Detail List
1 ERP Consulting Services and Project Management $151,419
2 Game Day Traffic Study $50,000
3 Police Dept Overtime Expenditures $93,000
4 Bullet Proof Vest Program Grant Purchase $15,615
5 Fire Dept Salary and Benefits $270,000
6 Fleet Maintenance Fund $110,000
7 Sanitation Vehicle $305,000
8 Veterans Park Synthetic Fields $617,400
9 Hotel Tax Fund Audit Services $15,000
10 Donations for Sponsorship of COCS 75th
Anniversary $28,900
Subtotal $1,656,334
FY13 Budget Amendment #3 (con¡¯t)
Budget Amendment Detail List ¨C Interfund Transfers
Interfund Transfer - Property Casualty Fund to Equipment
Replacement Fund for Sanitation Vehicle
2 Interfund Transfer ¨C Wolf Pen Creek TIF Fund to Streets CIP No budget impact
3 Interfund Transfer ¨C Wolf Pen Creek TIF Fund to PARD CIP No budget impact
Subtotal $305,000
Budget Amendment Total $1,961,334
FY13 Budget Amendment #3 (con¡¯t)
Budget Amendment Detail List - Other
1 Game Day Traffic Study ¨C Contingency Transfer $50,000
Increase in FTE in Northgate Parking Fund ¨C Budget transfer
from temporary/seasonal position to full-time regular position
(These items do not result in an increase to the budget)
Council Action
? Hold Public Hearing
? Consider Budget Amendment Ordinance

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FY13 Budget Amendment No. 3

  • 1. Public Hearing Consideration of Budget Amendment #3 July 25, 2013
  • 2. Budget Amendment Process ? Publish Notice of Public Hearing ? Hold Public Hearing ? Consider Ordinance Amending Budget
  • 3. FY13 Budget Amendment #3 Budget Amendment Detail List 1 ERP Consulting Services and Project Management $151,419 2 Game Day Traffic Study $50,000 3 Police Dept Overtime Expenditures $93,000 4 Bullet Proof Vest Program Grant Purchase $15,615 5 Fire Dept Salary and Benefits $270,000 6 Fleet Maintenance Fund $110,000 7 Sanitation Vehicle $305,000 8 Veterans Park Synthetic Fields $617,400 9 Hotel Tax Fund Audit Services $15,000 10 Donations for Sponsorship of COCS 75th Anniversary $28,900 Subtotal $1,656,334
  • 4. FY13 Budget Amendment #3 (con¡¯t) Budget Amendment Detail List ¨C Interfund Transfers 1 Interfund Transfer - Property Casualty Fund to Equipment Replacement Fund for Sanitation Vehicle $305,000 2 Interfund Transfer ¨C Wolf Pen Creek TIF Fund to Streets CIP No budget impact 3 Interfund Transfer ¨C Wolf Pen Creek TIF Fund to PARD CIP No budget impact Subtotal $305,000 Budget Amendment Total $1,961,334
  • 5. FY13 Budget Amendment #3 (con¡¯t) Budget Amendment Detail List - Other 1 Game Day Traffic Study ¨C Contingency Transfer $50,000 2 Increase in FTE in Northgate Parking Fund ¨C Budget transfer from temporary/seasonal position to full-time regular position (These items do not result in an increase to the budget)
  • 6. Council Action ? Hold Public Hearing ? Consider Budget Amendment Ordinance