This document compares smartphones from HTC and Blackberry. It provides statistics on smartphone usage, including that 35% of users earn over $100,000 annually and that men spend more on smartphones than women. Blackberry has a 14.8% global market share and over 90 million units sold, while it is the top smartphone brand in the US. HTC smartphones allow users to download thousands of apps, take 3D photos and videos, access social media, and have WiFi connectivity.
2. INDEX Introduction HTC Blackberry Statistics Information Statistics Information (Blackberry vs. HTC) Statistics Graph Different types of Smartphone's Conclusion
3. INTRODUCTION A Smartphone perform like a mini hand held computer. It has more than one feature. Smartphone’s have been around since 1992. The first Smartphone was a Simon. Add application to enhance it performs. There are different types of Smartphone’s. A common feature to find on all Smartphone’s is a contact list.
4. HTC Reasons why people like HTC: Thousands of application to download and share it with friends. Take photo’s or videos in 3D. It is a well equipped phone to suit your own preferences. Discover the unexpected Find out what going on with your friends on Facebook or twitter without going on it . You can broadcast live. Find out what is going around the world in 0.17 seconds. Watch videos, movies on the flat screen with the HDM.I cable Have a Wi-Fi connection where ever you go.
5. BLACKBERRY Reasons why people like Blackberry: It process a large number of messages feature. Example: Facebook, BBM(blackberry messenger). It helps people to easily manager their work or personal activities. It has 14.8% share of world wide sales.
6. STATISTICS INFORMATION An income of ± $100 000 is average of 35% of Smartphone users. Statistics have been found that man spend more money on their Smartphone than on their women. 48% of people use their Smartphone's for business. The rest 52% use their Smartphone for personal use. A survey shows that 15% increase in the sales of Smartphone’s than the previous year. In Asia-Pacific sales of mobile phones decrease but there was an increase of 2.3% in Smartphone’s.
7. STATISTICS INFORMATION In the USA Blackberry is no. 1. In the world Blackberry is no. 2. Over 90million Blackberry Smartphone have been sold. Blackberry messenger (BBM) has an increase of uses of 50% About the Full HDMI of HTC EVO: 81.43% users are happy with the performance. 10% users are not happy with the performance 8.57% users are moderate with the performance. Blackberry HTC
9. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SMARTPHONE’S The different types of Smartphone’s being display are from different companies like: Nokia HTC Samsung Blackberry Motorola
10. CONCLUSION Reasons why people can not live without Smartphone’s: They feel their don’t have a life without their Smartphone's. They like the features the Smartphone’s have. Because they friend have one so their also want one. Because they friend upgraded so they also want to upgrade . Blackberry has increase their sales because of BBM. HTC have increase their sales because the feature it has like taking 3D photo’s and videos.