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Approved by ……………………….. /S. Sarantuya    Head of Foreign Language Department/

Plan for Assignment of EL10 2              Academic year 2012-2013               Teacher’s Name: E.Delgermurun

                      Topic                     Date                    Scores          Books

 1.      Answer the all questions of the           IV-VI weeks                              Touchstone 2-
        oral quizzes 1-3 to talk to other
        students.                                      Thursday         25points           Student’s Book

                                                   11:00-16:20                         Units 1-3 ,Pages 2-29

 2.               Write an essay “Making
                  friends” by following
                     1. Do you have a lot
                         of friends ?             IV –VI weeks
                     2. About your childhood                                           Use your student book
                         friends?                      Thursday        30 points       Touchstone-2 and own
                     3. Present friends?                                                       idea.
                     4. Is your interest           11:00-16:20
                     5. What would you want
                         to do together in
                         the future?

 3.      Write about some home remedies                V week
        and advice on health. What are                                                      Touchstone 2-
        good ways to relax?                            Thursday
                                                                        20points           Student’s Book
                                                                                         Unit3 ,Pages 22-30

 4.     1.Read the texts accurately and                                                     Touchstone 2-
                                                       V week
        expressively : Ways to relax
                                                                                           Student’s Book
        2. Write down the texts.
                                                                       20 points
                                                                                           Unit3 ,Page 28
        3. Work on new words.
                                                                                          Work Book Unit 3
                                                                                              ,Page 24

 5.               Write an essay “Me” by
                  following questions.
                     1. Date of birth and        VII - IX weeks
                        place.                                                         Use your student book
                     2. How was your                   Thursday        30 points       Touchstone-2 and own
                        childhood?                                                             idea.
                     3. What is your hobby?       11:00-16:200
                     4. What do you do now?
                     5. How are you like?

 6.     Answer the all questions of the                                                     Touchstone 2-
                                                 VIII- IX    weeks
        oral quizzes 4-6 to talk to other
        students.                                                                          Student’s Book
                                                       Thursday         25points
                                                                                       Units 4-6 ,Pages 34-

 7.     Write about unforgettable memories             VII week                             Touchstone 2-
        of your childhood, teenage years                                20points
        and high school life.                          Thursday                            Student’s Book
What was the funniest (the most       11:00-16:20                 Unit 5, Pages 44-51
        exciting/embarrassing … ) story
        happened to you?

  8.    1.Read the texts accurately and                                       Touchstone 2-
                                               VII week
        expressively: Teenage years
                                                                             Student’s Book
        2. Write down the texts.
                                                              20 points
                                                                             Unit5 ,Page 50
        3. Work on new words.
                                                                            Work Book Unit 3
                                                                                ,Page 40

  9.           Write an essay “do you
               think Style is important
               “ by following questions.
                  1. What do you know
                      about style?            X-XII weeks
                  2. How is the style                                     Use your student book
                      changing?                Thursday       30 points   Touchstone-2 and own
                  3. Are you stylish?                                             idea.
                  4. Which style do you       11:00-16:20
                      like most?
                  5. How will style
                      change in the

  10.   Answer the all questions of the                                       Touchstone 2-
                                             XII-XIII weeks
        oral quizzes 7-9 to talk to other
        students.                                                            Student’s Book
                                               Thursday       25points
                                                                          Units 7-9 ,Pages 66-

  11.   Write about favorite stores and         IX week
        favorite places in your city or                                       Touchstone 2-
        town. Give some recommendations to     Thursday
        someone who wants to travel around                    20points       Student’s Book
        Ulaanbaatar or Mongolia.              11:00-16:20
                                                                          Unit 7, Pages 66-73

  12.   1.Read the texts accurately and                                       Touchstone 2-
                                                IX week
        expressively : Interesting places
                                                                             Student’s Book
        2. Write down the texts.
                                                              20 points
                                                                             Unit7 ,Page 72
        3. Work on new words.
                                                                            Work Book Unit 7
                                                                                ,Page 56

  13.   Answer the all questions of the                                       Touchstone 2-
                                             XIV-XV weeks
        oral quizzes 10-12 to talk to
        other students.                                                      Student’s Book
                                               Thursday       25points
                                                                           Units 10-12, Pages

