7. A lot of au)s)c children are riveted by the
mo)on of (fan) blades… Dyslexics who can
see the blade ?icker say it's horribly
fa)guing and distrac)ng.
The mo)on is part of the aCrac)on, too. ?
…I do get stuck on those geometric screen
savers a lot of computers have.
Temple Grandin
Animals in
11. Guidelines for Avoiding Seizures
? No more than 3 ?ashes per second.
? The combined area of ?ashes occurring concurrently
occupies no more than a total of one quarter of any 341 x
256 pixel rectangle anywhere on the displayed screen area
when the content is viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels.
—The Trace Research & Development Center, a part of
the College of Informa)on Studies at the University of
Maryland trace.umd.edu/peat
45. 1999’s stringent standards re: anima4on
? Provide alt text for animated GIFs.
? Synchronize your cap)ons/audio descrip)ons.
? “Ensure that moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-upda)ng
objects or pages may be paused or stopped.”
? A note about ?ashes and epilepsy (plz keep ?ashes below
20 per second, thanks).
52. Broad generaliza4ons/good guesses
? Anima)on should serve a purpose.
? Be consistent
? Downgrade to fades
? Use mo)on blur on fast, large moving elements
? An)cipate and signal oncoming anima)ons
? Reduce autoplay
? No one likes parallax anymore
53. Issues facing standardizing accessibility
? Extrapola)ng from unrelated research.
? Research from homogenous sources.
? Humans are inherently di?erent.
54. It appears every user with Ves)bular
disabili)es is unique and its hard to nail
down a group of provoca)ve ac)ons that
would signi?cantly address a lot of the
issues without signi?cant impact on
David MacDonald
Invited Expert at
the WCAG
56. Be a part of the solu4on!
? Share
? Report
? Research
Reach out to me!
57. Animation belongs to all of us now.
Let us set the web in motion together.
off with ?