Irrigation and the risk of Rift Valley fever transmission - a case study from...Naomi Marks
Presentation by Dr Bernard Bett of the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, at the One Health for the Real World: zoonoses, ecosystems and wellbeing symposium, London 17-18 March 2016
This document discusses how social justice issues are covered in media. It defines social justice and notes that related topics like poverty, discrimination, and civil rights constitute "news". The document explores how images are an effective way to convey emotional social justice stories and how they can make issues more compelling. It discusses ethics around publishing graphic images and two perspectives on publishing photos of famished Somalis. The rest examines how cartoons and positive images can also further understanding of issues.
Presentaci坦n del evento creado por Tecnoseguridad.
Por primera vez las marcas de seguridad electr坦nica m叩s prestigiosas a nivel mundial brindar叩n conferencias a las 8 ciudades m叩s importantes del pa鱈s.
El documento describe una salida motera primaveral de un grupo de 11 motociclistas. Se reunieron en una gasolinera y recorrieron varias carreteras catalanas haciendo paradas para comer y beber cerveza. A lo largo del d鱈a se dividieron en grupos m叩s peque単os y tuvieron algunos percances menores con otros veh鱈culos. Al final del d鱈a se despidieron en otra gasolinera despu辿s de haber disfrutado del paisaje y la compa単鱈a durante la excursi坦n.
El documento contiene instrucciones para que varios profesores accedan a sus clases virtuales en la p叩gina Wiziq, incluyendo la direcci坦n URL, nombre de usuario y contrase単a para acceder, as鱈 como enlaces con informaci坦n adicional sobre c坦mo configurar equipos y usar Wiziq en m坦viles.
El documento describe la aplicaci坦n de la carrera profesional a la inspecci坦n de servicios sanitarios en Espa単a. Explica que la ley reconoce al personal de inspecci坦n como personal sanitario y que, por lo tanto, tienen derecho a desarrollarse profesionalmente a trav辿s de una carrera profesional homologada. Se detallan los requisitos legales y propuestas de c坦mo implementar un sistema de carrera profesional para este personal, incluyendo evaluaciones peri坦dicas y posibilidades de progresar entre grados y categor鱈as.
The document discusses DC drive systems using DC-DC converters and AC-DC converters. It covers the block diagrams and operating principles of single-quadrant, two-quadrant, and four-quadrant DC-DC converters in continuous conduction mode. It also discusses current-controlled and voltage-controlled DC drives. The key points are:
1. DC-DC converters can be single-quadrant, two-quadrant, or four-quadrant depending on whether regenerative braking and bidirectional power flow is possible.
2. Current control allows for short-circuit protection and easier speed control loop design compared to voltage control.
3. Hysteresis, carrier-based, and predictive controllers can
This document discusses the power of images to convey information and evoke emotions. It notes that emotional and awe-inspiring images are most likely to be shared on social media. Vivid images that present content in a visual "language" can be understood by all people regardless of factors like literacy or culture. The document then examines a case study of the New York Times selecting a photo to accompany a story about the Somali famine, considering criteria like subject, quality, relevance, effect on audiences, and taste. Commenters debated whether the selected photo sensationalized the crisis or compelled action, and the line between journalism and advocacy.
Sunil Raut has over 20 years of experience in the flexible packaging industry. He currently works as a Manager of Production at Amcor Flexibles Pvt Ltd in Gurgaon, India. Previously, he has held roles such as Technician, Joint Executive Manager, and Manager of Extrusion Lamination. Sunil has expertise in various flexographic printing, lamination, and converting processes. He is skilled at planning production operations, improving quality, reducing costs and waste, and ensuring safety. Sunil holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration.
Victor Until: n cutarea unei cunoateri complexe, sistemice i integrale: ...DIB ULIM
Universitatea Liber Interna釘ional din Moldova, Departamentul Informa釘ional Biblioteconomic; director publica釘ie: Ilian Galben; coordonator volum: Irina Botnaru; redactor tiin釘ific: Carolina Dodu-Savca; contribu釘ii bibliografice: Teodora Istrati; consultan釘i tiin釘ifici: Elena Prus, Victor Until. Chiinu: ULIM, 2021. 198 p.: fig., fot. (Colec釘ia 束Universitaria損; Fascicula a 56-a, ISBN 978-9975-101-89-9).
