Insight and advice for the new TU Delft master students of Maritime Engineering concerning choosing electives, the internship and the graduation project process.
Clear Fork Watershed Council Status ReportDerek Douglas
This document provides a status report for the Clear Fork Watershed Council. It outlines that the presentation will involve audience discussion and use PowerPoint to track action items. It then lists progress updates from various projects and opportunities for upcoming watershed training and trails. It schedules future watershed council and advisory council meetings. Finally, it lists over 100 creeks within the watershed and goals of inviting water users to the next meeting and researching needs.
- The author posted a music video on Facebook and YouTube to get feedback from the target audience, who provided both positive and negative feedback.
- Positive feedback included that the target audience enjoyed the narrative and use of women in non-conventional punk music roles. They felt the lip syncing was convincing.
- Negative feedback criticized the unclear narrative and said the video portrayed women behaving inappropriately and influenced youth negatively with things like stealing, smoking, and littering.
- YouTube analytics showed 26 views of the video, allowing the creators to track viewership over time.
The music video is for Nicki Minaj's song "Your Love" released in 2010. It explores themes of gender representation, showing Nicki as a geisha competing for the affection of her samurai teacher with another jealous female student. The video uses Japanese cultural elements like costumes and swords to illustrate the song's lyrics about a forbidden love between student and teacher. Nicki creates a stylish star image through her persona that many fans aspire to.
This document discusses key elements in constructing effective advertisements. It explains that advertisements aim to promote products and grab viewers' attention to increase sales. Important aspects of ads include mise-en-scene elements like costumes, lighting, acting and props to make products visually appealing. Ads also use techniques like bold text, music and celebrities to catch viewers' attention. The AIDA principle outlines how ads work to first attract attention, then interest viewers in learning more about the product, make them desire it and finally take action to purchase it.
SMILE removes the bad odor from our minds. Enlivens our soul. Refreshes our intimacy with friends around. So Keep smiling for it is one territory where God would deign to tread to reach our heart. SMILE!
This document summarizes the uses of will, be going to, and won't for talking about the future in English. It provides examples of how to form affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences using will and be going to. It explains that will and won't are used to predict the future, express quick decisions, and offer to do something. Be going to is used to talk about immediate future plans, often using time adverbs like "next." Links are provided for a full video explanation and additional exercises on will and be going to.
This document discusses strategies for conquering social media. It recommends publishing engaging content, analyzing performance, and optimizing efforts. It also provides examples of local restaurant recommendations and multi-platform communication for local brands as ways to engage audiences on social media. Contact details are provided at the end.
Napoleon is a social media management platform that provides analytics, content management, and brand monitoring on Facebook and other social networks. It allows users to track key performance indicators, compare pages, and monitor mentions of keywords and brands. The platform is targeted at social media managers, agencies, and brands and offers advantages like analytics, group collaboration, security, and monitoring of brand mentions across different social networks.
(Module: Reporting on requirements)
At the end of this project you will be able to:
Generate a document-based report
Print a report based on a view
Automated Meter Reader (Water) project (AMR)
In this lab, you log on as Bob. You generate a document-style report, and then view traceability and audit history reports.
Exercise tasks
In this exercise, you complete these tasks:
Task 1: Generating a document-style report document
Task 2: Print a module view
The document discusses research on magazine covers and contains research on Q Magazine and NME Magazine covers. Key points analyzed include color schemes, use of photos and quotes, crowdedness, and techniques for drawing reader attention. The document also outlines plans for a music magazine cover, including using eye contact photos and listing artists to appeal to different music genres.
Este documento proporciona una introducci坦n a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, describiendo sus funciones principales como una herramienta para crear presentaciones y diapositivas. Explica c坦mo iniciar PowerPoint, insertar y dise単ar diapositivas nuevas, agregar texto e im叩genes, y realizar mejoras de formato.
