The document discusses various signs in palmistry that can indicate wealth. These include lines originating from the Venus mount and reaching the Sun or Mercury mounts, positive indications from the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus mounts, up-facing lines on the fate line or heart line, and lines originating from specific points on the palm and ending at certain mounts, like the Saturn mount. It also discusses the money line and its controversial interpretations between Indian and Western palmistry, and notes that it can provide indications of both wealth and health. Overall, the document outlines several palmistry signs and their interpretations as relating to a person's potential to acquire wealth and money.
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Other – signs of wealth in palmistry
Other – Signs Of Wealth In Palmistry:
Important auspicious and inauspicious signs on palm
1. If any line comes from the Venus mount and reaches either
Sun Mount or Mercury mount so it is the indication of money
consciousness. It indicates that – the person has the potential
to earn a lot of money, but whether that would be materialized
or not that depends upon the nature of the line. If this line is
broken in between somewhere so that will indicate some
obstacles to acquire the wealth and if after the breakage, the
line starts very inappropriately (like – fade or change in colour
etc.) and reaches the Sun or Mercury mount so the acquire of
wealth would not be that much how much it were seemed to
2. be in the beginning. But, if it starts more prominently than
before, after the breakage so it will indicate more unexpected
wealth than it were seemed to be in the beginning. Black spot
on these type of lines can put somebody in legal harassment
like – court cases related to property or wealth issues,
especially when the Mars(active) mount is also indicating the
same. If the line is curved all over, so the native will be in
trouble due to property related problems for long period of
2. To be wealthy, your three mounts should be very good.
Those are Sun Mount, Jupiter Mount & Lastly Venus Mount.
These three mounts are primary mounts to judge wealth and
money in palmistry – Mercury Mount is secondary. The
positivity of these three primary and one secondary mounts
will determine that – how much wealth a person can acquire in
his/her life time.
3. Fate line should be judged carefully while looking for
indications of wealth on palm. Any Triangle, up-facing line
from fate line will bring riches in that particular age but
downwards line will bring misfortune.
4. Up-facing lines or triangle on heart line also will bring great
opportunities to earn good amount of wealth & money.
5. If any line originates from the life line and ends at Saturn
Mount just after crossing the heart line so that is the indication
of gaining wealth or money through promotion in job
or getting a new job of higher salary than the previous one or
through business, but the gain would be all of a sudden. If the
same line goes deep into the Saturn mount so that is not the
over all good indication of gaining wealth, because it brings
some other kind of misery or frustration along with the
improvement. In palmistry extreme Saturnine effect is not
good, because Saturn is the planet of misery and negativeness
3. as far as our materialistic world is concern. It teaches us the
practical part of life, but very harshly.
6. If any line originates from Moon Mount and goes towards
Saturn mount & after crossing the heart line it stops there so
the person will prosper in life – will gain wealth and money
with help of others. Moon is the significator of “Mass” in
general and when it brings wealth in anybody’s life, it will
make the native depend on others for that. At the same time if
affection line (to know about affection line please read –
Marriage Lines In Palmistry) would be giving the same
positive indication at the same age, so the wealth will come
through a woman or his own wife. Whether that gain will come
through wife or not – the nature of Venus mount & lines will
decide that.
7. Venus indicates “Luxury in life”. So, the Venus mount
should be broad enough and good elasticity should be there.
Any wrong sign can make this mount weak. Venus mount play
a very important role in determining amount of wealth in life.
8. If any line originates from the middle portion of palm and
goes towards Saturn mount without any break, if there isn’t
any kind of other up facing line from any other major lines (life
line, head line, heart line) so the person will prosper or gain
wealth after the age of 32. Remember, the line should cross
the heart line. If the line stops at head line so that will bring
misfortune at the age of 35 due to his/her own fault and won’t
be able to flourish throughout his/her whole life, if any sign of
prosperity is not there on other parts of the palm. If it stops at
Heart line so loss of love or any emotional decision will bring
misfortune in his/her life.
4. 9. If heart line, head line and life line makes a “M” shape in
hand so it is a definite sign of gaining wealth, but after
marriage. The amount of wealth will be depending upon the
freshness of those three lines. Remember, the sign of “M”
should be very clear. I have seen so many times in my
practice life that – people with this sign really becomes very
rich but after marriage. Actually, they need inspiration in life
and they get that after marriage, before marriage the need of
earning money was there but the inspiration was not there and
inspiration works for them as fuel works in car. Then just
starts the engine and go.
5. Sign Of Extreme Rich In Palmistry:
10. In Palmistry Jupiter mount represents the leadership
quality of a person and amount of savings in his/her bank
account. If the Jupiter mount is prominent and two or more
up-facing vertical lines are there on the mount so that
indicates a leadership quality within a person, what can makes
him/her a good businessman or a political leader. If another up
facing line originates from the life line or head line and follow
those small lines on Jupiter mount so the person can become a
big entrepreneur with many followers. In case of getting fame
– Sun mount and Sun line should also be judged properly. In
any case all lines should be fresh and devoid of all evil signs.
6. 11. If the fate line splits into two parts, one part goes toward
Jupiter mount and another toward Mercury and reach there, it
shows some kind of extra-ordinary success in life. It combines
the power of business intelligence and the leadership quality
and to take correct decision at the correct time. These are the
main characteristics of a successful businessman.
12. If the fate line splits into three parts at the end after
reaching the mount of Saturn, one part remain in the Saturn
mount and other two goes toward Jupiter and Sun mount
respectively, so it makes a person extremely rich. He will be
living in the top realm of fame, success, money and wealth &
will be well known to all. Remember, mounts and lines should
be fresh and healthy to get the utmost result.
13. If any line joins the two major lines – heart line and head
line, that means make a bridge between these two lines and
one sub line originates from this (bridge line) line and goes to
Sun mount after crossing the heart line, it shows the person
can go to any extent to earn money, name and fame. Nothing
matters to him/her, whether the way of earning is legal or
illegal, it is harming somebody or not. Here the shape of hands
will come into picture (to know more about it please read –
Shape Of Hands In Palmistry). If the shape is of earthy or
fiery quality so the result will be more definite.
14. If head line starts from Jupiter mount and one small up
facing line joins the head line, so these kind of people become
very rich in life. They get always help from high profile people
of the society.
7. Money Line On Palm:
If any line originates from any part of the palm or specially
from the life line, head line or heart line and heads toward
Mercury mount or reaches there, so that line will be called
“Money Line”. Now look at your hand and if you do not have
that line that doesn’t mean that you can not earn money in
life. This line is very controversial. Indian palmistry says it is
“health line”, it shows your special health status, but western
palmistry says it is the “money line”. Now, what I have seen in
my practice that I will share with you all. I have seen this line
on palm of many successful businessmen. In some hands the
line has started from life line and after going little ahead it has
stopped and disappeared, again the line has started from the
head line or the heart line. It really shows money indication as
far as I have seen. if it starts from head line it will indicate
8. after the age of 35. and if it starts from heart line it will
indicate the age of 55. You can see more than one money line
on some palm. So what about the Indian palmistry? does this
line really give us any indication of health? the answer is yes.
Some signs and nature of the line indicates some diseases too.
Like – Sign of “island” on this line indicates somekind of
serious liver related diseases etc. So this line will give you
indication of both wealth and health.
Many other indications are there in palmistry which show us
how much wealthy a person will become. In my future articles
I will discuss more on this.
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