Presentaci坦n del evento creado por Tecnoseguridad.
Por primera vez las marcas de seguridad electr坦nica m叩s prestigiosas a nivel mundial brindar叩n conferencias a las 8 ciudades m叩s importantes del pa鱈s.
El documento describe una salida motera primaveral de un grupo de 11 motociclistas. Se reunieron en una gasolinera y recorrieron varias carreteras catalanas haciendo paradas para comer y beber cerveza. A lo largo del d鱈a se dividieron en grupos m叩s peque単os y tuvieron algunos percances menores con otros veh鱈culos. Al final del d鱈a se despidieron en otra gasolinera despu辿s de haber disfrutado del paisaje y la compa単鱈a durante la excursi坦n.
El documento contiene instrucciones para que varios profesores accedan a sus clases virtuales en la p叩gina Wiziq, incluyendo la direcci坦n URL, nombre de usuario y contrase単a para acceder, as鱈 como enlaces con informaci坦n adicional sobre c坦mo configurar equipos y usar Wiziq en m坦viles.
El documento describe la aplicaci坦n de la carrera profesional a la inspecci坦n de servicios sanitarios en Espa単a. Explica que la ley reconoce al personal de inspecci坦n como personal sanitario y que, por lo tanto, tienen derecho a desarrollarse profesionalmente a trav辿s de una carrera profesional homologada. Se detallan los requisitos legales y propuestas de c坦mo implementar un sistema de carrera profesional para este personal, incluyendo evaluaciones peri坦dicas y posibilidades de progresar entre grados y categor鱈as.
The document discusses DC drive systems using DC-DC converters and AC-DC converters. It covers the block diagrams and operating principles of single-quadrant, two-quadrant, and four-quadrant DC-DC converters in continuous conduction mode. It also discusses current-controlled and voltage-controlled DC drives. The key points are:
1. DC-DC converters can be single-quadrant, two-quadrant, or four-quadrant depending on whether regenerative braking and bidirectional power flow is possible.
2. Current control allows for short-circuit protection and easier speed control loop design compared to voltage control.
3. Hysteresis, carrier-based, and predictive controllers can
This document discusses the power of images to convey information and evoke emotions. It notes that emotional and awe-inspiring images are most likely to be shared on social media. Vivid images that present content in a visual "language" can be understood by all people regardless of factors like literacy or culture. The document then examines a case study of the New York Times selecting a photo to accompany a story about the Somali famine, considering criteria like subject, quality, relevance, effect on audiences, and taste. Commenters debated whether the selected photo sensationalized the crisis or compelled action, and the line between journalism and advocacy.
Sunil Raut has over 20 years of experience in the flexible packaging industry. He currently works as a Manager of Production at Amcor Flexibles Pvt Ltd in Gurgaon, India. Previously, he has held roles such as Technician, Joint Executive Manager, and Manager of Extrusion Lamination. Sunil has expertise in various flexographic printing, lamination, and converting processes. He is skilled at planning production operations, improving quality, reducing costs and waste, and ensuring safety. Sunil holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration.
Victor Until: n cutarea unei cunoateri complexe, sistemice i integrale: ...DIB ULIM
Universitatea Liber Interna釘ional din Moldova, Departamentul Informa釘ional Biblioteconomic; director publica釘ie: Ilian Galben; coordonator volum: Irina Botnaru; redactor tiin釘ific: Carolina Dodu-Savca; contribu釘ii bibliografice: Teodora Istrati; consultan釘i tiin釘ifici: Elena Prus, Victor Until. Chiinu: ULIM, 2021. 198 p.: fig., fot. (Colec釘ia 束Universitaria損; Fascicula a 56-a, ISBN 978-9975-101-89-9).
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