This music video by Nicki Minaj explores themes of representation, gender, and narrative through its storyline and imagery. It depicts a rivalry between Nicki and another female student over their shared love interest, a samurai teacher. Nicki dresses and acts as a geisha, a negative stereotype implying prostitution. A sword fight ensues, with Nicki being stabbed and dying in her teacher's arms. The video uses these Japanese cultural references and a narrative illustrating the song's lyrics to represent themes of love, jealousy, and gender roles.
This document provides an overview of 360-degree assessments, which gather feedback on an employee's performance from various sources including supervisors, peers, subordinates, self-evaluations, and customers. It describes the contributions and cautions of each feedback source. Supervisors can most comprehensively evaluate performance, but relying solely on them reduces validity. Self-assessments improve communication but often inflate ratings. Peer feedback is very predictive but may be limited for outcomes. Subordinates provide valuable insights into leadership but require anonymity. Customers anchor performance but generally evaluate outputs not processes.
The document summarizes feedback received on a punk music video posted to Facebook and YouTube. Positive feedback noted that the video used women in a non-conventional way for the genre and had a narrative the viewer could relate to. Negative feedback said the narrative was unclear and that the behaviors promoted, like stealing and smoking, were inappropriate influences. While 26 views were recorded on YouTube, overall the conclusion was that both positive and negative feedback helped develop the artists' ideas, and challenging gender stereotypes gained female audience interest despite some conventional elements remaining.
Wojna bloger坦w z Sokoowem, zniknicie profilu Kredyt Banku i istotne zmiany na Facebooku - to najwa甜niejsze wydarzenia dla marek w mediach spoecznociowych - wynika z raportu i
Coraz szybciej popularno zyskuj tak甜e profile twitterowe. W sierpniu ponad 20 tys. os坦b zacza ledzi @MTVPolska. Telewizyjnej stacji muzycznej niewiele ustpuje bramkarz Wojciech Szczsny. ledzi go ju甜 ponad p坦 miliona os坦b, a tylko w sierpniu do tego grona doczyo 18,5 tys. nowych sympatyk坦w bramkarza.
Este documento presenta la planificaci坦n de una sesi坦n de aprendizaje sobre los principales contaminantes de la atm坦sfera para estudiantes de 5to grado. La sesi坦n se desarrollar叩 en dos d鱈as e incluir叩 actividades como investigaci坦n grupal, presentaciones, interpretaci坦n de gr叩ficos y videos para construir conocimientos sobre la contaminaci坦n atmosf辿rica y sus efectos. El objetivo es que los estudiantes reconozcan los contaminantes de la atm坦sfera y comprendan las consecuencias de la contaminaci坦n ambiental.
Absolutnym hitem na polskich profilach YouTube jest najnowsze video Donatana i Cleo My Sowianie. Wedug analizy teledysk ten od debiutu mia okoo milion odson dziennie. Najwicej, bo 1,9 mln mia 5. listopada, dzie po premierze. Przez pierwsze trzy dni od premiery na YouTube Donatan zgromadzi ponad 4 miliony wywietle! Tylko dwa polskie profile maj ponad milion wywietle dziennie: UrbanRecTV i SA Wardega.
Diploma in gas engineering - course gateCourse Gate
This document describes a Diploma in Gas Engineering course offered by Course Gate. The course provides an in-depth understanding of gas work and safety, covering topics like gas legislation, testing procedures, appliance installation and dealing with unsafe situations. The course is suitable for anyone interested in gaining knowledge and experience in the gas field. It includes multiple modules and an assessment. Upon completing the course, students will receive a certificate and be prepared for jobs in the gas industry.
Application guide for Study-in-France-2022.pptxFARMANAli892246
This document provides information about studying and conducting research in France, including links to master's programs taught in English, a computer science scholarship, and PhD application platforms and job postings from several French research organizations. It lists various resources for pursuing further education in France at the master's, PhD, and postdoctoral levels across different universities and national research institutions.
In this course, students can learn Hydrostatics, static floating stability, constant 2-D potential flow of ideal fluids, and flows in real fluids, introduction to resistance and propulsion of ships. Review of linear regular and irregular wave theory, analytical and numerical means to determine the flow around, and motions of floating bodies in waves and Interaction between the sea and sea bottom as well as the hydrodynamic forces.
