This document discusses integrating national environmental policy into Ethiopia's military mission. It notes that Ethiopia has significant biodiversity but also faces threats like deforestation. While military lands are relatively protected, increased populations have led to problems. The study aims to analyze conservation at one military training center and understand perceptions of environmental management. It finds that military lands could serve as biodiversity sanctuaries if policies recognize this role. However, challenges include the uncommon view of military lands as conservation areas and environmental issues on bases. Recommendations include strengthening environmental integration, management, and cross-sector collaboration to balance protection and sustainable use of resources.
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Mekele university presentation
OCT 2018
Mekelle University
2. Background of the Study
Ethiopia is a country of :
Geographic , Genetic And
Biological Diversity
One of domestication and
diversification centers
Its Environmental challenges
Rapid Deforestation
Environmental degradation
extinction of both plant and
animal species
Increasing human and animal
Over grazing and cutting trees over
Social conflicts and political unrest
Government policies
Currently, a number of environmental
policies and regulations enacted
;challenged by :
Dis-functioning of environmental units
Lack of environmental awareness
among federal agencies
lack of guidelines for the functioning of
environmental units
3. Statement of the Problem
Environmental degradation causing natural hazards
(desertification, drought, famine; flood and health problems),
Renewable natural resources , seriously degraded and
affecting life quality of the people
Situation desires policy oriented, organized and coordinated
action from all parties
Rationales for INRM in the military :
Legal obligation: assigned responsibility of FDRE ENV Policy
to the military
Moral obligations: Values natural resources for the military
Political obligations: Sustainable use of natural resources
(, 2008)
4. Objectives of the Study
To analyze the current institutional arrangements and
activities of military training centers in protection,
conservation and management of natural resources with
special reference to TMTC.
To understand the perception of the military personnel on
environmental degradation and integrated natural resource
management in TMTC.
To explore whether environmental protection, natural
resource management and biodiversity conservation are
integrated into the role of the military,
To understand the role of different stakeholders particularly
regional state and federal state agencies collaboration with
the military in the management of natural resources and
biodiversity of military lands.
5. Methodlogy and Data Collection tools
an exploratory and descriptive study was conducted at
one of the military sites.
Data were collected through anthropological
methods such as:
Survey of Respondents
Participant Observation (25 days inside and outside
Key Informants Interview
Focus Group Discussion
Case Histories
Secondary Sources of Information
6. literature reviewed: Requirements of
Collaboration with federal, state and local community,
Environmental awareness and education for military
Management plan
Public involvement to provide inpute about issues
Serious commitment of the military
Institutional arrangements
Technical knowledge of resources
(, 2008)
7. opportunities: military and its operational areas,
especially training centers, demonstrate great potential
for biodiversity conservation and natural resource
Like monasteries of Ethiopia
8. Opportunities: Fauna and flora is relatively
conserved due to the fact that lands managed by
the military is usually protected from public access
for security purposes.
9. Opportunities for biodiversity conservation
lands administered by the military, especially
large sites, provide a relative sanctuary for
indigenous animal and plant species that are
disappeared from other public lands.
This is because (1) military sites are usually
protected from public access for security
purposes and (2) the military undertakes
conservation and protection of biological
diversity on its managed lands
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The overall implication is that if biodiversity
conservation is recognized in the policy and
natural resource management is included into
the military role, military sites can be
alternative conservation areas and/or
contribute to national conservation efforts.
13. Challenges
It is uncommon among
policy makers to
consider the military
operational areas for
conservation, because of
their association with
the use of destructive
weapons and large-scale
14. Challengescontd
Despite these positives, however, military sites like
other public land experience common environmental
These include inability to incorporate national
environmental policies in to the military
increased human and livestock populations around
military installations.
This Encroachment has contributed to deforestation,
depletion of natural resources, fragmentation of
training land, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss
around the sites.
15. Challenges contd
Depletion of Natural Resources (deforestation)
Deterioration of existing Infrastructures
Soil Erosion
Lack of Full Integration of Federal Environmental policies
Poor Land Management System(
Impacts of increasing Human and livestock population
around the site
Low Environmental Awareness among the nearby
Ill coordination and Involvement of Stakeholders
Pollution of the Environment
17. Recommendations
Integrate NRM to military mission for better management
of the environment and natural resources.
Integrate environmental policy, natural resource
management to the curricula of military training and
media to promote the awareness of military ;
Establish strong institutional set up, enact internal
environmental policy and operational guidance on NRM for
the military, provide legal frame work to guide and
coordinate different stockholders on INRM;
Establish workable EMS to sustain efforts of the military ,
Empower responsible military or civilian organ to improve
the status of poorly managed military lands.
18. Recommendations contd
maintain balance between plantation
,caretaking and protection of previously
planted trees and natural vegetation;
Consider good practices of the military
establishments in biodiversty conservationfor
national biodiversity conservation efforts
,especially lands managed by training centers
Coordinate with relevant local, and federal
state organs to provide comprehensive, long
lasting solutions for disputes and confusion
over ownership of military establishments
Conduct further research on the area