Meeting life cycle counts 4 working steps: initiate, organize, conduct and follow-up. In this presentation, we will concentrate on the first step that aims at defining meeting features & launching its organization.
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How to initiate a meeting
1. ‘Meetology’ part 3: initiate a meeting
25/05/2017 - all rights reserved 1
2. Meeting life cycle counts 4 working steps
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Initiate Prepare Animate Follow-up
Define features &
launch organization
Collect relevant info &
formalize meeting
Lead discussions, ensure
focus on key objectives &
manage time
Formalize and circulate
meeting minutes &
follow-up on actions
In following slides, we will concentrate on the
first one
3. Meeting initiation consists in 4 complementary tasks
Set meeting
objectives and
Determine the list
of participants
Find a timeslot
Take care of
Chairperson Secretary
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Sets meeting objectives
and validates the agenda
Proposes the agenda
Drafts the ‘ideal’ list of
Manages the ‘final’ list of
The Secretary takes care of it, with the support of client’s
PA when possible
The Secretary takes care of the whole process, with the
support of client’s PA when possible
4. The meeting agenda is the translation of the
meeting objectives into a list of topics to be
addressed. It should allow participants to
understand why it takes place, what shall be
discussed and be expected from them.
Step 1: from objectives to agenda
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Meeting objectives present themselves as a
sentence, preferably starting with an action
verb such as define, identify, share, review,
â–ª Agenda is a list of 3 to 5 bullet points following
a logical order
â–ª Meeting agenda should be explicit to increase
chances to have invited people actually
attending and give a chance to participants to
prepare themselves.
A clear definition of the objectives is critical, as it
â–ª Help setting-up the other characteristics of
the meeting
â–ª Provide guidelines to prepare and animate the
5. For who they are:
they are invited for their role or
responsibilities within the organization
Step 2: choose who will attend to your meeting
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For what they know or can do:
they are invited because information they
have or their capabilities, experience can be
useful to discussions
You will need them primarily in meetings aiming
at making decisions or choices
You will need them primarily in working meetings
There are several reasons for
inviting people:
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Step 2: choose who will attend to your meeting
Optional participants play secondary
roles in the meeting
Key participant(s) are the ones
without which there is no point to
having the meeting
Regular participants are important to the
meeting but not vital (their absence is not
sufficient to cancel it)
If you come up with too many participants, you can think of organizing several meetings,
decide to actually invite only key participants and then share the meeting minutes with a
larger audience.
7. Step 3: find the proper timeslot to hold the meeting
In theory, number of topics and meeting
objectives should be the only driver when
defining a meeting length… in practice, length
may be driven by availability, especially when
organizing at last minute.
Some tips when setting-up a meeting:
Avoid ‘extreme’ timeslots (too early in the
morning (before 9:00) or too late in the
afternoon(after 7:00)
Avoid organizing meetings during lunch break (if
there is no other possibility, ensure participants
shall have at least 30 min to have lunch or reserve
lunch trays
Always check availability using on-line agendas or
calling participants or their PA.
8. Step 3: finding a time slot may be a real nightmare
â–ª In case you cannot find a common time
slot, different solutions to be considered:
• Find a shorter timeslot than previously
expected (30min is better than nothing)
• Restrict research to key participants
• Contact unavailable participants or their PA to
see if they can make themselves available -> if
not, ask them if they can send someone else
â–ª In case it does not work:
• Keep calm and refer to the meeting
• See if meeting objectives (and participant
list) can be reviewed downwards
• See if the meeting can be postponed or
split into 2 sessions
9. â–ª In case all participants to the meeting
under organization are not aware it is
going to take place, send them an e-mail,
prior sending the invitation, to inform
them with the objectives / agenda of the
â–ª When contacting potential participants to
inform them, leave some doors opened:
• you are at participants’ disposition for any
additional information
• Remind them, when it is possible, that they
can designate other people to represent their
team (in addition or instead of them)
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Step 4: take care of logistics
Make material arrangementsSend the invitation
Send the invitation as soon as possible to
reserve the time slot into the agendas.
Once room(s) and visio or phone
arrangements done, update practical
details in the meeting invitation.
10. Material arrangements depend on the category of meeting you want to hold
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Conference call
Visio conference
Phone ImageRoom Room
11. Step 4: take care of the room(s)
Take care of
Book the
Find the right
Find the right
Take care of
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â–ª Several options depending on client practices :
• Use client’s on-line tool if you have got an
access -> you must check availability of room(s)
as well as participants
• Contact a PA if you do not have an access
and give him / her all necessary details
• Use the sheet of paper on the meeting
room door if that is how your client
Try to find the most convenient room
(the building and even the floor number
where participants have their offices can
be highly appreciated)
Ensure the room is adapted to the number of
participants (+/- 3 in case you have a good or a
bad surprise)
Ensure the room(s) you are booking
have all required communication
equipment (PCs, network or video ports,
TV screen, polycom, phone etc.).
Ensure the room(s) you are booking have a
paperboard or a white board; always carry working
markers of several colours with you.
Chose special rooms for special occasions (very
confidential meetings can be organized in ‘security’
Make food & beverages
12. Step 4: arrange for a Visio conference
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Liaise with the
participants to know
in which location
they will be (or ask
PAs to do so)
Fill in a visio-
conference request
form on client on-
line application or
ask a PA to do so
Learn how to handle
the system (activate
– move camera –
mute / un-mute
button etc.)
Always be ready to
ask for prolongation
of a few minutes
Book a room in each
location or ask a PA to do
In both cases, contact
support team to confirm
the visio-conference has
been correctly setup to
avoid any bad surprise.
Always have the number
of visio support function
with you, as well as
contact details of the PA
that helped you with
room booking
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13. Step 4: arrange for a conference call
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â–ª Participants can connect to a conference call :
• from their own desk, meaning you just need to
organize the conf call
• from one or several meeting rooms, meaning you
need to book them in addition to the conference call
â–ª Conference calls should be
limited to situations where
meeting in person or organizing a
visio-conference are impossible,
for cost or practical reasons.
• Hearing quality is often bad
• You cannot collect ‘body language’
info nor have pre or post meeting
chats with other participants
Try to use a landline to join a conference-call,
especially if you are hosting it Dial the conference call number
and the code (host or guest
depending on your role);
Have them ready at hand on a
paper or your computer in case
you are disconnected or you
need to change rooms
Connect a few minutes in advance if you are
the host and never ever have personal or
confidential conversations with another
participant when awaiting the others or at the
end of the call