See More:
The document discusses discovery in academia, including approaches that have been experimented with and lessons that have been learned. It notes that discovery is an area seeing global investment and outlines some future directions, including innovative cataloguing, linking data, enhanced shared services, and ensuring infrastructure, skills, and data are adequate to support discovery. The document provides several links to additional resources on topics related to academic discovery.
Doctoral Presentation - January 2023.pptxCapitolTechU
際際滷s from a Capitol Technology University Virtual Open House Information Session held Jan. 22, 2023. Looks at online accredited doctoral-level degree programs and covers admissions and financial aid information.
際際滷s f
Rodrigo Simao Teixeira Deia has over 10 years of experience in mechanical engineering. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked as an engineer apprentice for companies in South Africa and Angola. Currently, he is pursuing further training through Halliburton's ATP program in Scotland, focusing on increasing oil and gas well performance through stimulation techniques.
Advanced Diploma in Hydromechanics - EdukiteEduKite
In this course, participants will be able to carry out computations at a superior knowledge level involving computations relevant for first-order forces on and resulting motions of floating structures.
See More:
This document summarizes the uses of will, be going to, and won't for talking about the future in English. It provides examples of how to form affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences using will and be going to. It explains that will and won't are used to predict the future, express quick decisions, and offer to do something. Be going to is used to talk about immediate future plans, often using time adverbs like "next." Links are provided for a full video explanation and additional exercises on will and be going to.
This document discusses strategies for conquering social media. It recommends publishing engaging content, analyzing performance, and optimizing efforts. It also provides examples of local restaurant recommendations and multi-platform communication for local brands as ways to engage audiences on social media. Contact details are provided at the end.
Napoleon is a social media management platform that provides analytics, content management, and brand monitoring on Facebook and other social networks. It allows users to track key performance indicators, compare pages, and monitor mentions of keywords and brands. The platform is targeted at social media managers, agencies, and brands and offers advantages like analytics, group collaboration, security, and monitoring of brand mentions across different social networks.
(Module: Reporting on requirements)
At the end of this project you will be able to:
Generate a document-based report
Print a report based on a view
Automated Meter Reader (Water) project (AMR)
In this lab, you log on as Bob. You generate a document-style report, and then view traceability and audit history reports.
Exercise tasks
In this exercise, you complete these tasks:
Task 1: Generating a document-style report document
Task 2: Print a module view
The document discusses research on magazine covers and contains research on Q Magazine and NME Magazine covers. Key points analyzed include color schemes, use of photos and quotes, crowdedness, and techniques for drawing reader attention. The document also outlines plans for a music magazine cover, including using eye contact photos and listing artists to appeal to different music genres.
Este documento proporciona una introducci坦n a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, describiendo sus funciones principales como una herramienta para crear presentaciones y diapositivas. Explica c坦mo iniciar PowerPoint, insertar y dise単ar diapositivas nuevas, agregar texto e im叩genes, y realizar mejoras de formato.
This music video by Nicki Minaj explores themes of representation, gender, and narrative through its storyline and imagery. It depicts a rivalry between Nicki and another female student over their shared love interest, a samurai teacher. Nicki dresses and acts as a geisha, a negative stereotype implying prostitution. A sword fight ensues, with Nicki being stabbed and dying in her teacher's arms. The video uses these Japanese cultural references and a narrative illustrating the song's lyrics to represent themes of love, jealousy, and gender roles.
This document provides an overview of 360-degree assessments, which gather feedback on an employee's performance from various sources including supervisors, peers, subordinates, self-evaluations, and customers. It describes the contributions and cautions of each feedback source. Supervisors can most comprehensively evaluate performance, but relying solely on them reduces validity. Self-assessments improve communication but often inflate ratings. Peer feedback is very predictive but may be limited for outcomes. Subordinates provide valuable insights into leadership but require anonymity. Customers anchor performance but generally evaluate outputs not processes.
