"Compensation" is an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most influential American writers and thinkers of the 19th century. The essay explores the concept of compensation, which Emerson defines as the natural tendency of the universe to balance out opposing forces and actions.
Emerson begins the essay by arguing that everything in the universe is connected and that every action we take has consequences, both positive and negative. He suggests that these consequences are not arbitrary or random, but are rather part of a larger system of compensation that operates according to universal laws.
According to Emerson, the law of compensation ensures that every action we take will have a corresponding effect, either in this life or in a future one. He argues that this law is not a punishment or a reward, but rather a natural consequence of our actions, and that it operates independently of our intentions or desires.
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Compensation - R.W. Emerson
1. Compensation -
R.W. Emerson
Compensation is a very short poem by
Ralph Waldo Emerson. The poem seems
a death poem.
Poet says that why should he keep
holiday when other men are working. He
says that when other are happy, he is
sitting alone and mourning. Other people
are talking joyfully but poet is dumb. In
the end poet wants to talk with silent
crowd to say that now their hour is come.