Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Canoga Park, California
Name: Dora Chavez
Profession: Student/ Hitman
Birth Date: March 27
Height: 163 cm
Weight: ........
Blood Type: A
Family: oooh. Lots.
Hobbies: reading manga, karate, watching asian dramas, listening to k/j-rock/pop, fantasizing -u- , arguing, Dragon Ball Z
Dislikes: Spanglish spoken by native speakers, being ripped off, GLEE -_-, girly stuff, weenies, spiders
Goal: to own an owl, parrot, cockatoo (legal exotic birds), travel the world for a year to taste the food of the world... mmm... fooooood
Summary: Hmm... i may not be the social butterfly, but i'm not a complete shut in either :)