The document summarizes feedback received on a punk music video posted to Facebook and YouTube. Positive feedback noted that the video used women in a non-conventional way for the genre and had a narrative the viewer could relate to. Negative feedback said the narrative was unclear and that the behaviors promoted, like stealing and smoking, were inappropriate influences. While 26 views were recorded on YouTube, overall the conclusion was that both positive and negative feedback helped develop the artists' ideas, and challenging gender stereotypes gained female audience interest despite some conventional elements remaining.
Wojna bloger坦w z Sokoowem, zniknicie profilu Kredyt Banku i istotne zmiany na Facebooku - to najwa甜niejsze wydarzenia dla marek w mediach spoecznociowych - wynika z raportu i
Coraz szybciej popularno zyskuj tak甜e profile twitterowe. W sierpniu ponad 20 tys. os坦b zacza ledzi @MTVPolska. Telewizyjnej stacji muzycznej niewiele ustpuje bramkarz Wojciech Szczsny. ledzi go ju甜 ponad p坦 miliona os坦b, a tylko w sierpniu do tego grona doczyo 18,5 tys. nowych sympatyk坦w bramkarza.
Este documento presenta la planificaci坦n de una sesi坦n de aprendizaje sobre los principales contaminantes de la atm坦sfera para estudiantes de 5to grado. La sesi坦n se desarrollar叩 en dos d鱈as e incluir叩 actividades como investigaci坦n grupal, presentaciones, interpretaci坦n de gr叩ficos y videos para construir conocimientos sobre la contaminaci坦n atmosf辿rica y sus efectos. El objetivo es que los estudiantes reconozcan los contaminantes de la atm坦sfera y comprendan las consecuencias de la contaminaci坦n ambiental.
Absolutnym hitem na polskich profilach YouTube jest najnowsze video Donatana i Cleo My Sowianie. Wedug analizy teledysk ten od debiutu mia okoo milion odson dziennie. Najwicej, bo 1,9 mln mia 5. listopada, dzie po premierze. Przez pierwsze trzy dni od premiery na YouTube Donatan zgromadzi ponad 4 miliony wywietle! Tylko dwa polskie profile maj ponad milion wywietle dziennie: UrbanRecTV i SA Wardega.
Diploma in gas engineering - course gateCourse Gate
This document describes a Diploma in Gas Engineering course offered by Course Gate. The course provides an in-depth understanding of gas work and safety, covering topics like gas legislation, testing procedures, appliance installation and dealing with unsafe situations. The course is suitable for anyone interested in gaining knowledge and experience in the gas field. It includes multiple modules and an assessment. Upon completing the course, students will receive a certificate and be prepared for jobs in the gas industry.
Application guide for Study-in-France-2022.pptxFARMANAli892246
This document provides information about studying and conducting research in France, including links to master's programs taught in English, a computer science scholarship, and PhD application platforms and job postings from several French research organizations. It lists various resources for pursuing further education in France at the master's, PhD, and postdoctoral levels across different universities and national research institutions.
In this course, students can learn Hydrostatics, static floating stability, constant 2-D potential flow of ideal fluids, and flows in real fluids, introduction to resistance and propulsion of ships. Review of linear regular and irregular wave theory, analytical and numerical means to determine the flow around, and motions of floating bodies in waves and Interaction between the sea and sea bottom as well as the hydrodynamic forces.
See More:
The document discusses discovery in academia, including approaches that have been experimented with and lessons that have been learned. It notes that discovery is an area seeing global investment and outlines some future directions, including innovative cataloguing, linking data, enhanced shared services, and ensuring infrastructure, skills, and data are adequate to support discovery. The document provides several links to additional resources on topics related to academic discovery.
Doctoral Presentation - January 2023.pptxCapitolTechU
際際滷s from a Capitol Technology University Virtual Open House Information Session held Jan. 22, 2023. Looks at online accredited doctoral-level degree programs and covers admissions and financial aid information.
際際滷s f
Rodrigo Simao Teixeira Deia has over 10 years of experience in mechanical engineering. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked as an engineer apprentice for companies in South Africa and Angola. Currently, he is pursuing further training through Halliburton's ATP program in Scotland, focusing on increasing oil and gas well performance through stimulation techniques.
