2. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
IUPAC name (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid
Other names 2,4-D, hedonal, trinoxol
Molecular formula C8H6Cl2O3
Molar mass 221.04 g mol1
Appearance white to yellow powder
Melting point 140.5 属C (413.5 K)
Boiling point 160 属C (0.4 mm Hg)
Solubility in water 900 mg/L (25 属C)
Related compounds
Related compounds 2,4,5-T, Dichlorprop
3. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
犹犧犧園犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉 犧÷叉犧ム艮犧犧犧萎犧萎梱犧犧犧ム佐犧犹犧犧園犧犧死 犧犧迦此犧迦犧犧劇此犧犧園犹犧犧死犧迦犧犹
犧犧園犧犧伍昏犧迦 Dixoin 犧犧朽犹犧犧園犹犹犧迦犧朽 犧犹犧準犹犧犧犧犧迦犹犧犧園犧о砂犧犧犧犧 DNA
犹犧犧園犹犧犹 DNA 犧犧園犧犧犧迦 enzymes and proteins 犧犧巌犧犧迦犧犧迦
犧犧迦犧犹犧迦犹犧迦犧朽犧犧死犧犧萎犧巌犧犧 (hormone). 犹犧迦犹犧犧朽犧犧園犧犧伍坤犧犹犧
犧犧劇犧犹犧迦坤犧迦 犹犧ム紺犧犧犧犧犧犧犧犧酌魂犧犧犧死犧о犧死. 犹犧迦犹犧犧朽犧犧迦犧犧迦犧犧園
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 犹犧÷嵯犹犧犧犧萎昏犧死此犧犹犹犧 犧犧萎犹犹犧÷叉犧犧, 犧犹犹犧÷叉犧犧巌犧
犹犧ム紺犧犹犹犧÷叉犧ム沙犧犧犧迦; 犧犹犧迦犹犧犧犧犹犧迦婚犧犧園犧 犧犧萎犧劇犧犹犧迦坤犧迦犹犧 犧犧伍昆犧萎犧項此
260 C
4. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Dioxin is a generic name used to describe a family of compounds known as chlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins. The most notable, most studied, and most toxic chemical in this
family is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, or 2,3,7,8-TCDD, most commonly
referred to as TCDD.
Dioxin 犹犧÷犧犧犧劇犧犧死犧о犧/犧犧萎犧伍 犧犧朽犹犧犹犧犧園犧ム紺犧犧 犧犧園犧犧迦昏犧迦犹犧犧÷叉犹犧犧犧伍犧 chlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins. 犹犧犧園犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉 犧犧朽犹犧犧園犧犧巌犧犧伍犹犧犧犧犧朽犧犧伍 犹犧犧死犧迦犧園犧о佐犧犧萎犧迦昏犧迦犹犧犹
犧犧謹犧犧迦此犧迦犧犧犧伍犧 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, or 2,3,7,8-TCDD 犧犧園犧÷沙犧 犧÷叉
犧犧劇犧犧迦此犧園 TCDD.
TCDD is colorless and odorless (1). Dioxins bioaccumulate in the food chain and the
major route of human exposure is by eating fish, meat, and dairy products that have
been exposed. Fetuses and nursing infants are at particular risk of exposure because of
TCDDs accumulation in breast milk (1).
TCDD 犧犧酌嵯 Dioxins 犧犹犹犧÷叉犧犧 犹犧ム紺犧犹犹犧÷叉犧犧巌犧. Dioxins 犧犧萎昏犧死此犹犧犧犹犧о犹犧犹犧犧迦昆犧迦犧犧犧犧÷紺犧犧伍
犹犧ム紺犹犧犧園犧犧犧迦犧犹犧迦犧犧死犧迦昏犧項犧犹犧迦犧犧迦犧÷紺犧犧伍 犹犧÷犧犧犧迦犧犧朽犧犧, 犧犧朽犧 犹犧ム紺犧犧萎坤犧巌犧犧萎犧園犧犧迦
犧犧死此, 犧ム差犧犧犹犧犧犹犧犧犧園 犹犧ム紺犹犧犧園犹犧犧朽犹犹犹 犧÷叉犧犧о魂犧÷昏犹犧準犧犧朽犧犧萎犧犹犧犧園犧犧迦犧犧巌 TCDD 犧犧酌嵯
Dioxins 犧犧項 犧犹犧犧犧犧迦犧犧朽犧犧死此犧犧迦犹犧÷ 犧犧酌嵯 犧犧萎坤犧巌犧犧萎犧園犧犧死此犧犧迦犧犧園.
5. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
The powerful defoliant and herbicide Agent Orange, used
extensively throughout the Vietnam War, contained 2,4-D. The
controversies associated with the use of Agent Orange were
associated with a contaminant (dioxin) in the 2,4,5-T component.
However, 2,4-D is still contaminated to some extent with dioxins,
predominately those with 2 or 3 chlorine atoms.
犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉 犧犧朽犧犹犧迦坤犧萎犧劇 犹犧ム紺犧о艮犧犧犧萎犧劇犧犧朽犧÷叉犧犧伍犹犧犧犧犧園犧 犹犧÷犧犧犧死
犹犧犧劇瑳犧犧, 犧犧迦犧犧園犧犧犹犧迦婚犹犧÷犧犧犹犧迦犧犹犹犧犧犧死犧犧迦此犧犧о砂犧犧犧迦此, 犧÷叉犧犹犧о
犧犧萎昏犧死此 2,4-D 犹犧ム紺 2,4,5-T 犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉犧犧朽犧÷叉犧犹犧о犧犧萎犧犧 犹犧犧犧死犧犧巌
(dioxin), 犧犧謹犧犧犧迦犧犹犧酌坤犧朽 犧÷叉 2-3 犧犧迦犧犧.
6. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
2,4-D is toxic to the liver at small dosages. Increases in liver
function tests, jaundice, acute hepatitis, lobular and portal
inflammation indicative of a toxic reaction, as well as
permanent damage leading to cirrhosis has been reported in
exposed golfers
2,4-D 犹犧犧犧萎坤犧巌此犧迦犹犹犧犧 犧犹犹犹犧犧園犧犧巌犧犹犹犧犧園. 犹犧犧朽犧÷犧迦犧犹犧迦犧迦
犧犧犧犧犧園, 犧犧萎犧迦犹犧犧朽犧犧朽婚犹犧園犧犧朽犧犧劇梱犧, 犧犧園犧犧園犹犧犧, 犧犧園犹犧犧劇犧犧
犹犧ム紺犹犧犧犧朽犧犧伍犹犧犧朽犹犧犧園犧犧萎犧迦犧犧園犹犧犧 犧犧迦此犧犧迦犧ム魂犧犧犧迦
7. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Acute toxicity
2,4-D is a WHO Class II 'moderately hazardous' pesticide. This
places it in the same class as endosulfan, lindane, paraquat
and toxaphene. It has an LD50 of 375 mg/kg in the rat with
evidence suggesting a similar level of toxicity in humans(9).
犧犧死犧犧迦犧犧萎犧迦犧÷犧ム 犧犧酌嵯 (WHO) 犹犧犹犧犹犧迦犧死犧犧萎犧犧 2,4-D
犹犧犧園犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉犧犧園犧犧萎坤犧迦 犹犧ム紺犧犧園犧∇差犹犹犧犧ム紺犧犧園犧犧準婚犧犧園 endosulfan,
lindane, paraquat and toxaphene. (class 2B)
8. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Cancer 犹犧犧朽犧÷紺犹犧ム艮犧
Phenoxy acid herbicides have been linked with soft tissue sarcomas. .
