Working capital finance refers to the capital used for a business's day-to-day operations and is calculated as the difference between a business's assets and liabilities. The document discusses various types of working capital financing like overdraft facilities, short-term loans, and accounts receivable loans. It also notes that managing working capital is important for maintaining business progress and keeping the business competitive, as it involves tracking cash, inventory, debtors, and short-term financing over the short-term.
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Working Capital Finance
1. Working Capital Finance
Working capital finance is defined as the capital of a business that
is used in its day-to-day trading operations; Working capital is the
balance between your assets and your liabilities.
The best form of working capital financing is of course free
financing. The biggest challenge in the working capital
environment is fast or dramatic growth within your firm.
2. Types of Working Capital Finance
Bank Overdraft Facility or Credit Line
Short-Term Loans
Accounts Receivable Loans
Factoring or Advances
Trade Creditor
Equity Funding via Personal Resources or Investors
Speed and Flexibility
Maintain Ownership
No Interest
Self Reliance
Growth of your business
3. Working capital financing is the main activity for the entire
upcoming industry. It lends a hand to maintain your business in
progress and aggressive in the commercial market. Managing
working capital can be a complex process and involves keeping
track of cash, inventory, debtors, and short-term financing. Each
of these aspects is monitored within a short-term window in order
to maximize return on capital.
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