Advanced Diploma in Hydromechanics - EdukiteEduKite
In this course, participants will be able to carry out computations at a superior knowledge level involving computations relevant for first-order forces on and resulting motions of floating structures.
See More:
This document provides a summary of Leizl M Honculada's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines her previous role as a Field Engineer for Weatherford International, where she was responsible for material preparation and equipment setup for various MPD projects in Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei. It also lists her educational background, including a B.Sc. in Geothermal Engineering, and safety and technical training certifications. Further details are provided on her job assignments, training courses completed, languages spoken, and references.
The Ingredients Of A Quality IT Consulting Firmtechinfogroup1
IT Consulting and support services offered by our professional IT consultants in Los Angeles. Contact The Tech Info Group today for effective business management.
Ahmed El Sayed El Zaidy is a mechanical QC engineer from Egypt seeking a career utilizing his engineering skills. He has over 10 years of experience in quality control and mechanical site engineering roles for projects in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt. His resume lists positions with Saudi Binladin Group, TAAM Company, and Al-Futtaim Carillion. He has expertise in international standards, material inspection, scheduling, and supervising equipment installation. El Zaidy holds a BSc in mechanical power engineering and certifications in API 1104, hydraulics, confined spaces, and safety courses.
The document discusses various ways Ada know-how is being spread, including through GNAT GPL, the GNAT Academic Program (GAP), AdaCore University, and professional training. GAP currently has over 200 members across 34 countries and provides tools, presentations, and lessons to support Ada in academic environments. AdaCore University is a self-education platform covering all aspects of Ada 2012 and SPARK 2014 through introductory and advanced online courses. Professional on-site and public training courses in Ada, SPARK and tools are also offered.
in this presentation you can get details about the new learning concept develop by CADD Mastre, Now you can start your learning at your home without internet, just have a look of ppt how it is, To know about courses and fees please visit on below links
Hesham Ahmed Mahmoud is an Egyptian mechanical engineer seeking a position that allows him to apply his research, learning, and problem-solving skills. He has a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering from Assiut University and internship experience in factories and power plants. Currently he works as a Maintenance Engineer at KEMET FOR NATURAL FOOD, where he is responsible for production line maintenance and resolving issues. His skills include CAD, hydraulics, and programming. He has received awards for projects in areas like solar energy.
Presentation on Best E-content Award - R.D.SivakumarSivakumar R D .
This document contains the educational qualifications, teaching experience, academic positions, e-learning activities, and future plans of Mr. R.D. Sivakumar. Some key details:
- He has an M.Sc., M.Phil, M.Tech in Computer Science and has 7+ years of teaching experience at the postgraduate level.
- He has created several e-learning websites on subjects like C++, HTML, Java, based on university curriculums. These sites contain modules like video lectures, assignments, quizzes.
- He has organized various workshops, courses and activities related to e-learning and has received awards for his contributions.
- His future plans include
際際滷s from a virtual open house from Capitol Technology University and covering online fully accredited (regional accreditation) doctoral degrees, admissions, tuition and financial aid.
Internship in Swagelok Malaysia - Wellhead Control ModulePutra Nazaratunnaim
During my third year in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), I undergo 9-months internship in AVF Solutions Sdn Bhd or known as Swagelok Malaysia where I finished Wellhead Control Module for my Student Internship Project (SIP). Sorry for the simple slides.
-Putra Nazaratunnaim Bin Zaidi
This document provides an overview of the domains of data science and resources for learning about them. It discusses topics including data science, statistics, programming languages, machine learning, data mining, text mining, natural language processing, data visualization, big data, and streaming data. It also lists online courses, tutorials, and certifications available in each of these areas from providers like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and individual companies like Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR.
HVAC & MEP Training Courses in Calicut & Cochin, Kerala, India.primemep
HVAC & MEP Design Training Courses in Kozhikode (Calicut), Ernakulam (cochin),Kerala, India. Industry experienced training faculties, live site training, placement support,international standdards.