However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has
classified 2,4-D among the phenoxy acid herbicides MCPA and 2,4,5-T as a
class 2B carcinogen-possibly carcinogenic to humans(16)
犧犧迦犧犹犧迦昆犹犧準魂 犧犹犧迦犧о Phenoxy acid 犹犧犧園犧犧迦犹犧犧犹犧犹犹犧犧朽
犧犧萎犧迦犧÷紺犹犧ム艮犧. 犧犧死犧犧迦犧犧死犧犧犧死犧о昏犧迦犧死 犧犹犧準婚犧犧園犧犧萎犧迦犧÷紺犹犧ム艮犧
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 犹犹犹犹犧犹犧犧園
犹犧犹犧 犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉 2,4-D 犹犧ム紺犧犧園犧犧 犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉犧犹犧迦昆犹犧準魂 犹犧犧犧萎犧伍
phenoxy acid herbicides MCPA and 2,4,5-T 犹犧犧犧萎犧犧 class
2B 犧犧園犹犧犧劇犧犧犧犧迦犧о犧 犹犧犧園犧犧迦犧犧園犧犧萎坤犧迦 犹犧ム紺犧犹犹犹犧犹犹犧犧朽犧÷紺犹犧ム艮犧.
9. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Fate in the environment
2,4-D has low soil sorbtion and a high potential for leachability(23). Indeed
2,4-D residues have been recorded many times both in water company
monitoring programmes and by the UK Department of the
It has also been detected in groundwater supplies in a number of US States
and in Canada(26). In 1994, 3% of groundwater samples, and in 1995, 4% of
surface water samples in England and Wales exceeded the EU standard(27).
2,4-D 犧犧劇此犧犧園犧犧項犧犧朽犹犹犧犧 犹犧ム紺犧÷叉犧犧迦犹犧犧酌坤犧朽犧犧項. 犹犧犧犧園犧 2,4-D 犧犧迦此犧犧迦犧ム魂犧犧犧迦
犧犧酌魂犧犹犧犧園犧 犧犧犧 犹犧犧犧犧巌犧犧迦此犧犧迦犧犧巌 犹犧ム紺犧犧萎犧犧犧犧巌犧犹犧о犧ム犧犧÷犧犧犧犧萎犧犧犧犧園犧犧巌
犧犧死犧о犧 2,4-D 犹犧犧犹犹犧 犧÷叉犧犧迦犧犧死犧犹犧迦犧犧項.
犹犧 US States and in Canada, 犹犧 1994 犧犧死婚犧∇犧迦犹犧犹犧犹犧犧朽 犧÷叉犧犧迦 2,4-D 犧犧死犧犹犧迦
犧犧項犹犧犧朽 3% 犹犧ム紺犹犧犧犧 1995 犧犧死婚犧∇犧迦犧犹犹犧迦犹犧迦犧朽犧犧犧犧犧萎犧犧犧犧園犧犧巌 犹犧ム紺犧ム艮犧 Wales
4% ; 犧犧項犧犧о犧 犧÷魂犧犧犧迦 EU 犧犹犧迦犧死.
10. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Wildlife 犧犹犹犧犧園犧犹犧 犹犧ム紺犹犧犧犹犧迦此犧萎犧迦
Some formulations of 2,4-D are highly toxic to fish while
others are less so. Aquatic invertebrates do not in general
seem to be very sensitive to 2,4-D. Moderate exposure of
honey bees to 2,4-D severely impaired reproduction.
