4. Have you ever been in Network
Question #1
Most people think its about selling and
recruiting, sadly that perception and
perspective won't help you here. There are
no sign up sheets waiting for you at the
end of this video.
5. If you have, its important that
you unlearn everything you know.
6. Are you outcome focused or process
what do I mean by that..
Question #2
7. By Outcome Focused Im simply asking,
is creating a 6 鍖gure passive cash-鍖ow
income and never having to work again,
for you?
8. Most people say it is something they
want.but they arent prepared to do
anything about it. That is the purpose of this
process. The cream always rises to the top.
9. By Process Focused Im simply asking,
would you rather work long and hard for the
rest of your life and hope to retire with out
reducing lifestyle?
10. For some reason this is the path that
sounds better to most people
and that is 鍖ne.
11. If you said the 2-5 year plan,
you answered this question correctly.
12. What do you know about creating wealth or
an asset that produces residual cash-鍖ow?
This is why we educate you 鍖rst and allow you to qualify yourself
Question #3
13. We took the time to learn because we
didnt have any other options on the
table to create 6 鍖gure passive income
cash-鍖ow lifestyle.
15. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate
your current lifestyle?
1) Lots of Debt, No Control of time or money
3) Some Debt, Lots of time but no money
3) make great money but dont keep much of it
4) Some debt, lots of money but no time to enjoy it
5) 100% Debt Free
6) 100% Debt Free, Still have a job
7) Financially Independent
8) You can quit your job and not downsize in lifestyle
9) Control your time and money 100%
10) Youve created a legacy for 3 generations