At present, both male and female are very conscious about their fashion and style. Once nail care was considered as womens activity, now a day, male are conscious of their nail. So, it creates a massive opportunity of salon business.
See More:
Doctoral Presentation - April 2023.pptxCapitolTechU
際際滷s from a virtual information session held by Capitol Technology University covering online fully accredited doctoral degree programs offered by Capitol. Includes information on degree programs, admissions, financial aid and the application process.
How to Connect Devices and Kitchen Printers in Odoo 17 POSCeline George
Odoo 17 POS introduces efficient product management through hierarchical categories. By organizing products into nested categories like "Food" or "Drinks," it enhances navigation and makes finding items easier.
Kothari Commission Recommendations And Their Implementation.pptxDr. JN Gorai, PhD
Mind Map
Introduction to Kothari Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Recommendations on Higher Education
Vocational Education and Training
Educational Structure and System
Financial Forms, Awards & Appeals for Families & CounselorsCyndy McDonald
How can families maximize financial awards & pursue appeals? What happens once financial aid forms land at the college? Learn directly from financial aid officers what goes into award committee decisions & how financial aid offers are made. Discuss how to compare aid offers, and the correct way to approach appeals.
#cyndyfridayforums #cyndymcdonald #financialaid #collegeadmissions #collegecounseling
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddyrittehasbul
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Q-Factor General Quiz-2nd March 2025, Quiz Club NITWQuiz Club NITW
The General Quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 2nd of March 2025, as a part of the duology of quizzes for the college fest SpringSpree 2025. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on a wide range of topics and quite derivable answers.
APM event hosted by the Wessex Network on 6 March.
Speakers: Martin Paver and James Garner
An evening of ground-breaking discussion on how next-generation project delivery is set to disrupt the traditional methods of project management. From risk management to PMOs, we explored the tension between refining old methods and completely reimagining them. An interactive conversation with the audience.
We explored why sticking to outdated practices can hinder progress and how embracing new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics can revolutionise the field. We challenged the conventional wisdom that has dominated project management for decades and highlight the pitfalls of resisting change. This session provided insights into how adopting innovative approaches can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this event should have provoked thought and inspired you to rethink your strategies. Plus, we showed you a path to futureproof your career.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the project management revolution with some of the leading minds on the subject.
We delved into 2 recent open source books on Next Generation PMOs and Next Gen Risk Management which are successfully challenging established norms and seeding a movement. We also showcased some of the latest developments and demonstrate that we have transitioned from sci-fi to making this a reality.
Attendees gained insights into how these cutting-edge techniques can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes.
Useful Link:
How to Configure Authorized Signatory on Invoice in Odoo 18Celine George
Odoo 18 Sign allows you to send, sign, and approve documents online, using electronic signatures. An electronic signature shows a persons agreement to the content of a document. Just like a handwritten signature, the electronic one represents a legal binding by the terms of the signed document.
(ischemic heart disease) Angina by Jewel.pptxJewel
Ppt is on angina pectoris.
Here is the short description..
Angina Pectoris is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, often due to coronary artery disease. It may feel like pressure or tightness in the chest and can spread to the arms, neck, or jaw. It can be stable (triggered by exertion) or unstable (occurs unpredictably). Treatment includes lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures to improve blood flow and prevent complications.
How to Render Dynamic Data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POSCeline George
In this slide we will discuss how to render dynamic data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POS. We can render dynamic data within the Point of Sale (POS) system using Remote Procedure Call (RPC) calls.