  14.   Write about different ways of           XI week
        communicating. Which one do you                                       Touchstone 2-
        use more?                              Thursday
                                                              20points       Student’s Book
                                                                          Unit -10,Pages 98-105

         1.Read the texts accurately and
                                                XI week                       Touchstone 2-
12.     expressively : E-communication
                                                              20 points
                                               Thursday                      Student’s Book
        2. Write down the texts.
3. Work on new words.   11:00-16:20   Unit 10 ,Page 104

                                      Work Book Unit 10
                                           ,Page 80

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  • 1. Approved by ……………………….. /S. Sarantuya Head of Foreign Language Department/ Plan for Assignment of EL10 2 Academic year 2012-2013 Teacher’s Name: E.Delgermurun Topic Date Scores Books 1. Answer the all questions of the IV-VI weeks Touchstone 2- oral quizzes 1-3 to talk to other students. Thursday 25points Student’s Book 11:00-16:20 Units 1-3 ,Pages 2-29 2. Write an essay “Making friends” by following questions. 1. Do you have a lot of friends ? IV –VI weeks 2. About your childhood Use your student book friends? Thursday 30 points Touchstone-2 and own 3. Present friends? idea. 4. Is your interest 11:00-16:20 same? 5. What would you want to do together in the future? 3. Write about some home remedies V week and advice on health. What are Touchstone 2- good ways to relax? Thursday 20points Student’s Book 11:00-16:20 Unit3 ,Pages 22-30 4. 1.Read the texts accurately and Touchstone 2- V week expressively : Ways to relax Student’s Book Thursday 2. Write down the texts. 20 points Unit3 ,Page 28 11:00-16:20 3. Work on new words. Work Book Unit 3 ,Page 24 5. Write an essay “Me” by following questions. 1. Date of birth and VII - IX weeks place. Use your student book 2. How was your Thursday 30 points Touchstone-2 and own childhood? idea. 3. What is your hobby? 11:00-16:200 4. What do you do now? 5. How are you like? 6. Answer the all questions of the Touchstone 2- VIII- IX weeks oral quizzes 4-6 to talk to other students. Student’s Book Thursday 25points Units 4-6 ,Pages 34- 11:00-16:20 60 7. Write about unforgettable memories VII week Touchstone 2- of your childhood, teenage years 20points and high school life. Thursday Student’s Book
  • 2. What was the funniest (the most 11:00-16:20 Unit 5, Pages 44-51 exciting/embarrassing … ) story happened to you? 8. 1.Read the texts accurately and Touchstone 2- VII week expressively: Teenage years Student’s Book Thursday 2. Write down the texts. 20 points Unit5 ,Page 50 11:00-16:20 3. Work on new words. Work Book Unit 3 ,Page 40 9. Write an essay “do you think Style is important “ by following questions. 1. What do you know about style? X-XII weeks 2. How is the style Use your student book changing? Thursday 30 points Touchstone-2 and own 3. Are you stylish? idea. 4. Which style do you 11:00-16:20 like most? 5. How will style change in the future? 10. Answer the all questions of the Touchstone 2- XII-XIII weeks oral quizzes 7-9 to talk to other students. Student’s Book Thursday 25points Units 7-9 ,Pages 66- 11:00-16:20 93 11. Write about favorite stores and IX week favorite places in your city or Touchstone 2- town. Give some recommendations to Thursday someone who wants to travel around 20points Student’s Book Ulaanbaatar or Mongolia. 11:00-16:20 Unit 7, Pages 66-73 12. 1.Read the texts accurately and Touchstone 2- IX week expressively : Interesting places Student’s Book Thursday 2. Write down the texts. 20 points Unit7 ,Page 72 11:00-16:20 3. Work on new words. Work Book Unit 7 ,Page 56 13. Answer the all questions of the Touchstone 2- XIV-XV weeks oral quizzes 10-12 to talk to other students. Student’s Book Thursday 25points Units 10-12, Pages 11:00-16:20 98-125 14. Write about different ways of XI week communicating. Which one do you Touchstone 2- use more? Thursday 20points Student’s Book 11:00-16:20 Unit -10,Pages 98-105 1.Read the texts accurately and XI week Touchstone 2- 12. expressively : E-communication 20 points Thursday Student’s Book 2. Write down the texts.
  • 3. 3. Work on new words. 11:00-16:20 Unit 10 ,Page 104 Work Book Unit 10 ,Page 80