The only person you can really change is YOU...
Slow words fishing too long,in empty lakes,the colors were true...but it was the bait that lied to us.
I've been silent.
Its all d same.
Touch like pantyhose.
Tears easily.
Leaves too much skin exposed.
Your words >> Play money >> Makes you rich >> But buys you nothing....
I'm full of holes...none of which you can fill....
I've been weak enough to recognize it in others....
Dat's mah story.....
Dat's LIFE......what we boast of...huh...! ! ? ?
n imp. fact of life...
iTs eAsy 2 sAy `i lOvE u`
bT dIfFiCuLt 2 gEt lOvE fRm wHm u lOvE....
iTs eAsy 2 sAy `i hAtE u`
bT dIfFiCuLt 2 HaTe wHm u lOvE..