犧犧迦犧犧項犹犧犧÷叉 犧犧犧 2,4-D 犹犧犧園犧犧巌犧犧項犧犹犹犧犧迦犧ム紺犧犧園犧犹犹犧 犹犧犧犧萎犧萎犹犹
犧犧園犧犧劇犧犹犧÷犧犹犹犧犧犧犧о犧 犹犧犹犧犹犹犹犧迦犧犧о魂犧÷婚犹犧迦犧犧犹犧. 2,4-D 犧÷叉犧犧巌
犧犧伍犹犧犧犧犹犹犧犧園犧犹犹犧迦犧朽犧犹犹犧÷叉犧犧萎犧項犧犧園犧犧酌艮犧 犹犧犧園犧犧犧犧, 犧犧伍犧 犹犧ム紺犧犧劇犧犹 犧ム婚犧
犧犧園犧犧伍坤犧巌犧犧. 犧犧迦 2,4-D 犧犧準犹犧ム艮犧犧犹犧犧 犧÷叉犧犧死犧犹犹犹犧犧朽犧 犧犹犹犧犧迦此犧迦
11. Agent Orange
A combination of the herbicides 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
(2,4-D) and 2,4,5-T, called Agent Orange, was used for defoliation
and crop destruction by the American military in the Vietnam War
犹犧÷犧犧犧迦犧犧萎昏犧死此 犧∇魂犧犹犧迦昆犹犧準魂 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D
犹犧ム紺 2,4,5-T, 犧÷叉犧犧劇犹犹犹犧о犧迦婚犹犧迦犧死犹犧犧酌嵯犧犧, 犧犧朽犹犧犹犧犧犧犧犧園犧犧萎昆犧萎坤犧園 犹犧犹犧犹犧
犧ム魂犧犧犹犧迦犧÷ 犹犧ム紺犧犧朽婚犧萎犧迦犧犧園 (犧犧巌犧犧÷叉犧犧朽婚犧巌) 犹犧ム紺犧犹犧迦坤犧迦犧犧死犧ム紺犧犧項 犹犧
犧犧死犧犧迦此犧犧о砂犧犧犧迦此. 2,4-D 犹犧ム紺 2,4,5-T 犧犧園犧犧犧犧犧萎犧巌犧÷叉犧犹犧о犧犧萎犧犧
犧犧犧 犧犧迦 犹犧犧犧死犧犧朽 Dioxin
21. What is Dioxin ?
As far as biologists know, dioxin damages normal physiological functions
by mimicking the way hormones work. This means dioxin penetrates cell
walls and changes DNA so that the DNA sends unpredictable messages.
These messages result in altered production of enzymes and proteins,
rather than their proper regulation by hormones. Scientists do not yet
fully understand the relationship between altered DNA and diseases such
as cancer, but they are concerned about the toxic effects of dioxin in food
supplies, and support continued research.
犹犧犧死犧迦犧朽犧犧園犧犧巌婚犧萎婚犧巌犧萎犧迦混犧項, 犧犧迦 犹犧犧犧犧犧犧朽 (dioxin) 犧犹犧迦坤犧迦犹犹犧迦犧朽 犹犧犧園犧о砂犧
犧犧死犧犧萎犧 犧ム紺犧犧死犧犧朽坤犧萎昏犧迦 犹犧犧犧犧迦犧ム砂犧犹犧犧 犧犧犧犧犧迦犹犧犧園犧о砂犧犧犧犧 犹犧犹犹犧÷
(hormone) . 犧犧迦 (dioxin) 犹犧犧犧犧萎坤犧伍犧犧劇犧犧犧伍犧÷犧犧犧伍坤犧園 犹犧ム紺犧犹犧準犹犧犧 DNA
犹犧犧園犹犧犹 DNA 犧犹犹犧犧迦此犧迦犧犧萎犧÷叉犧犧犹犹犧÷差犧犧犧朽犧犧劇犧犹犧犧犹犧犹 . 犧犧迦犧犧死犧犧犹犹犧÷差犧犧犧巌犧犧迦
犧犧園犧犧犹犧迦婚 犹犧犧園犧犧死犹犧犹犧犧迦犧犧萎坤犧巌 enzymes and proteins 犧犧巌犧犧迦犧犧迦犧犧迦犧犹犧
犹犹犧迦犧朽犧犧死犧犧萎犧巌犧犧 (hormone). 犧犧園犧о佐犧犧萎犧迦昏犧迦犧犧園犧犹犹犹犧犧死犧迦犧犹犧死犹犧犧劇犧犧犹犧準婚犧犧園
犧犧死犧犧劇犹犧犧劇犧犧犧ム紺犧犧о犧迦 犧犧迦犧犹犧準犹犧犧犧犧犧 DNA 犹犧ム紺犧犧萎犧迦 犹犧犧園犧犧÷紺犹犧ム艮犧, 犹犧犹
犧犧園犧о佐犧犧萎犧迦昏犧迦 犹犧犧園犧犹犧о 犹犧ム紺犧犧死犧о沙犧 犧犧園犧犧迦犧死犧犧萎犧死犧犧犧犧犧迦犧犧巌 dioxin 犧犧死
犹犧犧劇犧犧犹犧犧犧迦昆犧迦 犹犧ム紺犧犧園犧犧劇犧犹犹犧犧迦犧犧死犧犧犧死犧о犹犹犹犧.
