This document summarizes the nonlinear finite element analysis of a silicone rubber gasket conducted using Solidworks Simulation 2015. The analysis used nonlinear material properties and geometric nonlinearity to model the incompressible and bulging behavior of rubber under compression. The model was meshed and subjected to a 0.035 inch displacement in the -Z direction. The results showed a maximum displacement including sliding and buckling, and a maximum stress of 234 psi, which is below the material strength of 700-800 psi. Revision A changed the material to a 70 durometer silicone rubber.
2. Analysis method
Solidworks Simulation 2015
Nonlinear static analysis
Nonlinear material properties
Buckling geometric nonlinearity
Solution is calculated 50 times at
equally spaced steps
3. Incompressibilty
Rubber compounds behave much like
fluids when compressed their volume
essentially remains unchanged leading
to bulging behavior.
Poissons ratio is set at 0.495 very
close to the theoretical maximum of