UIDP 7Rs and AI 20250319 v4. digital twinspptxhome
20250319 7Rs and AI
Jim Twin V1 (English video) -
Jim Twin V1 (French video) -
Jim Twin OpenSource
Jim Twin Platform
Jim Blog Post -
Jim EIT Article (Real Jim) -
Jim EIT Talk (Real Jim) -
Reid Hoffman (English video) -
John Wolpert wrote: Hey, if you want to work with me on making your twin Twinzie-style, let me know. I'm implementing Twinzie (trained AIs that can interact with each other, discover win/win opportunities without disclosing the session directly to the respective users) in Valuable -- buyer/seller negotiation without exposing the seller's item before a mutually agreeable price can be proposed.油 Also starting to get traction for same model with the consulting firm I work with, where they have Twinzies of each of the participants of an experience do private 1-1 sessions to create their own Twinzie, and when group sessions are conducted, ideas in the session can get a score on whether they truly resonate with the participants' gestalt intentions or whether the idea might do violence to someone's intention...without revealing those intentions or outing people. Even in a session with three or four people, the live scoring doesn't provide any real sense of who might not like the idea. It just gives the room a sense of true alignment or a sense that something hidden might need to be addressed.
Collect information and produce statistics on the trade in goods using Intras...Celine George
The Intrastat system collects information on goods traded between EU member states, tracking internal commerce. This mandatory and confidential data collection is crucial for statistical research, used by researchers, decision-makers, and planners in both the public and private sectors.
Radiobutton in AWT Controls ( Java Applet)harlearncs
A RadioButton is a graphical user interface (GUI) component in Java that allows users to select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options. It is a type of Button that can be selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a dot or a checkmark, indicating that it is the currently selected option.
*History of RadioButtons*
The concept of RadioButtons originated from the physical buttons used in old radios, where only one station could be selected at a time. This idea was later adopted in computer programming, and the first RadioButtons were implemented in graphical user interfaces.
*How RadioButtons Work*
A RadioButton is essentially a toggle button that can be either selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a visual indicator, such as a dot or a checkmark. This indicates that the corresponding option has been chosen.
*Key Features of RadioButtons*
1. *Mutual Exclusivity*: RadioButtons are designed to allow only one option to be selected at a time. This ensures that users can make a single, definitive choice.
2. *Visual Feedback*: RadioButtons provide immediate visual feedback when selected or deselected, helping users understand the current state of their selection.
3. *Easy to Use*: RadioButtons are intuitive and easy to use, making them accessible to users of all skill levels.
*Types of RadioButtons*
1. *Standard RadioButtons*: These are the most common type of RadioButton, characterized by a circular or oval shape with a dot or checkmark indicator.
2. *Toggle RadioButtons*: These RadioButtons have a slightly different design, with a toggle-like appearance that indicates the selected state.
3. *Custom RadioButtons*: Developers can create custom RadioButtons with unique designs, shapes, and behaviors to suit specific application requirements.
*RadioButton Best Practices*
1. *Use Clear and Concise Labels*: Ensure that the text labels accompanying RadioButtons are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
2. *Group Related Options*: Organize RadioButtons into logical groups to help users quickly identify related options.
3. *Provide Visual Feedback*: Ensure that RadioButtons provide clear visual feedback when selected or deselected.
*Common RadioButton Use Cases*
1. *Forms and Surveys*: RadioButtons are commonly used in forms and surveys to collect user input and preferences.
2. *Settings and Configuration*: RadioButtons are used in application settings and configuration screens to allow users to customize their experience.
3. *Dashboards and Analytics*: RadioButtons can be used in dashboards and analytics tools to enable users to select specific data visualization options.
*RadioButton Accessibility*
1. *Keyboard Navigation*: Ensure that RadioButtons can be navigated using the keyboard, allowing users with mobility or dexterity impairments to access the component.
2. *Screen Reader Support*: Ensure that RadioButtons are properly labeled and announced by scr
Breastfeeding is a fundamental right for both baby and mother, offering complete nutrition and vital immunological support. It's hygienic, economical, and shields infants from diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a strong mother-child bond, promoting overall well-being. Breastfeeding is the natural process of feeding an infant with breast milk, providing essential nutrients and immunity, promoting growth, strengthening mother-child bonding, and reducing disease risks.
Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding an infant only breast milk, without any additional food or drink for the first six months.
6. Outline Intro Courses Internship Graduation Extra
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Dav`脹d MARKEY - @MarkeyDaviid - Http://
Introduction Event - Master Marine Technology - Science Track