22. How to find Dioxin in Lao PDR
犧犧萎犧伍犧園犧犧迦 Dioxin 犹犧犧犹犧犧犹犧犹犧犹犹犧犧犧劇犹犧犹犧犧犧朽 犹犧
犧犧犧 犧ム魂犧?
犧犧萎犹犧犧死犧犧迦此 During war
犹犧犧о犧犧萎昆犧о艮犧犧犧萎犧犧: 犹犧÷嵯犧犧 犧犧巌, 犹犧÷嵯犧犧犹犧犹犧犧,
犹犧犧о犧犹犧迦此犹犧о: 犹犧÷嵯犧犧犧犧死婚犧ム紺犧犧 犹犧÷嵯犧犧犧犧迦犧迦,
犹犧犧о 犧犧迦坤犧萎婚犧園,
犹犧ム紺犹犧犧о犧犧劇犧犹 (犧犹犧犧犧犧迦犧犧謹犧犧迦犹犹犧迦此犧項犹犧犧朽犧÷犧犧朽此)
犹犧犧犧萎犧伍犧園犧犧迦犹犧犧÷叉犧犹犧迦昆犹犧準魂犧÷叉犧∇差犹犹犧犹犧犹? Recently
32. 犹犧犧酌犧犧犹犹犧÷差犧
1. The Pesticide Manual 10th Edition, British Crop Protection Council/Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994.
2. Generic Pesticides-the markets. Agrow report DS100, PJB Publications, Richmond, UK, 1994.
3. Post-emergence herbicides, Agrow report, PJB Publications Ltd, Richmond, UK, 1995.
4. Chemical Regulation Reporter, p 44, Bureau of National Affairs, US, 4 September 1993.
5. Produce Studies, Non agricultural use of pesticides in England and Wales, DoE, November 1996.
6. Pesticide usage survey report 119: Grassland and fodder crops in Great Britain 1993; and Pesticide usage survey report 115: Orchards
and fruit stores in Great Britain 1992, MAFF, 1994.
7. Pesticide usage survey report 100: Review of usage of pesticides in agriculture and horticulture throughout Great Britain 1984-94,
MAFF, 1997.
8. Op cit. 3.
9. International Programme on Chemical Safety, The WHO recommended classification of pesticide by hazard and guidelines to
classification 1996-97.
10. Extoxnet data sheet on 2,4-D, Pesticide Mange-ment Programme, Cornell University, US, 1994.
11. Shearer, Ruth W, Health effects of 2,4-D herbicide, in 2,4-D Information Packet, North West Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides,
January 1990.
12. Evaluation on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid salts and esters, MAFF, March 1993.
13. Op. cit. 10.
14. Op. cit. 12.
15. Interdepartmental Executive Committee on Pest Management, 2,4-D Re-evaluation update and label improvement program, Plant
Industry Directorate, Canada, 23 November, 1994.
16. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans: An updating of IARC Monographs volumes 1 to 42. Supplement
7, WHO, Lyon, France 1987.
17. O'Brien, Mary, Jury Charges Dow $1.5 million for 2,4-D caused death of forest worker, Journal of Pesticide Reform, 1987, 7: 4(30).
18. Veterans and Agent Orange-Update 1996, National Academy Press, US, 1996.
19. Ibid, pp35-87.
20. Environmental Health Criteria 29, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), IPCS, Geneva, 1984.
21. Colborn, T, et al. Developmental effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans, Env. Health Perspectives 101:378-
384, 1993.
22. Op. cit. 10.
23. Montgomery, John H, Agrochemicals desk reference, Lewis Publishers, 1993.
24. Pesticides in water: Report of the working party on the incidence of pesticides in water, HMSO, May 1996.
25. Drinking Water Inspectorate, Drinking water 1953: A report of the Chief Inspector, HMSO, 1996.
26. Op. cit. 10.
27. Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment, 1995, Environment Agency, March 1997.
28. Op. cit. 10.