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 油 March 20th
, 2012
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Kary Hutto and I am a co-worker with Dawn Jones, and also a mother of five children two
of which she has taught. When my second child, Jacob, started 5th
grade at Naomi Press Elementary, he was
put in Dawns class. His 5th
grade year was also the first year that Naomi Press was open, and Jacob had
already attended another elementary closer to us before being rezoned. Thus, the year would be difficult
from the get-go due to being in a new school with new kids.
Dawn took Jake under her wing and saved him. She cared so deeply for him; watched over him; and
encouraged him, most of all, to reach his full potential. It was a Christmas miracle for our family!! Jake had a
good year and made it through some rough patches because of Dawn. She was excellent at communicating, too,
with myself and my husband, about Jake, his ups and downs and his schoolwork.
Fast-forward a few years later and my 4th
child, Whitney, was put in Dawns class for 3rd
Whitney and math were not bffs! She struggled in math, felt sad about math and was very frustrated with
everything math. Enter Dawn again. She worked with Whitney, and most of all  as with Jake  worked on being
her personal math and self-esteem cheerleader! Whitney came out of 3rd
as a shining star: more confident
and knowing (and liking) math.
I have worked with Dawn as a co-worker for the last two years. I love her energy, her enthusiasm,
her unconditional love for her students. She has amazing ideas and doesnt stop there: she implements them,
she tries new ideas, new things. She is not afraid to keep learning and growing and educating her own self
right along with her students. This year we have had a program called diamond polishers that our counselor
encouraged us to do which meant we picked a student that needed some extra love and encouragement. My
student is in Dawns class. I have been able to have Dawn help me with insights, guidance and suggestions for
my diamond. One awesome thing she has done for this child is to have a drawer full of accessories in her file
cabinet, just for this child and Dawn will fix her hair daily!
When I figured this out, my heart was full for love and amazement at Dawns 150% she gives to every
one of her students and to her team and to our school.
I highly recommend my friend and colleague to teach in any grade and school that Dawn Jones has
applied for. She is a breath of sunshine and love and brightens anyones day.
Kary Jane Hutto
Mother of 5
SPED Resource Teacher
Press Elementary

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  • 1. 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 March 20th , 2012 To Whom It May Concern, My name is Kary Hutto and I am a co-worker with Dawn Jones, and also a mother of five children two of which she has taught. When my second child, Jacob, started 5th grade at Naomi Press Elementary, he was put in Dawns class. His 5th grade year was also the first year that Naomi Press was open, and Jacob had already attended another elementary closer to us before being rezoned. Thus, the year would be difficult from the get-go due to being in a new school with new kids. Dawn took Jake under her wing and saved him. She cared so deeply for him; watched over him; and encouraged him, most of all, to reach his full potential. It was a Christmas miracle for our family!! Jake had a good year and made it through some rough patches because of Dawn. She was excellent at communicating, too, with myself and my husband, about Jake, his ups and downs and his schoolwork. Fast-forward a few years later and my 4th child, Whitney, was put in Dawns class for 3rd grade. Whitney and math were not bffs! She struggled in math, felt sad about math and was very frustrated with everything math. Enter Dawn again. She worked with Whitney, and most of all as with Jake worked on being her personal math and self-esteem cheerleader! Whitney came out of 3rd as a shining star: more confident and knowing (and liking) math. I have worked with Dawn as a co-worker for the last two years. I love her energy, her enthusiasm, her unconditional love for her students. She has amazing ideas and doesnt stop there: she implements them, she tries new ideas, new things. She is not afraid to keep learning and growing and educating her own self right along with her students. This year we have had a program called diamond polishers that our counselor encouraged us to do which meant we picked a student that needed some extra love and encouragement. My student is in Dawns class. I have been able to have Dawn help me with insights, guidance and suggestions for my diamond. One awesome thing she has done for this child is to have a drawer full of accessories in her file cabinet, just for this child and Dawn will fix her hair daily! When I figured this out, my heart was full for love and amazement at Dawns 150% she gives to every one of her students and to her team and to our school. I highly recommend my friend and colleague to teach in any grade and school that Dawn Jones has applied for. She is a breath of sunshine and love and brightens anyones day. Sincerely, Kary Jane Hutto Mother of 5 SPED Resource Teacher Press Elementary